安兰德吧 关注:1,044贴子:4,214

Ayn Rand:A Sense of Life字幕内容及中文试译(PartⅠ)


我发现网上这个纪录片好像都没有字幕..然后就试着翻译了一下(以我四级都还没考的英语渣水平= =希望各位多多提出意见,翻译不当之处欢迎批评指正。另外就是不知道有没有会做字幕的人能帮忙为那个纪录片加上字幕?或者是某位兰德的忠实粉和我一起学着做。。(也算是为安兰德思想在中国的传播做一点点点点贡献了= =因为内容太多,可能要分几部分发...目前还没完成。。我会加油。。有一些地方也要请教..

1楼2013-08-09 17:38回复
    “‘If a life can have a theme song and I believe every worthwhile one has. Mine is a religion, an obsession or mania or all of these expressed in one word, Individualism. I was born with that obsession. And, have never seen and do not know now a cause more worthy, more misunderstood, more seemly hopeless, and more tragically needed.’ Ayn Rand, novelist and philosopher, wrote these words in 1936. ‘Call it fate or irony,’ she wrote ‘but I was born of all countries on earth in the one least suitable for a fanatic of individualism, Russia. I decided to be a writer at the age of 9 and everything I have done was integrated into that purpose. I am an American by choice and conviction. I was born in Europe, but I came to America because this was the country where one can be fully free to write.’ Ayn Rand developed the theory that everyone has a subconscious view of the universe and of man’s place in it. It is the person’s most personal emotional response to existence, and which she turned a sense of life.”

    2楼2013-08-09 17:40

      9楼2013-08-09 17:55
        Aspiring to the same caliber writing of Dostoevsky, she was inspired on the intensely personal level by the books of her mother would read to her grandmother, the books of Victor Hugo. ‘Hugo gives the feeling of entering a cathedral,’ she once wrote. For Ayn, discovering such books as The Man Who Laughs and Name is Rob was tantamount to stepping into Atlantis. Although she disagreed with Hugo’s explicit philosophy, she became consciously aware that she wanted to write the same literally grander and heroic scale. She thought this was how one should feel life. Not willing to accept any idea on faith, at the age of 12 Ayn Rand seriously weighed the concept of God. ‘If God represented the highest possible, to man,’ she reasoned, ‘then man by nature is inferior to God, and I can never reach that ideal.’ Considering this a degrading and unfounded claim, she simply made an entry into her diary. ‘Today I have decided to be an atheist.’”
        “The orthodox Russian religion permeated the country was never seriously concern for her. She knew that those around her were not representative of the mankind. Someday she would find her kind of people; rational, purposeful, happy people. And, that a proper life would begin beyond the border.”
        渴望着拥有陀思妥耶夫斯基那样的写作才华,安被她母亲曾给祖母朗读过的那些书的独特风格深深感染,那是维克多雨果的书。“雨果给人一种走进教堂的感觉”,她曾写道。对安来说,发现《笑面人》和《Name is Rob》这样的书就像是踏进了亚特兰蒂斯。尽管不赞同雨果的哲学思想,安却清楚知道她希望自己的作品也能有雨果宏大史诗般的架构,而人也应该这样感受生活。12岁的安兰德不愿意随意接受任何思想和理念,她认真考虑了上帝的概念,

        12楼2013-08-10 17:30
          Donahue (1980) Interview
          Ayn: “It’s the ugliest and incidentally most mystical country on earth.”
          Host: “But they’re the ones who decry Atheism they’re singing your song.”
          Ayn: “Oh, no.”
          Host: “I’m sorry, decry Christianity, I’m sorry decry religion is what I want to say.”
          Ayn: “They really don’t, they have immaterialistic mysticism of their own. Because if the mystics, the religionist people tell you, the mind or they don’t speak of the mind, but usually the soul is the only thing of value about you, the body is evil. And, the Russians will say no there isn’t such thing as a soul or a mind. There is only your body. It’s materialism; they believe you are not men but collection of atoms.”
          Host: “And give the body to the state for the collective effort of the …”
          Ayn: “That’s it, for the good of the whole and sacrifice for the State. And, whoever says it is or wants to be the State.”

          14楼2013-08-10 17:35

            “In 1918, Mr. Rosenbaum moved his family out of St Petersburg to escape the communists. Thinking the Bosoviks would not remain for long. He was optimistic that the family would return to reclaim his business and his property. Almost killed by bandits near Desha, they finally made it to the Crimean Peninsula where he opened an apothecary. The country was riddled with black markets and food shortages. It wasn’t long before his new business was new nationalized.”
            “In 1921, Ayn graduated from high school, while the red army now also occupied Crimea. Mr. Rosenbaum, still hoping to regain his right for belongings, decided to move his family back to St Petersburg, which was now called Petrograd. It was on this trip that the 16 years old Ayn got her first sight of Moscow. She was suddenly struck by the thought of how many people they were in the world. She felt the door opening and nature of her ambition took shape; to communicate through her writing, that life had profound and special meaning.”

