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来自手机贴吧1楼2013-01-24 10:05回复
    Week of Jan. 23-29, 2013
    This Week: The full moon in fun-loving Leo will arrive Jan. 26-27 like a breath of fresh air. This will invoke a very playful attitude, and those around us will become more upbeat. Take this opportunity to socialize, even though you may have to motivate yourself at first to actually jump in and participate. The energy of this full moon will provide us that hidden boost we’ve all been searching for. This is also a good time to begin an exercise or diet plan that you haven’t found the energy to initiate. The highly-charged energy of this lunar influence will reward you with emotional bliss.
    Aries (March 21 to April 19) — Romantic aspects may start out puzzling at the beginning of the week, but then, as the week progresses, it begins to pick up momentum. Finally, the object of your affection begins to clarify what their long-term goals are with you. You will finally learn the art of patience. Anything that has any value in life has certainly been worth the wait. Finances begin to shine by the end of the month.
    Taurus (April 20 to May 20) — Travel may be on your agenda shortly, or a possible new fit with your geographic location. These will be some exciting times as the months progress, and finally you begin to feel as though you are at home. Romance that has been on the back burner will begin to heat up again. A love from your past may be haunting you now as well. Remember, they are in your past for a reason.
    Gemini (May 21 to June 20) — Long-awaited news arrives this week from the past. This is a positive time to resolve a long-standing issue. Midweek allows you the time to get out and about. You’re able to network as well as socialize with those of like mind. Humor may have been missing from the mix as of late. This is the key to your emotional well-being.
    Cancer (June 21 to July 22) — An unexpected gift will arrive shortly, making you feel like a million bucks. This aspect can bring an emotional reaction out of you that may be unexpected. Allow your feelings to flow naturally — relief is on the way. By week’s end, you are able to get to the bottom of a relationship challenge in the best possible light.
    Leo (July 23 to Aug. 22) — Be very conscious of how you are treating others. Frustrations may be mounting in the workforce or with added responsibilities from an elderly family member. Try not to take this out on a loved one. They may be spread thin and could lash out unexpectedly. The damage could be irreconcilable, and regrets could follow.
    Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) — The health or emotional well-being of a female could be weighing heavily on your mind this week. Try not to allow this to affect your physical body, if you can help it. Your intuition will guide you through this process with ease. A document you have been waiting for will arrive soon. This is way more than you expected.
    Libra (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) — The fear of failure may be creating some turmoil for you or a loved one this week. Make sure you are purposely seeing the cup half full. You have the ability to draw strength from unexpected sources, like a well that never runs dry. Take a night out on the town to relieve some pressure. Connecting with friends and family is key this week.
    Scorpio (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) — Try not to take the behavior of another personally. A withdrawn individual may need some time to process out something stirring deep within them. When they emerge with an answer, you will be the first to know. Until then, move wide of this aspect and go to other sources for refreshment. There are plenty of wells from which to draw.
    Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) — A change in your appearance will help you feel better about yourself. You’re feeling really “cooped up” this week. Get out and exercise, or go to a movie. You’re searching for a distraction, so pick a healthy one. A message from an Aries, Leo or Sagittarius woman could put you on the edge of your seat. Wait until you hear the rest of the story before you fly off the handle. Legal matters begin to come to a close with financial gain in the mix.
    Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) — Pay close attention to the elements around you. Someone may not be acting like themselves and could even be self-destructive. Don’t underestimate this situation under any circumstance. Utilize your intuition to the fullest power this week, and act accordingly. You won’t regret it.
    Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) — You are in a very powerful position to make a difference in someone else’s life. Make absolutely sure this is a positive influence. Everything you send out will come back to you in full form. You deserve to be blessed as much as the next person does. Maybe this is a test to see how you handle a specific karmic task. Choose your words ever so carefully at this time so they do not come back to haunt you.
    Pisces (Feb. 19 to March 20) — You have been experiencing an “uneasiness” that you can’t put your finger on at this time. You

