普鲁申科吧 关注:5,769贴子:182,301



IP属地:浙江1楼2011-09-16 19:48回复

    IP属地:浙江2楼2011-09-16 19:54
      工作人员:汩汩,@lovplush (由yaya负责主翻,俺负责校对,然后互相再互相交替)
      这是初稿, 欢迎大家吐槽+纠错,目的是保证最后修订稿的准确性和质量。

      IP属地:浙江3楼2011-09-16 19:58
        前三章,@masahi 的日文版已经翻译,故不再重复,链接在此:http://tieba.baidu.com/p/781201823

        IP属地:浙江4楼2011-09-16 20:01
          在巨大的城市里孤身一人 自传第四章(上)
          「热尼亚,那个时候的事情我记得相当的清楚呢」妈妈对我这样说道。 「孙子达莎今年11岁了。我们不会让他想去哪里就去哪里。去小学也是来回接送,也不会让他一个人单独去买面包。可是尽管这样,你在同样的年龄的时候,却已经只身一人去了完全陌生的都市。为什么我作为母亲却让孩子去了呢?」

          IP属地:浙江9楼2011-09-16 20:12

            IP属地:浙江11楼2011-09-16 20:24
              Then I returned to Petersburg and the workdays began. I was training very hard, I did not go out of the ice rink until the new element was ready. I did all my best. I neglected school, but I did not take this to my heart at all.
              Mom began to put order in my life when she came to visit me after half an year. She was terrified. She immediately realized everything.

              IP属地:浙江12楼2011-09-16 20:25
                With trainings there was no problem at all, I never missed them and worked tooth and nail. But when mom arrived at school, matters stayed completely different.
                In Volgograd I was an excellent student : at home they saw to my studies, mom and my elder sister Lena were working with me all the time. And here, left all to myself, I became a malignant quitter。
                - Practically, we don’t see your son, and what is more he is behind the others in all subjects – they told mom.
                - 实际上,我们几乎见不到您的儿子,更有甚者,他在所有科目上都落后于其他学生。-他们这样告诉我妈妈。
                Also mom found out that I began to smoke.

                IP属地:浙江13楼2011-09-16 20:27
                  Generally speaking, I tried to smoke yet in Volgograd, when I was seven. I took father’s cigarettes and closed myself in the toilet. I started coughing terribly. Mom smelled the cigar smoke and heard my coughing, she came and fought with me.
                  An year later I made a second attempt. My parents found out about that too. They asked me to go to them.
                  一年后, 我又尝试了一次。结果又被我父母发现了。他们把我叫到跟前。
                  - With your dad we have decided to buy you good cigarettes – declared mom, - we will sit here and you will smoke the whole package.
                  - 爸爸和我决定给你买包好烟-妈妈告诉我,-我们就坐在这里,你必须把整包烟都抽完。
                  - No, the whole package I will not smoke. I can’t! – I was crying.
                  - 不,我没有办法抽完整包烟。我做不到-我哭了。
                  So I stopped smoking till I arrived in Petersburg. But already here…..How can you not do it, when nobody controls you and the senior sportsmen offer you to smoke with them! When you stay together with the senior ones and smoke with them you feel almost as cool as them.

                  IP属地:浙江14楼2011-09-16 20:28
                    Like a good host I showed mom the metro and the town. She drew her conclusions and was once again terrified : her boy roams where he wants and no body needs him. Mom did not like that at all.
                    She rang dad up :
                    - You know, this is horrible. I will take him back.
                    - 你知道吗,这太可怕了。我要把他带回家。

                    IP属地:浙江15楼2011-09-16 20:29
                      But after all father should not be torn into pieces and once we with mom decided that we should return home. Dad borrowed money and sent it to us. We bought tickets and went to Mishin to say good bye.
                      但是我们不能让爸爸累倒,妈妈和我一度商量决定我们应该回家去。爸爸借了钱寄给我们。我们买好了车票, 然后去找米申告别。
                      - We cannot do any more like that, - said mom,- It is very difficult, we cannot afford it.
                      - 我们不能再这样生活下去了,-妈妈说,—这太困难了,我们负担不起这样的生活。
                      - This is a mistake. Later it will be different. Your son has a great potential and talent, you have to wait. Be patient.
                      - 这是一个错误的决定。很快一切都会改变。您的儿子有巨大的潜力和天赋,您再耐心等等。
                      Alexey Nikolaevich gave us money for products and we stayed.
                      阿列克塞·尼古拉耶维奇给了我们一些钱, 我们留了下来。
                      But after that almost nothing changed. Just the opposite, it became worse.
                      Alexey Nikolaevich needed the flat urgently and we had to move. We rented a tiny room in a kommunalka / communial apartment in a cheap hostel/^, where the people in the other room were drunkards. We paid for it 200 roubles, which was an enormous sum for us.
                      I was nervous and I was not so good any more at trainings.Mom cried ceaselessly.
                      Father supported us like before, he worked almost night and day. Every time we finished money, mom rang him up. I remember even till now her anxious voice:
                      - Vitya, when will you send us money?
                      - 维特,你什么时候给我们送钱来?
                      And father sent us money in an envelope through a conductor.
                      于是爸爸把钱装到信封里, 托一位列车员带给我们。
                      But sometimes it happened that we did not have even a kopejka. We did not dare any more to seek help from Mishin. We felt extremely awkward, he seemed inaccessible, we even feared a little from him at that time.
                      但是有的时候我们身无分文。我们不敢再向米申求助。我们觉得非常地窘迫,他似乎是那样遥不可及, 那个时候我们甚至有点怕他。
                      In the most starving days we collected bottles. Then we lived in the Petrogradsky District, not far from the Palace of Sport “Yubilejny”^. And for a “pray” we went to the Peter and Paul Fortress.

