关注: 16 贴子: 27

Everything is Comfortably numb.

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  • 2
    袁昆1973 6-20
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    Comfortably numb 惬意地麻木 Hello.Is there anybody in there? 哈喽,还有人在这鬼地方吗? Just nod if you can hear me. 听见就动动吧 Is there a
    靖皓 5-10
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    High hopes 遥不可及的梦想 Pink floyd Beyond the horizon of the place we lived when we were young In a world of magnets and miracles 有一个奇
    Boring丶NPC 12-19
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    Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell, blue skies from pain. 这样, 你断定地狱中必有天堂, 痛苦过后
    Boring丶NPC 12-18
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    Nothing Else Matters So close, no matter how far 如此贴近,距离再不是问题 Couldn't be much more from the heart 即使是天涯海角也不能与心路相
    Boring丶NPC 12-18
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    For millions of years mankind lived just like the animals 几百万年来人不过和其他动物一样 Then something happenend which unleashed the power of our imagination 然后发生了一些事,让我们的想像力迸发而出 We learned to talk 我们学会了说话 There's a silence surrounding me 沉默把我裹了起来 I can't seem to think straight 我不能再这样一直胡思乱想了 I'll sit in the corner 我坐在角落 No one can bother me 与世隔绝 I think I should speak now. (Why won't you talk to me?) 我想我现在应该说话了。(为什么不跟我谈谈?)
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    Overhead the albatross hangs motionless upon the air 仰望星空,游鹜凝滞 And deep beneath the rolling waves in labyrinths of coral caves 暗流
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    hey you, out there in the cold 嘿,你就那样任凭寒风吹打 getting lonely, getting old 形单影只,垂垂老矣 can you feel me? 还感觉得到我吗? hey
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    louder than words 无需多言 We bitch and we fight 我们恶言相向,甚至大打出手 Diss each other on sight 彼此的目光都充满了仇恨 But this thing w
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    Shine on You crazy Diamond 笑你痴狂 Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun. 曾记得年少的你,如太阳般闪耀! Shine on you crazy
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