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<Z2的回复> 我至Z2的邮件以及Z2的神速回复


顺祭卡多 目测无奶过哨兵无力

1楼2013-04-21 05:39回复


    2楼2013-04-21 05:40

      3楼2013-04-21 05:40

        IP属地:湖北4楼2013-04-21 05:44
          Hello Z2live,
          This is an email from a player of Battle Nations. Have to say, I played the wonderful game for about 7 months and I love the game so far.
          Yesterday, Battle Nations 2.85 was coming!! I'm so excited and update the game ASAP. A lot of BUGs were been fixed and I appreciate it.
          But also, I have some questions and suggestions for game.
          First, last version-2.8 limited all the players can only send 3 wimps to the PVP and PVE. And Z2 said it's for the balance of the game. I think it's not balanced at all! The PV of the R6 wimps is 44, really high, so if I send 7 wimps to PVP, I might need fight with mega tanks! So most people would send 1 or 2 wimps to PVP. So I can't understand why do you have a limit. And the wimps PV become higher and higher. If I don't have money to purchase the nanopod, And if I update my wimps to Rank 6, It's a good arms to PVP and PVE. But now, wimps are afraid of fire and PV is higher and higher. It's so unfair for the players that don't have nanopod, how can they beat a salamander!!!! Also, PVE is harder now!! For PVE, wimps are very good units. I don't want to fix a bunch tanks with huge price!! Why we can't use More than 3 wimps?And I know that, you already know player use wimps to occupy their friends, and the friends kill the wimps in order to get exp. The reason why the players doing it, because the exp. from raptor and boars are not enough!!! I believe that if you try update mega tank from rank 1 to rank 6 by only kill the raptors and boars, you will die!!You created wimps, and now you are changing wimps!! We spend day and night to update wimps. But now it changed!! And you didn't applogize for any players who spent a lot time.
          Second, I don't care you weaken the chucker and lighting dragoon!! But why do you weaken the Big Game Hunter and the Special Agent!! They are not cheap, I spend a lot of money on it because I think they were working well, but now they are not worth 70 or 80 nanopods!! But Z2 also didn't apologize and didn't pay us back for the value that the units loose!! Damn it!! I spent a lot money to buy some incompetent soldiers!! Z2 is a big company, but Z2 did not responsible for his users!!
          Third, Please tell the new players how to get bars and gears, and tell them how to occupy. Also, let they know why occupy the mine is harmful for the other player. If they can understand the game better, Z2 won't lose more players!!
          In the end, I know Z2 fix the BUG that players can fold buildings together. I don't care you fix the BUG, I know you want to sell more nanopod. But, my point is, in the game, the gold we need and and the gold we get, is not match! But you don't want us occupy any thing to get gold. How can we survive? Also the exp. we need and the exp. you give us is not match. Exp. we get are not enough! And now, we lost "occupy" and "wimps" to get exp. and gold.And the bug is a mistake you made, but you did't apologize to your players. You even didn't tell them
          My goal is not want you put the BUG back. I love the game so I don't want to lose more friends in the game. A lot of players, they stop playing because of the "3 wimps limit" and "no folding". And the new player don't know any thing about the game. So they just play for a minute and stop. My goal is, I want Z2 have more improve on Battle Nations and have more interesting activity for the players. NOT PAY MONEY AND GET BETTER. All the players' goal is enjoy the game, there goal is not feed Z2live. And be more focus on one game!! Have to say Nitro is a good game. But it's not as fun as Battle nations!! Battle Nations can help you make more money so please don't give up! Be focus! I don't want the game die.
          Hope Z2 will make the game better and better!!Also hope 8 wimps come back in the next version…(5 wimps is also good…better than 3...) By the way…the new boss is too hard to kill !!
          Oliver FengApril 19, 2013

          5楼2013-04-21 05:46
            Hi Oliver,
            I’m very glad to hear that you’ve been enjoying our game so far and I will try my best to answer each of your concerns.
            1. Wimp limitation was implemented due to players utilizing them as easy SP farms which was something they weren’t intended for. In addition, it needed some sort of balancing as its prevalence as the best option was throwing the game’s balance off. At the same time, we didn’t want to limit its effectiveness so we simply limited how many players could use at one time. We understand that this was an unpopular change for some players, but it is one we hope that will help diversify the game in the long run.
            2. Once again, I understand your frustration with these changes, but when these units went out, they did so with unintended stats. These alterations are completely our fault and we apologize for setting the wrong expectation from the very beginning. We are doing our best to ensure that we do not set a false precedent for our players.
            3. We are looking into making these systems more transparent so that our players won’t get lost as they play the game. A recent example of this is the revamped tutorial we made a few updates ago.
            4. Stacking is not an intended aspect of the game. Because it allowed for unfair advantages and could potentially harm a player’s data, we felt the need to patch it.
            5. The Ancient Sentinel is designed to be a difficult boss and is completely optional. It has a few weaknesses and we encourage players to discover these on their own.
            If there’s anything else I can do for you, please let me know and thank you for playing.
            Please, rate my message here:
            Z2Live Support
            Check out Nitro, the newest game from Z2!

            6楼2013-04-21 05:47

              IP属地:上海来自Android客户端7楼2013-04-21 07:03

                IP属地:英国来自Android客户端8楼2013-04-21 07:05
                  之后,对于一些因“bug”而修改的单位(特别探员和另外一个,不知道big game hunter是啥,乌鸦?)造成的不满,z2 深表歉意,这些“意想不到”的数据问题是z2的责任。(就是不提占领收益问题有所顾虑么?)

                  IP属地:英国来自Android客户端9楼2013-04-21 07:19
                    没有高级巨坦,Ancient Sentinel的那几个所谓的弱点可以无视了。

                    IP属地:上海10楼2013-04-21 08:49

                      IP属地:上海来自Android客户端11楼2013-04-21 08:57

                        IP属地:广东13楼2013-04-21 09:14

                          IP属地:江苏来自iPad14楼2013-04-21 09:39

                            IP属地:浙江15楼2013-04-21 10:05