    来自Android客户端2楼2013-01-24 10:07

      来自手机贴吧3楼2013-01-24 10:14
        不推了 到家了 冷的直哆嗦

        IP属地:北京来自手机贴吧4楼2013-01-24 10:15
          Week of Jan. 23-29, 2013
          This Week: The full moon in fun-loving Leo will arrive Jan. 26-27 like a breath of fresh air. This will invoke a very playful attitude, and those around us will become more upbeat. Take this opportunity to socialize, even though you may have to motivate yourself at first to actually jump in and participate. The energy of this full moon will provide us that hidden boost we’ve all been searching for. This is also a good time to begin an exercise or diet plan that you haven’t found the energy to initiate. The highly-charged energy of this lunar influence will reward you with emotional bliss.
          Aries (March 21 to April 19) — Romantic aspects may start out puzzling at the beginning of the week, but then, as the week progresses, it begins to pick up momentum. Finally, the object of your affection begins to clarify what their long-term goals are with you. You will finally learn the art of patience. Anything that has any value in life has certainly been worth the wait. Finances begin to shine by the end of the month.
          Taurus (April 20 to May 20) — Travel may be on your agenda shortly, or a possible new fit with your geographic location. These will be some exciting times as the months progress, and finally you begin to feel as though you are at home. Romance that has been on the back burner will begin to heat up again. A love from your past may be haunting you now as well. Remember, they are in your past for a reason.
          Gemini (May 21 to June 20) — Long-awaited news arrives this week from the past. This is a positive time to resolve a long-standing issue. Midweek allows you the time to get out and about. You’re able to network as well as socialize with those of like mind. Humor may have been missing from the mix as of late. This is the key to your emotional well-being.
          Cancer (June 21 to July 22) — An unexpected gift will arrive shortly, making you feel like a million bucks. This aspect can bring an emotional reaction out of you that may be unexpected. Allow your feelings to flow naturally — relief is on the way. By week’s end, you are able to get to the bottom of a relationship challenge in the best possible light.
          Leo (July 23 to Aug. 22) — Be very conscious of how you are treating others. Frustrations may be mounting in the workforce or with added responsibilities from an elderly family member. Try not to take this out on a loved one. They may be spread thin and could lash out unexpectedly. The damage could be irreconcilable, and regrets could follow.
          Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) — The health or emotional well-being of a female could be weighing heavily on your mind this week. Try not to allow this to affect your physical body, if you can help it. Your intuition will guide you through this process with ease. A document you have been waiting for will arrive soon. This is way more than you expected.
          Libra (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) — The fear of failure may be creating some turmoil for you or a loved one this week. Make sure you are purposely seeing the cup half full. You have the ability to draw strength from unexpected sources, like a well that never runs dry. Take a night out on the town to relieve some pressure. Connecting with friends and family is key this week.
          Scorpio (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) — Try not to take the behavior of another personally. A withdrawn individual may need some time to process out something stirring deep within them. When they emerge with an answer, you will be the first to know. Until then, move wide of this aspect and go to other sources for refreshment. There are plenty of wells from which to draw.
          Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) — A change in your appearance will help you feel better about yourself. You’re feeling really “cooped up” this week. Get out and exercise, or go to a movie. You’re searching for a distraction, so pick a healthy one. A message from an Aries, Leo or Sagittarius woman could put you on the edge of your seat. Wait until you hear the rest of the story before you fly off the handle. Legal matters begin to come to a close with financial gain in the mix.
          Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) — Pay close attention to the elements around you. Someone may not be acting like themselves and could even be self-destructive. Don’t underestimate this situation under any circumstance. Utilize your intuition to the fullest power this week, and act accordingly. You won’t regret it.
          Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) — You are in a very powerful position to make a difference in someone else’s life. Make absolutely sure this is a positive influence. Everything you send out will come back to you in full form. You deserve to be blessed as much as the next person does. Maybe this is a test to see how you handle a specific karmic task. Choose your words ever so carefully at this time so they do not come back to haunt you.
          Pisces (Feb. 19 to March 20) — You have been experiencing an “uneasiness” that you can’t put your finger on at this time. You 我能翻译出来

          5楼2013-01-24 13:06