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Lauren Aquilina - King的中英文歌词


King 王者Lauren Aquilina You're alone, you're on your own, so what? 你还是那么孤独,孑然一身,那又怎样?Have you gone blind? 你有因此失明吗?Have you forgotten what you have and what is yours? 你有忘记你曾经拥有过的的东西吗?Glass half empty, glass half full 乐观也好,悲观也罢Well either way you won't be going thirsty 无论走那条路,你都不会饥渴,不是吗?Count your blessings not your flaws 多庆幸你的福气,不要拘于小节
You've got it all 你已拥有了一切You lost your mind in the sound 你只是在繁嚣中冲昏了脑袋There's so much more 世界还有那么多美好的事物You can reclaim your crown 你能够拾回你的皇冠的You're in control 用你的自制力Rid of the monsters inside your head 摆脱脑中的梦魇Put all your faults to bed 摆脱昨日的错失吧You can be king again 你就能重为王者
You don't get what all this is about 你还没明白到真理是什么You're too wrapped up in your self doubt 你太过于怀疑自我You've got that young blood, set it free 其实你有着青春热血,为什么不释放出来呢?
You've got it all 你已拥有了一切You lost your mind in the sound 你只是在繁嚣中冲昏了脑袋There's so much more 世界还有那么多美好的事物You can reclaim your crown 你能够拾回你的皇冠的You're in control 用你的自制力Rid of the monsters inside your head 摆脱脑中的梦魇Put all your faults to bed 摆脱昨日的错失吧You can be king 你就能成为王者
There's method in my madness 我在疯狂中尚有理智There's no logic in your sadness 但你的悲伤却毫无意义You don't gain a single thing from misery 如果你从苦难中无法汲取到些许教训Take it from me 那就从我的经历中汲取吧
You've got it all 你已拥有了一切You lost your mind in the sound 你只是在繁嚣中冲昏了脑袋There's so much more 世界还有那么多美好的事物You can reclaim your crown 你能够拾回你的皇冠的You're in control 用你的自制力Rid of the monsters inside your head 摆脱脑中的梦魇Put all your faults to bed 摆脱昨日的错失吧You can be king 你就能成为王者
You've got it all 你已拥有了一切You lost your mind in the sound 你只是在繁嚣中冲昏了脑袋There's so much more 世界还有那么多美好的事物You can reclaim your crown 你能够拾回你的皇冠的You're in control 用你的自制力Rid of the monsters inside your head 摆脱脑中的梦魇Put all your faults to bed 摆脱昨日的错失吧You can be king again你就能重为王者

1楼2013-08-16 13:36回复