福华吧 关注:131,136贴子:1,187,473




通过百度相册上传1楼2013-06-17 16:32回复
    1.歇洛克·福尔摩斯 Шерлок Холмс(2013)
      这部剧集是俄罗斯历史上预算最高的电视剧,包括8个故事,每个故事分为2集,总共16集(和前苏联版《血字》、《猎犬》类似,一个故事分为上下集),制片方表示他们还将拍摄以前从来没有搬上过银幕的故事。新版导演是安德烈•卡文(Andrey Kavun),福尔摩斯由伊戈尔•彼得连科(Igor Petrenko)饰演,华生由安德烈•帕宁(Andrei Panin)饰演。 艾琳•艾德勒这个角色的戏份将会扩展,她和福尔摩斯的关系会成为故事的主线之一。新版会在忠于原著故事动机的基础上进行再创造。原著中其他重要的人物如莫里亚蒂教授和迈克罗夫特都会登场。
      据介绍,与其他福尔摩斯影视作品中不同的是,这部电视剧中的福尔摩斯比华生年龄小整整15岁,福尔摩斯基本只抽香烟而不用烟斗,剧中华生爱上了哈德森太太,而梅丽莫斯坦只是他的想象。另外在以往的影视作品中,福尔摩斯往往占据主导地位,而俄罗斯拍摄的新版将反转这段关系,华生将是主要表现的人物,他甚至会主动去调查案件,有时候福尔摩斯则是帮助华生的角色。 (注:最后这段综合自现有媒体的报道,由于还未播出,媒体是否夸大了情节我们不得而知)


    通过百度相册上传2楼2013-06-17 17:02
      4.福尔摩斯 Sherlock Holmes(2010)
      Holmes and Watson are on the trail of a criminal and scientific master mind who seems to control monsters and creations which defy belief.2010年美国电影,虚构出福尔摩斯与科学怪物大战的剧情。质量欠佳。随便看看,笑笑更健康。

      通过百度相册上传8楼2013-06-17 17:42
        5.大侦探福尔摩斯 Sherlock Holmes(2009)

        通过百度相册上传9楼2013-06-17 18:03
          6.福尔摩斯的最后调查 La dernière enquête de Sherlock Holmes(2010)
          1920. Now retired, Sherlock Holmes and his faithful friend Doctor Watson are enjoying an outing in the countryside. But a villager's murder in the forest will lead the famous detective to make his last investigation, which will question the obviousness of his past.


          通过百度相册上传10楼2013-06-17 19:03
            7.福尔摩斯与幽灵守望者 Sherlock Holmes and the Shadow Watchers(2011)
            The sensational details of a gruesome murder in The Daily Gazette have London in a panic, as a blood-thirsty madman - more vicious than Jack the Ripper - preys upon the city. Of greater concern to Scotland Yard, however, is that the account of the murder was published nearly two hours prior to the crime having been committed! Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson - the Great Detective and his faithful assistant and chronicler - find themselves challenged with one of their most baffling cases - "The Case of the Woman Who Was Murdered Tomorrow"! Will an innocent man be sent to the gallows? How much blood will be shed before a scarred fiend is brought to justice? ...And who are the mysterious Shadow Watchers, a coven of ominous figures who orchestrate terror from within the darkness? Starring Anthony D.P. Mann as Holmes and Terry Wade as Dr. Watson, "Sherlock Holmes and the Shadow Watchers" is a horrifying new adventure...


