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【英语学习】Weekly address of US President(字幕)


Weekly address of US President Barack Obama

IP属地:浙江1楼2012-07-02 16:38回复

    原文标题:Weekly Address: On Thanksgiving, Grateful for the Men and Women Who Defend Our Country
    内容提要:November 24, 2011 WASHINGTON—In this week’s address, President Obama wished the American people a happy Thanksgiving, giving a special thanks to the brave men and women serving overseas and those giving back at shelters and soup kitchens in their communities during the holidays. Those who celebrated the first Thanksgiving persevered by drawing strength from each other, and today we once again come together in that spirit of unity to overcome our challenges, remaining thankful for our freedom and the blessings of family, community, and country.

    IP属地:浙江2楼2012-07-02 16:40

      原文标题:Weekly Address: Extending and Expanding the Payroll Tax Cut
      内容提要:December 3, 2011 WASHINGTON — In this week’s address, President Obama told the American people that although the United States has created private sector jobs for the past 21 months in a row, that is not enough for struggling Americans. We must continue growing the economy by passing the payroll tax cut, which will give the middle class a tax cut of $1,500 and provide small businesses more money to hire workers by cutting their payroll taxes in half. The President urges all Americans to tell Congress not to raise taxes during the holidays and act in the best interests of middle class families and pass the tax cuts now.

      IP属地:浙江3楼2012-07-02 16:42

        原文标题:Weekly Address: Ensuring a Fair Shot for the Middle Class
        内容提要:December 10, 2011 WASHINGTON — In this week’s address, President Obama told the American people that the United States succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, does their fair share, and engages in fair play. This is why the President nominated Richard Cordray to lead a new consumer-watchdog agency designed to protect families from being taken advantage of, but Republicans in Congress have blocked the nomination. They have also stood in the way of a balanced plan to extend the payroll tax cut for working families – and the President made clear he believes that elected officials should not go home for the holidays until they’ve done what is right for the American people and for the economy by extending this tax cut.

        IP属地:浙江4楼2012-07-02 16:44

          原文标题:Weekly Address: Honoring Those Who Served in Iraq, as the War Comes to An End
          内容提要:December 17, 2011 WASHINGTON— In this week’s address, President Obama expressed the gratitude of the entire nation to the brave men and women who have served in the war in Iraq, and welcomed our troops home as we mark the official end to the war. This historic achievement would not be possible without the skill and dedication of the men and women of the United States Armed Forces. They prove every day that when we come together, there is nothing we cannot do. Now it’s time to follow their example, put aside partisanship, and rebuild our economy so that every American who wants to work can find a job, and everyone has the opportunity to make it if they try.

          IP属地:浙江5楼2012-07-02 16:46

            原文标题:Weekly Address: Working Together in the New Year to Move America Forward
            内容提要:December 31, 2011 WASHINGTON — In his weekly address, President Obama told the American people that although there will be tough debates to come in the new year, by joining together, we can continue to help grow the economy and create jobs across the country. President Obama will keep working to ensure that everyone has a fair shot and does their fair share, and as we enter into 2012, all Americans should remind Washington of what is at stake for the middle class. By adding their voices to the debate, Americans have already proven that they can make a difference, and in the new year, we can continue to work together to put the country first and help every American find the opportunities they deserve.

            IP属地:浙江6楼2012-07-02 16:49

              原文标题:Weekly Address: Continuing to Grow the Economy in the New Year
              内容提要:January 07, 2012 WASHINGTON, DC—In this week’s address, President Obama shared his New Year’s resolution with the American people: to do whatever it takes to move the economy forward and make sure that middle class families regain the security they’ve lost in the last decade. This is why the President appointed Richard Cordray this week to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to protect American consumers. And while we learned that the United States economy continues to add private sector jobs – with over 1.9 million created in 2011 – more needs to be done to move the economy forward. The President will also announce in this week’s address that he will host an “Insourcing American Jobs” forum at the White House on Wednesday to hear from business leaders who are bringing jobs back home and see how we can get others to follow their lead.

              IP属地:浙江7楼2012-07-02 16:50

                原文标题:Weekly Address: Helping American Businesses Succeed
                内容提要:January 14, 2012 WASHINGTON, DC— In his weekly address, President Obama told the American people about companies that are “insourcing” – choosing to bring jobs back and make additional investments in the United States. To help with this, the President invited business leaders who are insourcing jobs to a White House forum this week to see how others can follow their example. The President is committed to assisting businesses bring jobs back to this country, and will soon announce tax proposals that reward companies that invest in America and eliminate tax breaks for companies that move jobs overseas. He has also put forward a proposal to streamline government to make it easier for businesses large and small to get support in selling their products at home and around the world. The President will continue taking action every day to grow the economy and help more Americans find jobs.

                IP属地:浙江8楼2012-07-02 16:52

                  原文标题:Weekly Address: Creating Jobs by Boosting Tourism
                  内容提要:January 21, 2012 WASHINGTON, DC— In this week’s address, President Obama told the American people about steps his Administration is taking to make it easier for travelers to visit the United States, because increasing tourism will help local economies and support businesses looking to expand and hire. This plan to boost tourism is part of a series of actions the President has taken without Congress, because we can’t wait any longer to take the steps we need to help grow the economy and create jobs. President Obama also said that in next week’s State of the Union Address, he will outline his blueprint for how our elected leaders and all Americans can work together to create an economy that is built to last.

