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《Domesius21条咒语》 中文版



1楼2013-12-10 17:37回复
    Guides of the journey of the dead hear my plea
    That the spirit of(full name of the departed) shall follow thee
    Let it be no harm to them may pass
    Or worry break across their traveler's trail
    Lead them to their place of just reward
    Opportunities for peace please them afford
    That in their haven may abide
    Safety,peace and love
    Guard them from all evil
    Let enter
    No trepidation
    No anguish
    No more
    Stone cold,without light
    Hold the shadow of the night
    Carry it through light of day
    Out of sight and out of way
    Stone of earth,stone of shade
    Into thee this spell be made
    That no eye may notice me
    Whilst traveling to wander free
    Spirits of the night
    Lords of the shadows
    Guide my path
    Envelope me in thine cloak of darkness
    And let this spell be done
    Single candle burning bright
    Bear two yet be one
    (Say the name of one individual)
    (Say the name of other indidual)
    Wrapped-up tight
    Let them come undone
    Unleash the spirit of discord
    Unleash the spirit of suspicion
    Let no small block remain ignores
    As you build your partition
    Spirits of the Seven Winds
    Keepers of the powers
    Transporters of konowledge,wisdom and truth
    Guardians of the earth,sea and sky
    Hear this pleading of a wayward traveler
    Grant me audience before thine eyes and ears
    That thus this may be heard
    And my needs be seen.
    Those who fearn thee-seek me
    Those who thou dost loathe-abhor me
    In my path,I wish to walk
    And with thy voice I desire to talk
    Clothe my bones with the strength of thy strengths
    Fortify my mind with thine solid foundation
    Gathered from the expanse of the universe
    And carried by thine able hands
    That in thy wisdom and truth
    And through the purity of your spirit
    These things may be imparted unto me.
    Spirits of the Seven Winds hear my cry
    And let this thus be so
    Open earth,source of growth,foundation of the world
    Into thee I cast mine fate,I cast mine hope
    Forget me not at growding time
    Forget me not when the sun shines upon thee
    And with its fiery power warms thy ancient bones
    Causes that which lies in wait
    Waits within your fertile womb
    To spring forth and sing thy praise
    For I sing thy praise this day
    I sing thy praise and plead thee cast thy favor upon me
    That in thy abundance I might share
    So that mine stores shall swell
    The fruit of our labors overflow
    That I shall be chosen to receive.
    Into thee my memories pass,sorrow,pain and fear
    And with thy washing clean
    Be made to disappear.
    Spirit of the River,as with this stone
    So,cleanse my mind and make my memory sinooth
    Allow life to pass as the water of thy river
    Passes over the tumbling stone until it tumbles no more
    But rests and settles
    Freed from the current
    Spirits of the oak and stone
    Life and death thee make thy own
    Bring to me a better fare
    Through thine spirit of the air
    So it may be by the three
    Let it so,be with me
    Bileth of the Orders of Powers
    I beseech thee that thy power come to rest within this stone
    Andangerous lover hath besst me
    And need be so that their asvances be rebuked and refused
    In their presence let my heart be as stone
    Its sharpness cutting,rough and cold
    Bileth I beseech thee
    Make this thing be so.
    Set mine cup upon thy table,
    Fill it full or fill it not
    Let me drink to quenth mine thirst,
    For I know that thou are able,
    To grant these things I wish be got,
    And other's needs to let not pass,
    Just at this moment,fill mine first.
    Give not more than I need,
    That others may not go without,
    Mine heart is without gluttony or greed,
    Grant me patience,
    Free from question or doubt.
    Stars of heaven
    Holders of the ancient knowledge
    Watchers of our ascents and declines
    Silent yet strong
    Grant me this I ask
    Aid me in mine quest,yea,slake my thirst
    And fill mine mind
    With that I wish to know
    So,this I ask,as it may be
    So let this thing be so.
    Spirits of the night,I beseech thee,
    Find favor with mine call and summons,
    On the seven winds I beg thee travel,
    And greet me in mine presence,
    For a speaking of things that need bespoke,
    From this moment hence,
    Thy powers do I wish invoke,
    For things that need be bone

    3楼2013-12-10 18:03
      来过 嗯 邮箱 折影 谢谢~

      IP属地:陕西来自手机贴吧4楼2013-12-10 18:11

        6楼2013-12-14 10:22

          IP属地:湖北来自手机贴吧7楼2013-12-16 18:13

            来自Android客户端8楼2013-12-22 18:04
              这是一段咒文全部背诵下来啊? 然后还不一定会有相应的作用???

              9楼2013-12-22 18:51

                10楼2013-12-23 10:05
                  求救!我用了第四条赢得他人欢心 怎么解除啊 负面影响太大了 魔法不是闹着玩的 大家一定要慎重使用

                  来自iPhone客户端11楼2016-02-25 17:50

                    IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端12楼2022-05-03 13:25