                      IP属地:浙江18楼2011-09-16 20:33
                        - Tatyana Vsiljevna , good morning! How are you?
                        -塔提娅娜 ·瓦西里埃芙娜,早上好!您最近过得怎么样?
                        Mom couldn’t stand it anymore and started crying.
                        - Is it something wrong with Zhenya? – Tatyana Anatoljevna got frightened.
                        - 热尼亚出了什么事吗?- 塔提娅娜 ·阿娜托莉埃芙娜被吓到了。
                        Mom told her how we were living. Menshikova was terrified.
                        - What are you talking about? – She took 200 roubles from her purse.- Take it, please, this is for Zhenya. Feed the boy.
                        - 您在说什么啊?—她从钱包里拿出200卢布。—请收下这些钱,这是给热尼亚的。给这孩子买些吃的。
                        On the other day she gave mom 100 roubles more:
                        - This is from my dad.
                        - 这是我爸爸给您的。
                        Now we had money! I was happy! Now we shall go and buy many things to eat.
                        From starvation I was saved by the sbors^. Alexey Nikolaevich Mishin took me with him and there I was eating – three times a day!
                        When dad had money he could take mother to live with him in Volgograd. When there was no money, she stayed alone in Petersburg. She could not find work, because she had no “propiska”^ /record of place of residence//She had no right to be registered in Petersburg/. So there was for her only tea to drink and bottles to collect…
                        I was aware how hard it was for mom and how hard it was for dad to support himself, Lena and both of us in Peter. It was a very complicated period and it lasted not days, not months, but several years. I am very thankful to my parents that they stood it, did not break up and overcame everything. Our family did not fall apart, but just the opposite – it became stronger and stuck together.
                        我明白这对妈妈来说是多么地困难,也明白爸爸为了养活他自己,姐姐,及生活在彼得堡的我们是需要多么努力地工作。那是一段非常困难的时期,这并不是几天, 也不是几个月的事,而是会持续好几年的事。我非常感谢我的父母忍受了这一切, 没有因此而分离,并克服了一切苦难。我的家庭没有因此而崩溃,正相反—它变得更加团结融洽。
                        One morning I could not stand up from bed.
                        I was 13, I started growing up. My skeleton was not fully formed yet, but the loading was increased every day.
                        那时候我13岁, 开始发育。我的骨骼没有完全发育好,但是身体的负荷却天天在增长。

                        IP属地:浙江20楼2011-09-16 20:34
                          In order to win the competitions I worked tooth and nail : three trainings a day, at which I was doing more than 150 jumps, besides everyday general physical training and choreography.
                          为了赢得比赛,我训练得非常刻苦:一天三次训练,做超过150次以上的跳跃, 除了跳跃外,还有一般的日常体能训练和舞蹈训练。
                          I had sprains, ruptures, awful pain in the back. Peculiarly sharp pains tortured me in the morning. When I woke up I slowly crept out of bed and by effort slowly stood myself up. It lasted for several weeks. Till I broke down completely.
                          With mom we went to see the doctor. I was diagnosed with “compression of the sciatic nerve”. The reason for it was the most commonplace one – the growing organism could not stand the severe loading. They restore me with the most simple methods – stuck me with anaesthetics to block the pain and I could go out on the ice again.
                          There was no normal treatment, nobody had ever heard of rehabilitation yet. I had to relax, to swim in the pool, but no body cared about that. In general they did not thought then about restoration at all. Everybody was only interested of the result – to win at the international competitions at any cost. And what was this victory paid with, knew only the sportsman, his family and the coach. Neither the federation, nor the club of the sportsman cared about that.
                          Then I did not realize, that my sporting career could suddenly end, that one of those days I might not be able to stand up from bed. I could have turnd from a perspective sportsman, who won medals for his country, into an invalid.
                          那个时候我并没有意识到我的运动生涯有可能就这样突然结束,可能有一天, 我再也无法从床上爬起来。我有可能从一个前途无量、可以为国争光的运动员变成一个毫无价值的残废。
                          When I was 13-14 years old, I did not think about that yet. I only knew that I had to work much and not to think about anything else, not to care about anything else.
                          当我13、14岁的时候,我没有想到过这些。我只知道我必须努力训练,不去想其他任何事, 也不关心其他事。

                          IP属地:浙江21楼2011-09-16 20:36
                            And all this time mom took care of me. It was she that did not allow them sometimes to stick me, she made me massages herself, let her exhausted from overloading boy come round. And for this I am very grateful to her.

                            IP属地:浙江22楼2011-09-16 20:36

                              IP属地:浙江23楼2011-09-16 20:37