                  IP属地:浙江9楼2012-07-02 16:54

                    原文标题:Weekly Address: President's Blueprint Includes Renewal of American Values
                    内容提要:January 28, 2012 WASHINGTON, DC— In his weekly address, President Obama discusses the blueprint he put forward this week in the State of the Union Address for creating an economy built to last. After focusing on American manufacturing, American energy, and skills for American workers during each of the last three days, he used his weekly address to highlight his commitment to a renewal of American values. The President is challenging leaders in Washington, DC to follow the model set by our men and women in the military, end the gridlock and start tackling the issues that matter – without regard for personal ambition.

                    IP属地:浙江10楼2012-07-02 16:55

                      原文标题:Weekly Address: It's Time for Congress to Act to Help Responsible Homeowners
                      内容提要:February 4, 2012 WASHINGTON, DC— In this week’s address, President Obama continued his call for a return to American values, including fairness and equality, as part of his blueprint for an economy built to last. This is why the President is sending Congress his plan to give responsible homeowners the chance to save thousands of dollars on their mortgages by refinancing at historically low rates without adding a cent to the deficit. The housing crisis has been the single largest drag on the recovery, and although the Administration’s actions have helped responsible homeowners refinance their mortgages and stay in their homes, Congress must act now to do more to continue assisting homeowners and the economy. President Obama asks all Americans to tell their elected officials to pass this plan to keep more families in their homes and more neighborhoods thriving and whole.

                      IP属地:浙江11楼2012-07-02 16:57

                        原文标题:Weekly Address: Extending the Payroll Tax Cut for the Middle Class
                        内容提要:February 11, 2012 WASHINGTON, DC—In this week’s address, President Obama urged Congress to quickly pass the payroll tax cut extension to prevent a tax hike on 160 million hardworking Americans who are still recovering from the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. This is not the time for a self-inflicted wound on the recovery or placing an added burden on middle class families, so Democrats and Republicans must pass this commonsense tax cut without drama or delay. We overcame the same standoff over the payroll tax cut extension in December with the help of the American people, and President Obama once again calls on all Americans to tell their elected leaders to do their jobs, put aside partisanship, and extend this tax cut for the middle class.

                        IP属地:浙江12楼2012-07-02 16:58

                          原文标题:Weekly Address: Continuing to Strengthen American Manufacturing
                          内容提要:February 11, 2012 WASHINGTON, DC—In this week’s address, President Obama spoke to the American people from the Boeing Plant in Everett, Washington about our efforts to strengthen American manufacturing and job creation here in the United States. He described how we can support businesses like Boeing, which is hiring thousands of Americans across the country, through steps like removing tax breaks for companies that send jobs overseas and giving them to companies that create jobs at home. The President is committed to continue assisting businesses in selling their products around the world, and the United States is on track to meet President Obama’s goal of doubling exports within five years. The President believes that by boosting American manufacturing and supporting our job creators, we can create an economy that’s built to last.

                          IP属地:浙江13楼2012-07-02 16:59

                            原文标题:Weekly Address: An All-Of-The-Above Approach to American Energy
                            内容提要:February 25, 2012 WASHINGTON, DC—In this week’s address, President Obama spoke to the American people about the importance of taking an all-of-the-above approach to addressing our nation’s energy challenges. With only 2% of the world’s oil reserves, we cannot simply drill our way to lower gas prices, as some in Washington have suggested. Americans understand that we must have a long-term strategy that uses every available source of energy—including oil, gas, wind, solar, nuclear, biofuels, and more. We also cannot fail to recognize the important role that increasing the efficiency of our cars and trucks can play in both reducing our dependence on oil and saving consumers money at the pump. Finally, at a time when oil companies are making record profits and American families are paying record prices, we must end, once and for all, the $4 billion a year in tax breaks oil companies receive. There are no quick fixes to this problem, but together we can make a serious effort to overcome our energy challenges and help create American jobs.

                            IP属地:浙江14楼2012-07-02 17:01

                              原文标题:Weekly Address: Taking Control of Our Energy Future
                              内容提要:March 3, 2012 WASHINGTON, DC—In this week’s address, President Obama told the American people that three years after helping the auto industry save more than one million jobs, the American auto industry is back and creating cars that are even better than before. The entire industry has added more than 200,000 jobs in the past two and a half years, and thanks to the Administration’s new fuel efficiency standards, these companies are making cars that will save families money at the pump and help reduce our reliance on foreign oil. While this will help, there is no silver bullet for solving the problem of higher gas prices, and Americans understand that with only 2% of the world’s oil reserves, we cannot simply drill our way to lower gas prices. Under President Obama, our use of clean, renewable energy has nearly doubled, but we must also end the $4 billion in tax breaks that oil companies receive each year while collecting record profits. The President asks everyone to tell their elected officials to stop this corporate welfare and fight for a clean energy future that is within our reach.

                              IP属地:浙江15楼2012-07-02 17:02