李算吧 关注:792贴子:28,405




1楼2013-07-08 10:34回复
    From the time I came to the palace as a child,[*] each morning and evening I exchanged
    letters of greeting with my parents, and many of those letters should have remained with my family. However, upon my departure, my father[**] cautioned me, "It is not right that letters from the outside should be scattered about the palace. Nor would it be proper for you to write of anything at length aside from simple words of greeting. It would be best if, after reading the news from home, you wrote us on the same sheet of paper." As he instructed, I wrote to them on the top margin of the letters that Mother faithfully sent twice each day. Father's letters, as well as those of my brothers and sister, were answered in the same way. Father also cautioned my family not to strew the letters from the palace about the house. Thus my family gathered all my letters and, at regular intervals, washed away all that was written.[***] Hence, none of those writings remained in my family's possession.

    2楼2013-07-08 10:35

      My oldest nephew, Suyong,[1] regretted this and repeatedly urged me, "We have none of
      Your Ladyship's writings in our house. If Your Ladyship could write something for us, then we would treasure and transmit it to the family." He was correct, of course, and I meant to write something for him, but I did not manage to do it. This year I have completed my first sixty years and my remaining days are few. Completing this cycle, I have experienced a sharp longing for my deceased husband. Moreover, I fear that if I wait any longer my memory will grow even worse. So, complying with my nephew's request, I have recorded what I experienced and how I felt in the past, to let others know. My memory has declined, however, and I could not recall many things. Thus I have recorded only what I was able to remember.

      3楼2013-07-08 10:50

        IP属地:北京5楼2013-07-08 17:48

          6楼2013-07-09 12:51

            IP属地:北京12楼2013-07-14 22:33

              13楼2013-07-16 09:14

                Father was exceptionally filial. He grieved profoundly over the death of his father and<?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"></?xml:namespace>
                continued to serve his stepmother with utmost sincerity. He loved his brothers and instructed and educated them in a manner no different from the way in which he loved and educated his children. Mother was also outstanding in her virtuous conduct, her filial devotion, and her sisterly love. In caring for an ailing father-in-law, in serving her mother-in-law, in managing household affairs, and in loving her husband's three sisters, Mother left nothing to be desired.
                She was also on very friendly terms with the wife of her husband's second brother[2] who, since kyongsin (1740), had shared the mourning duties with her. My mother made sure that she consulted her sister-in-law oh the particulars of each mourning ritual so as m deepen their friendship and harmony.
                This aunt was also quite exceptional in her virtue. She respected her older-sister-in-law
                nearly as much as she respected her mother-in-law, and she loved her husband's brother's children as her own. I remember how affectionate she was toward me and how attentively she taught me to read Korean. I became quite attached to her. My mother used to say to my aunt, "She really adores you."[3]

                14楼2013-11-03 15:55

                  Speaking of Mother, she was not only punctilious in her sacrificial duties to ancestors and<?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"></?xml:namespace>
                  her service to her parents-in-law but also extremely industrious. She wove and sewed day and night. It was not unusual for her to work until the early hours of the morning. She did not like old servants speaking of the light burning in her room till daybreak. To avoid this praise for diligence, she hung quilts over her windows when she worked at night. Working through those cold nights wore her hands rough, but she did not seem to mind at all. By early morning she was up, and after her morning toilet, she visited her mother-in-law punctually each day. Never once did she go until her hair had been piled neatly into a bun and she had put on a formal robe. The manner in which she served and assisted her husband was anything but ordinary, and it won his complete trust. I cannot forget how Father relied on her and how much he respected her opinion.
                  说起母亲, 她不仅对祭祀祖先和侍奉公婆谨小慎微,而且及其勤奋。她夜以继日地纺线和做针线活。她经常工作到凌晨。她不喜欢老仆人说起她房间里一直亮到黎明的灯。为了避免这种对勤劳的称赞,她夜晚工作时在窗户上挂床单。在那些寒冷的夜晚工作使她的双手粗糙,但是她看起来并不介意那些。她每天清晨起床如厕后就准时去拜访她的婆婆。她每次都是把头发梳成整齐的发髻并穿好正式的长袍后才去的。她侍奉和辅助丈夫的最主要方式是规律,这赢得了他完全的信任。我难忘父亲多么依赖她和尊重她的观点。
                  Father and Mother maintained an exceptionally frugal household. They insisted on simplicity in their own clothing and in the way they clothed their children, but never once were we siblings unseasonably or slovenly dressed. Our clothes may have been of coarse fabric, but they were always clean. In this alone, one could see that my mother was as neat as she was frugal. She did not lightly express joy or anger; at family gatherings she was always cheerful yet serious.
                  There were none in the family who did not admire and respect her.

                  22楼2014-06-12 01:03

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