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    Insomnium的新专辑 Anno1996 将于2023年2月24日发行,Niilo为此专辑特地写了一大段小说故事,如果有人想看的话我想开个坑翻译一下
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    【渣翻姬有话说】 众所周知,失眠团一发歌楼主就诈尸还是老规矩,水平有限,欢迎批评建议~欢迎拍砖~~~~ ——————————————————————————————————
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    spotify乐队官方出了个合集 包括了所有失眠的曲目 然后叫 complete
    大川aw 11-27
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    Dooike 9-13
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    【渣翻姬有话说】 楼主学历史的,秃头专业,缓更。 非英语专业,水平有限,欢迎建议~
    雪兔貓 8-17
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    INSOMNIUM LIVE: 2019.10.25 The Circus, Helsinki 2019.10.26 Olympia, Tampere (Ioppuunmyyty) 2019.11.1 Lutakko, Jyväskylä 2019.11.2 Kerubi, Joensuu
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    "Heart Like A Grave" 我心已死 Sound of the waves Song of the woeful wind Beauty of yearning The tune of my heart 海浪之声 凄风之歌 思念之美 我的心曲 For once there was a time When I sat by your side And right before our eyes The world was open wide 还记得那次吗? 我坐在你的身边 我们眼前的东西 就是一整个世界 Days of youth are long since gone Never return to return again But a long slow descent left anymore The waning years of heartache and regret 青春早已一去不返 再也回不来了 在漫长的时光中一切都在离你而去
    362320255 7-22
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    "Mute Is My Sorrow" “沉默就是我的悲伤” How could there be laughter left in these songs How could there be mirth and joy in this world For what am I now anymore But a wretched old bard Weary and torn 这些歌里怎么会有笑声 ? 这世上怎么会有欢乐和欢乐呢 我现在是什么 仅仅是一个可怜的老吟游诗人 疲惫不堪 For all of those dreams have withered and died For all of those hopes have vanished into night No grace in this voice anymore But a wretched old bard Forlorn and torn 因为所有的梦想都枯萎了 ! 因为所有的希望都消
    362320255 7-22
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    "And Bells They Toll" 接着钟声响起 Lonely path across the marshland Leads to a forlorn grey lodge Grey like the misery Empty, abandoned For the lone dweller is now gone 穿过沼泽地的孤寂小路 通向一个荒凉的灰色小屋 空的,遗弃的 像痛苦一样灰暗 因为孤独的居民现在已经走了 Ailment and poverty was her lot Only guest ever the nightly frost that crept inside Brief were the moments of bliss and gladness For on this hoar peatland no joy will live 疾病和贫穷是她的命运 唯一的客人会在夜晚的霜冻中爬起来 幸福快乐的
    362320255 7-12
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    "Neverlast" 没有永远 When you revel and feast 当你享受胜利的喜悦 Bask in victories 在酒桌狂吃的时候 When you ravish the crown 当你索要上帝的奖赏 Claim the godly reward 抢走王冠的时候 Do not forget the lurking crows 坐在绞刑架上时 Sitting on the gallows 别忘了潜伏的乌鸦 Looming against the sky 在天空中若隐若现 Waiting for your demise 等待你的死亡 Soon on the scaffold 很快,你上了刑台 The king will stand 国王,站了起来 For the mirth and glory 只为了快乐和虚荣 Will never last 将永远不会变得
    362320255 7-10
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    Wail of the North 北方呼啸的哀号 Under these cold northen stars 在北方寒冷的恒星下 Songs are filled with sorrow 歌声将充满悲伤 Brief is the time of summer winds 夏季的时风是那样的短暂 Moon is sad as the night 月亮像黑夜一样悲伤 Here the callous frost slowly crawls inside the hearts 在这里,无情的霜冻慢慢地爬进了心里面 Here the winter's breeze will break the purest soul 在这里,冬天的微风会打碎最纯洁的灵魂 Grown on this rimed soil we've learnt to rue and yearn 生长在这片雾冻的土地上,我们学会
    362320255 7-10
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    救救乐队!!! 没想到吧,新冠肺炎让Insomnium Gatherum成真了。 Insomnium和Omnium Gatherum的北美联合巡演仅在首场演出后便宣告取消,乐队现已回到芬兰。由于经济损失惨重,特别推出三款cancelled主题T恤,所有收益都将归乐队所有。单价30欧,预订截止日期3月22日,发货时间4月。 帮帮他们吧。有意向组团的欢迎私我。
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    In the news: New album HEART LIKE A GRAVE / Welcome JANI LIIMATAINEN as official fifth band member On October 4th, 2019, Finnish melodic death metal masters INSOMNIUM are going to release their new album “HEART LIKE A GRAVE” via Century Media Records worldwide. ”The concept of the album is to delve deep into the heart of the Finnish melancholy. We’ve been inspired by some of the bleakest and saddest songs, poems and tales that truly capture the essence of northern gloom. Land where the frost ravages the harvest and creeps inside the souls, summer ends before it even starts, wife leaves
    Mask 9-8
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    【渣翻姬有话说】 事实证明,能让我诈尸的只有失眠团。。。。 历史专业学生,外语垃圾,不喜请喷,欢迎建议~ 话说网易云上那个歌词貌似是空耳,我这个翻译使用原文来自ma。 —————— Valediction 诀别 Insomnium 翻译:雪兔猫 Underneath the blackest soil 于至暗之泥土下 I lay down my warm, beating heart 息我温暖搏动的心脏 And deep beneath the frozen ground 于至深之寒地下 I bury down my deepest thoughts 葬我一生深情与幻想 Because the road I've chosen 只因我所选择之路 Is free of
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    稍微水一下哈,毕竟也算是个大新闻。Megadeth乐队的David Mustaine在脸书上发布了他患上喉癌的消息,已经开始积极配合治疗。祝愿他能战胜病魔,就像很多网友的留言:Cancer doesn’t stand a chance against this guy!
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    Behold! INSOMNIUM announce new album and European headliner tour Spearhead of melodic death metal, the grim harbingers of Finnish melancholy, INSOMNIUM are releasing their 8th studio album worldwide on October 4th 2019 through CENTURY MEDIA. In November the band shall embark on a comprehensive European tour with the support from the US extreme metal kings THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER and Finland’s fiercest quintet STAM1NA. INSOMNIUM camp comments: ”Needless to say, we are really stoked about the new album! With ten songs and over an hour of music we really feel we have something special in our
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    2019.7.20, John Smith Rock Festival @ Peurunka
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    网易云上热心网友上了好多翻译!翻译得挺好的 大家快看看吧 领略一下失眠的文学才华 (虽然有时候格局略显小)
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    这乐队。。。可能我了解不深吧 总给我一种自己活得挺好天天给别人散布悲伤绝望的感觉 所以想问问吧里大佬 你们了解的真正的insomnium生活是怎么样的
    FeeX芾鬼 12-26
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    /笑哭 失眠在国外好多深入的听众 我最近写文章查歌词 发现一个英文网站上好多人分享他们听失眠看歌词的感受 例如“这感觉就仿佛我九岁的时候父亲去世了”“这对于我来说不仅仅是歌词行,这使我想起了五年前的恋人 她的气味她的影像。。。。。。”/笑哭/笑哭
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    花了两天的晚上翻译的,好久没玩贴吧了,来到这个吧发现早就有这张专辑的翻译了。不过还是来献个丑…… 按照自己的理解意译、直译。时间仓促,有疏漏之处还请赐教。
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    哪位大佬有这张专辑的这个版本 求购一张 有的可以挂某宝或者bowbool 我拍

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