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    Lost Star-Maroon 5 / 失落繁星-魔力红 / 专辑:V 歌词: Please don*t see 请别眼吧 Just a boy caught up in dreams and fantasies 我只是个男孩总是陷入天马行空的想像 Please see me 请正视我吧 Reaching out for someone I can*t see 即使我无法看见也能对他人伸出援手 Take my hand, let*s see where we wake up tomorrow 牵起我的手,让我们想想明天我们会在哪里醒来 Best laid plans sometimes are just a one night stand 那些我们所想的完美计画有时也只是一夜之间的事 I*ll be damned, Cupid*s demanding back his arrow 我好
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    Sex And Candy-Maroon 5 / 性与糖-魔力红 / 专辑:V Hanging *round downtown by myself 独自在市中心闲逛 And I*ve had so much time to sit and think about myself 我终於有时间坐下静静思考自己 And there she was like double cherry pie 而她就像美味双层樱桃派 Yeah, she was like disco Super Fly 没错,她就是绝代佳人 I smell sex and candy hey 我闻到浓醇性与糖的味道 嘿 Who*s that loungin* in my chair? 是谁慵懒的躺在我的椅子上啊? Who*s that castin* devious stares in my direction? 是谁往我这投向狡黠的眼光啊? Mama, thi
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    Shoot Love-Maroon 5 / 枪毙爱情-魔力红 / 专辑:V 歌词: You gotta let it go 你该放手了 *Cause we*re losing grip now 因为我们已然失去紧抱彼此了不是吗? It*s about to go down 是时候该结束一切了 Would you let me talk to you? 你能让我理性谈话吗? You gotta let me know 你该让我知道 *Cause I*m on the edge now 因为我现在可是被逼到极限了 Of a nervous breakdown 僵持不下即将分崩离析 *Cause I can*t get through to you 因为我实在无法对你释怀啊 I got my hands up screaming 我举双手投降 哀痛哭号 Got my hand
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    Coming Back For You-Maroon 5 / 回到你身边-魔力红 / 专辑:V 歌词: Looking at the same sky that we used to live under 远望我们曾一起生活之下於那片相同的天空 Are you thinking about the love that I took from us? 你会想起那我已带走的我们的爱吗? When you close your eyes 当你闭上双眼 Do you see me love? 你见到我对你的爱了吗? Am I keeping you awake? 我是否还让你保持清醒? Whatcha scared about? 你到底在害怕什麼呢? Are you giving up? 你是否在放弃呢? When you know, you know, you know 但当你知道,你
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    It Was Always You-Maroon 5 / 一直是你-魔力红 /专辑:V 歌词: Woke up sweating from a dream 汗流浃背地从梦中醒来 With a different kind of feeling 有著不同於以往的感受 All day long my heart was beating 我的心一直以来不间段的 Searching for the meaning 寻找著失落的意义 Hazel eyes, I was so colorblind 我那淡褐色的双眼,总是无法看清 We were just wasting time 我们只是在浪费彼此的时间罢了 For my whole life, we never crossed the line 在我这一生,我们从未超出自己本分 Only friends in my mind, but now I realiz
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    Animals-Maroon 5 / 野兽-魔力红 /专辑:V 歌词: Baby I*m preying on you tonight 宝贝 今晚我要猎捕你 Hunt you down eat you alive 掳获你的心 活噬你的生命 Just like animalsAnimals 就像野兽般 Animals 野兽般 Like animals-mals 如同放荡不羁的野兽 Maybe you think that you can hide 或许你认为你能躲开我 I can smell your scent for miles 但我可是能在千里吃外闻到你芬芳的气息 Just like animals 就像野兽般 Animals 野兽般 Like animals-mals 如同放荡不羁的野兽 Baby I*m 宝贝 我是— So what you trying to do to me 所
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    Maps-Maroon 5 / 爱之地图-魔力红 /专辑:V【图片】单曲封面↑ 歌词: I miss the taste of a sweeter life 我怀念过去那段甜美的生活 I miss the conversation 我想念以前的闲话家常 I*m searching for a song tonight 但今晚我正想找首歌 I*m changing all of the stations 替代著被我转换的电台 I like to think that we had it all 我喜欢那时拥有彼此的一切 We drew a map to a better place 一同画下美好的未来蓝图 But on that road I took a fall 但在途中我却踉跄了 Oh baby why did you run away? 宝贝你为何要丢下我呢?
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会员: 南友

目录: 个人贴吧