pokryshkin吧 关注:98贴子:9,219
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Whenever I see them ride on high
Gleaming and proud in the morning sky
Or lying awake in bed at night
I hear them pass on their outward flight
I feel the mass of metal and guns
Delicate instruments, deadweight tons
Awkward, slow, bomb racks full
Straining away from downward pull
Straining away from home and base
And try to see the pilot's face
I imagine a boy who's just left school
On whose quick-learned skill and courage cool
Depend the lives of the men in his crew
And success of the job they have to do.
And something happens to me inside
That is deeper than grief, greater than pride
And though there is nothing I can say
I always look up as they go their way
And care and pray for every one,
And steel my heart to say,
"Thy will be done."
� Sarah Churchill, daughter of Sir Winston.

1楼2011-09-17 21:33回复
    I sweep the skies with fire and steel
    My highway is the cloud
    I swoop, I soar, aloft I wheel
    My engine laughing loud
    I fight with gleaming blades the wind
    That dares dispute my path
    I leave the howling storm behind
    I ride upon it's wrath.
    I laugh to see your tiny world
    Your toys of ships, your cars
    I rove an endless road unfurled
    Where the mile stones are the stars
    And far below, men wait and peer
    For what my coming brings
    I fill their quaking hearts with fear
    For death...is in my wings.
    � Gordon Boshell, written after watching Battle of Britain dogfights from the streets of London.

    2楼2011-09-17 23:20

      IP属地:河北来自手机贴吧4楼2012-09-10 12:17
        On 31 January 1945 the combat units of the Luftwaffe and their associated Erganzungs Einheiten, had the following strength in Bf109 types. These are on hand totals, they include both 'frontline' and 'other' units. Included are all aircraft operational and non-operational at the time. (combat/Erganzungs):
        Bf109G1/5 (0/1)
        Bf109G12 (0/5)
        Bf109G6 (71/328)
        Bf109G14 and G14U4 (431/190)
        Bf109G10, G10/U4 and G14/AS (568/3)
        Bf109K4 (314/0)
        Bf109G10/R6 (51/0)
        Total (1435/527)
        Other Jagd types totaled (1058/359)
        Schlacht types totaled (680/375)
        Nachtschlacht types totaled (422/95)
        Zerstorer types totaled (42/0)
        Nachtjagd types totaled (1241, no breakdown between the two)
        Kampf types totaled (543/158)
        Nahaufklarer totaled (407/27)
        Fernaufklarer totaled (195/81)
        See types totaled (78/17)
        Transport types totaled (496/9)
        Grand total (6597/1631)

        8楼2013-04-14 23:30