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《Minstrel Boy 吟游男孩》


      The Minstrel Boy- to the war has gone      in the rank of death- you'll- find him      His father's sword- he has girded on      and his wild harp slung- be-hind him      "Land of Song" said the warrior Bard      "Though all the world betrays- thee,      one sword at least- thy- rights shall guard,      one- faithful harp- shall- praise thee"      The Minstrel fell- but the forman's chain      could not bring his proud- sail- under      The Harp he loved- never spoke again      for he tore it's chords- a-sunder      And said "No chains shall- sully thee,      Thou soul of love and bravery.      Thy songs were made for the pure and the free,      They- shall never sound- in- slavery      中文翻译:      吟诗少年      吟诗少年在战火中离去,      他带着战士的荣耀离去,      父辈的剑依旧挂在他的身上,      他的竖琴依旧和他躺在一起 ,      勇敢的诗人吟唱着祖国,      哪怕全世界都背弃了你,      至少我们的剑永远捍卫你,      吟游少年倒下了,      您忠实的竖琴永远为您而歌唱,      你的灵魂多情而勇敢,      你为了圣洁和自由而歌唱,      歌声永远不会在奴役中响起。 

1楼2011-04-09 09:29回复