            15楼2013-08-10 17:37

              来自手机贴吧16楼2013-08-11 07:55
                Donahue (1980) Interview - What can we know about the universe?
                Ayn: “Every argument for existence of God is incomplete, improper, and has been refuted and people go on and on because they want to believe. Well, I regard it as evil; to place your emotions, your desire above the evidence of what your mind knows.”
                Host: “Ok, and I regard it as intellectually lazy to look at the universe and to suggest, as you seem to be doing, that is all some accident.”
                Ayn: “I didn’t say that.”
                Host: “Or how in the world did we get all this order, aren’t you impressed with that?”
                Ayn: “No, because order is only in good cases, in the mind of your scientists who are able to understand some part of it. But there isn’t an artificial order in the universe, and it’s not chance. What would be the alternative? Nature, that the universe, and remember universe is every thing that exists, has always been here. Because you cannot discuss or know anything about what was here before anything exists. That’s what you are doing with the idea of God; speaking philosophically .”
                Host: “True.”
                Ayn: “You say you need someone to explain the order, but what would you then have to explain God.”
                1980年Donahue 的访谈:关于宇宙我们能知道些什么?
                “At 16, Ayn entered the University of Leningrad, as a history major. Although, teacher after teacher bored her it was the discovery of great philosophers, such as, Aristotle and Saint Tomas Aquinas that intensely aroused her. For Ayn, Aristotle believed that there was only one reality the one that man perceives that his mind is his only tool of knowledge became the core of her own philosophic thought. It’s also conflicted with the dominant philosophic view, originated by Plato, that there is a super nature realm beyond the world we see.”

                17楼2013-08-12 11:32

                  21楼2013-08-19 22:05

                    “After graduating from college in the fall of 1924, she entered a school for screenwriters called the Cinema Institute. The first year at the institute was focused on acting and Ayn diligent studied the art of performing for the silence screen. With the insatiable appetite for anything abroad, Ayn would sit through two shows of a movie just to catch the glimpse of the New York Sky Line in the scene. Like a shot in the arm and a life saving transfusing, it was wiping Russia as world out of consciousness and inciting her to write stories of her own. Stories completely untouched by the misery of life she was desperate to escape.”

                    22楼2013-08-20 19:01
                      Movie: We The Living, Scalara Films 1942
                      Film Clip
                      “While she still attended the cinema institute in 1925, Ayn also worked at meaningless job as a museum guide, but she went through her days with only one thought, to go abroad. Sympathetic to Ayn’s goal, Mrs. Rosenbaum wrote to a relative in Chicago and asked if Ayn could visit them in America. In the fall of 1925, Ayn received a foreign passport that was valid for 6 months.”

                      24楼2013-08-20 19:07

                        “Wanting to adopt a new professional name, she chose Ayn. Using a Finnish famine name pronounced I-na, she dropped the final a and got Ine, keeping the R for Rosenbaum. She chose Rand for her surname. She also hoped that her new name would protect her family for the anti-Soviet remarks she was bound to make in America.”

                        29楼2013-08-20 19:29

                          “For several days, DeMille continued to give Ayn personal passes to the set. He would approach her between shots and explain the process of filmmaking. He found Ayn’s background ‘exotic’ and nicknamed her ‘Caviar.’ When he discovered her precarious financial situation, he immediately offered her a job as an extra.”
                          DeMille’s voice(directing the movie): “All right, now, you people-you townspeople over beyond the gates there-come on, work yourselves into…into the emotions of such a scene. Don’t be extras. Be a nation.”
                          DeMille’s voice(directing the movie):“好了,现在你们,所有站在门那里的人,全都过来,工作时地把感情投入到现场中去。不要袖手旁观。你们是个集体。”

                          31楼2013-08-20 19:38

                            She finally wrote to her family and informed them of her new name and that she was officially in the movies.
                            Michael S. Berliner, Ph.D. Interview
                            Michael S. Berliner: “I would say that Ayn Rand’s life was a focal point for their concern as a family in Russia. They would receive a letter from her and the whole family would come over-the aunts, the uncles, the cousins-and there would be a reading of a letter from her. Her sister Nora, with whom Ayn Rand shared a tremendous interest in the movies, would draw little pictures at the bottom of the letters showing ‘Ayn Rand’ in lights. So, Ayn Rand getting into the movies was a goal and the most exciting thing that ever happened. When she finally told them of her meeting with Cecil B. DeMille in 1926, it must have been like an earthquake to her family. And her father, who was not very expressive, wrote that he could not sleep all night.”
                            Michael S. Berliner:“我敢说对于远在俄国的家人安的生活绝对是个受关注的焦点。他们收到一封安的信,全家人——姑姑、叔叔还有表兄妹——都会过来看。和安一起对电影有着许多共同爱好的妹妹诺拉,会在灯光下在信的底部签着Ayn Rand这个名字的地方做上小小的标记。因此,Ayn Rand能够拍电影对他们来说简直是实现了的最宏大的目标和发生过的最让人激动的事情。1926年当她告诉他们她见到了Cecil B. DeMille,她家有如发生了一场地震。她那不善言辞的父亲,甚至也写到他整晚都激动得睡不着觉。"

                            32楼2013-08-20 19:40

                              “As an extra, Ayn was making seven dollars and fifty cents a day. For several months, DeMille would call her into work whenever possible. She slowly warmed up to the cast, which included H. B. Warner as Christ and Joseph Schildkraut as Judas. Schildkraut even took her out to lunch, flirted with her and then gave her an autographed picture.”
                              作为临时演员,安一天能挣七美元五十美分。几个月以来,德米勒一可能就把安叫来工作。她慢慢温暖了整个剧组,包括那像基督一样高高在上的H. B. Warner和坏坏的像犹大的Joseph Schildkraut。Schildkraut甚至会带她一起吃午饭,和她调情并给她亲笔签名的照片。

                              33楼2013-08-20 19:40