            通过百度相册上传11楼2013-06-17 19:12
              8.歇洛克·福尔摩斯与贝克街小分队 Sherlock Holmes and the Baker Street Irregulars (2007)
              The rag-tag group of street kids known as the Irregulars first appeared in the Sherlock Holmes novel A Study in Scarlet in 1887. This time, the Irregulars find themselves having to solve the mysterious disappearance of two of their own gang, while Holmes himself is accused of murder and put under house arrest. Only by the combination of all their skills can they hope to free Holmes and the kidnap victims, solve the murders and prevent an audacious heist.
              A blurb from Acorn Media about Sherlock Holmes and the Baker Street Irregulars: Kids are disappearing. Policemen are being poisoned. Sherlock Holmes is under house arrest, falsely accused of crimes he didn't commit.
              A brand new story in the Sherlock Holmes legacy is entitled "Sherlock Holmes and the Baker Street Irregulars" puts Sherlock Holmes in peril of being arrested for murder and it is up to the Baker Street Irregulars to prove that Holmes didn't do it. Playing Sherlock Holmes this time is Jonathan Pryce (Tomorrow Never Dies, Evita) and his trusty companion Dr Watson played by Bill Paterson (Auf Wiedersehen Pet). I am a Sherlock Holmes fan and was not disappointed. Jonathan Pryce played Holmes quite well, and in a slightly modern way to make it more interesting. The movie is based on one of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's most famous Holmes tales, "A Study In Scarlet". A co-production between BBC1, CBBC and RDF Television and was filmed entirely in Ireland. The disc also includes cast filmographies, a photo gallery and a biography of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

              A good romp through the underbelly of London to save Sherlock Holmes! A good addition to the Sherlock Holmes Cannon.

              通过百度相册上传12楼2013-06-17 19:21

                13楼2013-06-17 19:22
                  10.福尔摩斯:丝缠奇案 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Silk Stocking(2004)
                  “BBC向我们显示了他对本国人物的诡异理解。迫于血统压力将Richard Roxburgh替换了之后,不仅Ian Hart版高中生华生的唯一亮点——与老福的默契尽失,还加入了一个面色病态样苍白、抽着阿芙蓉、几乎要被怀疑成躁狂性忧郁症缠身的‘福尔摩斯’。 ”


                  通过百度相册上传15楼2013-06-17 20:14
                    11.巴斯克维尔的猎犬 The Hound of the Baskervilles(2002)


                    通过百度相册上传17楼2013-06-17 20:46
                      13.小年青夏洛克 Sherlock(2002)

                      通过百度相册上传19楼2013-06-17 22:07

                        来自手机贴吧20楼2013-06-17 22:25

                          来自Android客户端23楼2013-06-17 23:37

                            25楼2013-06-19 12:16
                              2.福尔摩斯:基础 Elementary (2012)
                              喜欢这部剧的或是对福颇有了解,或是对福一无所知。“经典人物在其他时空里的故事应该怎么改编,哪些变了,哪些没有变,这是改变福尔摩斯故事要回答的第一个预设问题。一种做法是把可触及的事物改变成现代版本,比如信件改成短信,马车改成汽车,而人物风格不变,另一种做法,是连类似人物在时代影响下风格产生的变化也计算在内。Elementary采用了后者。后者的挑战在于,若非对原著中人物和人物关系的本质有一个烂熟在心而且容易被大众接受的理解,就很容易让人有‘这不是福尔摩斯’的观感。而现在,我们可以确定的说,这就是福尔摩斯。”The producers plan to plant little “Easter eggs” to delight true fans of Sherlock Holmes with things only a fan would notice without making a more casual viewer feel excluded from the story. They are also not planning to modernize the original stories, written by Arthur Conan Doyle, especially since the change in locale would make some of it impossible. “That said, if something really stood out, if somebody really had a take on something, that we felt we could modernize, [we might do it],” Doherty says. “For example, ‘Hounds of the Baskervilles’ is especially difficult given it is about a guy who paints a dog in phosphorescent paint. It is hard to do in New York City in 2012. But again, we would like to have little tips of our caps to fans who really know the material, who know the names, who know the streets … little bits and pieces of the original mythology.”CBS摒弃了一些“原著”(和某些福剧)中表面上的修饰,挖掘到“福尔摩斯”更深入更本质的元素,这种做法把一些浮躁的所谓的“福迷”筛除出去。可以说,这一点是十分可喜的。


                              通过百度相册上传26楼2013-06-19 13:01