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【原创】The Colours in Our Shadows (Fantasy 玄幻风)


偶新人小梦 多多指教~~~~~

1楼2012-11-06 23:38回复

    No one understands why poor old Blair has been acting so strange over the years.
    To be precise, no one understands Blair's stated reasons for her deliberate strange actions over the years.
    No one except me, of course. Maybe she’s feeling not wanted by others, now, she’s no more but a paranoid, living alone in her – house. She calls it a house. I call it a jungle.
    Once you see it you’d know I’d make a good writer, because I’m so good at describing things. But this happens only when you actually see the house. Yet I do doubt that.
    People in Greentown are very used to spotting houses hidden in trees. This is because there are trees everywhere in the town and you couldn’t possibly find your home if you do not practise such a skill. Yet even the dude with the finest skill in our town fails to spot Blair’s house.
    Her house was covered in trees, shrubs, climbers, flowers, and all sorts of plants you can think of. You can never see the gates, the walls, the front door, the back door and the windows, as they are perfectly covered by patches of messy greeneries.
    “How on earth can trees grow on such a small land?” you ask. Good question. Ha. Blair planted the greens all by herself. Surprised? I said she was insane. And this is not the craziest part. I can swear to God Almighty that I once saw her talking to the cactuses in her backyard.
    You might think I dislike her. And that’s when you get the wrong idea. She’s actually an old friend of mine. And fifty years ago was the day when we first met. That’s the day when I asked her to be my girlfriend. No stares, please. Everybody did the same in the old days.
    Okay, back to the present. As an old friend of hers I usually visit her once a week. Often on Sundays. Every time I paid her a visit, she asked the same question.
    “Do you remember well the day when all things in our lives started to change?”
    “Yes” was always my answer.
    Everything started on the day when I first met Blair, when she agreed to be my girlfriend.We spent the day enjoying ourselves with mud and dung. We ran into neighbouring pig trenches and stained ourselves brown. And then we collected cow dung to give Joe and Ben a nice hit.
    These were typical hang-outs enjoyed by pairs in the old days. Mind you, that “pairs” referred not only to couples, but friends as well.
    As a matter of fact, I couldn’t see any differences between a pair of couples and a pair of friends back in those days. The reasons for us to keep girlfriends and boyfriends were only about showing off to others, which helped you fit into the kids.
    To fit in you’d also have to be aware of another thing.
    In the old days kids did not worry about their future. Seriously, if you dared to think about your future you’d become the next Joe or Ben.
    Anyway, kids at that time enjoyed every single day. They did not worry over stuffs. To speak the truth, they did not even use their brains. Curiously, we were proud to be one of those kids.

    2楼2012-11-06 23:38

      9楼2012-11-07 21:30

        来自iPhone客户端10楼2013-10-23 18:47
          But I see no picture. What I see were chaos.The Magicians and the Authority have been killing each other for something they didn’t know if it was true.
          The Magicians believed that the election was corrupted. So, some of them went on killing the non-Magic members ofthe Assembly.
          The Authority believed the election to be perfect and wanted revenge for the massive murdering of the non-Magic members of the Assembly. Soit passed the motion of killing all Magicians, no matter if they were relatedto the massive murdering.
          No court had ever judged on the issue to tell us what really did happened.
          That was simply a war on beliefs, a war on religions, a war on identities.
          Or simply, a war on nothing.
          The Magicians were overwhelmed by their identity, so as the Authority.
          They gave meaningless or even harmful accusations to prove their own beliefs correct, without recognizing the fact that even if they succeeded, they had done it merely with force. And force, was not going to change the identities of others, which were self-portrayed.
          It was even more curious that none of the Magicians and the members of the Authority recognized the importance of having multiple identities in a society. None of them seemed to know that without multiple identities, no society couldget itself developed as everybody was doing the same thing.
          Oh God.
          Even the dumbest kid in the worlds would recognize the existence of division of labourin completing a tiny group project.
          Even Blair and I recognized that we couldn’t help developing our own identities and minds though we came from the identity-and-mind-less Greentown.
          How could the adults have possibly missed existence of multiple identities in completing a home, a society, a country, a world?
          One of them was even enjoying brain curds and laughing like a lunatic.
          Absolute mess.
          Absolute chaos.
          That night, we used Liana’s map and came back to Greentown, determined to leave thechaos and take nothing back, except for the map (of course), and our own minds and identities.
          Blai rwas a persistent girl. She insisted on keeping her own style for nearly fifty years. She has never given up even though she’s become a paranoid.
          It’s good that she’s now enjoying herself with her greeneries.
          I’m not determined enough. Through out the years of interacting with identity-less people I’ve already given up showing my true self to others. But it seems that my true self was also fading out in recent years.
          I have been keeping the habit of visiting Blair once a week for fifty years. Every time I completed my visit, I would sit by the side of a small pond behind Blair’s jungle and look at my reflection.
          Fifty years ago the reflection was crystal clear, showing my dark hair, thick eyebrows, brown eyes, small nose, and thin lips.
          Today the pond is still crystal clear as before, but my reflection is blurred.
          Blurred as that in my mind.

          18楼2013-12-14 00:38

            19楼2013-12-14 00:41

              IP属地:福建20楼2013-12-15 15:08
                This is a wonderful noval !

                来自Android客户端21楼2013-12-15 21:19