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转自囚徒健身 完全是菜鸟:Noobs的4个新年目标


摘自原帖: 大神
@街头健身Shaw 转下不介意吧

1楼2014-06-19 19:09回复

    2楼2014-06-19 19:10
      2. Full Pushups
      2. 标准俯卧撑

      Keep your back and legs straight and aligned—you’ll get all the benefits of planks, but without the boredom!
      Hey, ten pushups is easy right? Everyone can do that, right?
      Most people—even coaches who should know better—do them wrong. If you do them the right way—my way—they are tough as hell. For a start, most folks rush their pushups. I want you to eliminate ALL momentum (if momentum is doing the work, your muscles aren’t, right?). I want you to take two seconds up, two seconds down, with a moment’s pause at the bottom position. Secondly, you need to go deep—go down until your sternum is a fist’s width from the floor: no less. (Use books or an object like a softball to guide you, at first.) Third, don’t bounce! When you descend so that your sternum touches your books, it should touch them as lightly as you would kiss a baby on the forehead. This technique (“kiss-the-baby”) is murder, forcing you to control your body FULLY. What else is strength, but control?
      Doing pushups this way makes them brutal and incredibly productive as an exercise. If they are too hard for ya, begin doing them on an incline, or even against a wall. Once you find a pushup technique you can perform five reps in, add a rep every workout or two until you can do ten, then make things harder.

      5楼2014-06-19 19:10
        3. Leg Raises
        3. 举腿
        Forget what you have probably been told about working “abs”…isolating the muscles, tensing, and performing lots of sets of teeny crunches or machine exercises. Real, functional strength—from hanging on a bar to picking up a fridge—requires not just strong abdominals, but an iron “anterior chain”—that means your hips, abs, intercostals, serratus, obliques and even the deep muscles of the quads. For strengthening your anterior chain perfectly, God gave you a gift—leg raises!

        As usual, begin easy. Start with lying knee raises; build to twenty reps. Then extend the legs a little. Then you can tryone-leg leg raises, with the knees locked. Pretty soon, twenty strict leg raises will be within reach, and your abs will be harder than those pathetic crunches could have ever got ‘em. Damn, you’ll be doing these suckers hanging in no time. Six-pack from Hell, here we come…

        6楼2014-06-19 19:11
          4. Straight Bridge
          4. 直桥
          The straight bridge is a wonderful exercise for noobs to aspire to master. Whereas leg raises work the entire anterior chain—the muscles at the front of the bod—the straight bridge works the posterior chain. It builds the spinal erectors, reduces low back pain, bulletproofs the spine, trains the hamstrings, and helps heal bad knees. Because the arms are pushing behind the body, this type of bridge also strengthens the “lats” of the back, and the muscles around the shoulder blades—an awesome benefit for those who don’t have a pullup bar. Straight bridges also give ya triceps of steel kid—no more kickbacks necessary.

          Once again, alignment is what’s up. Athletes make the straight-body position look easy. It ain’t.
          Normally I wouldn’t advise beginners to perform bridges—I think the time and energy is better spent on pulling work, typically on a low horizontal bar. That said, if you don’t have access to a bar, straight bridges can be a good way to work the back muscles.
          Bridging can be demanding—so start easy. Commence with short bridges (with the shoulders on the floor), then move totable bridges (straight bridges, but with the knees bent). When ten seconds of perfectly aligned form is easy, start adding seconds—build to 20 seconds, then move to something harder. If straight bridges are too easy, try them with one leg lifted off the floor. That will teach you what your hamstrings were made for.

          7楼2014-06-19 19:11
            1. 保护自己 - 要有避免受伤的意识,不要冒险做一些没有把握的动作,在安全的地方训练
            2. 立即采取措施
            (1)保护 - 在已经受伤的情况下,确保自己不会进一步受伤
            (2)休息 - 受伤部位得到充分的休息
            (3)冰敷 - 用冰敷受伤部位可以缓解肿胀
            (4)消炎药 - 用消炎药。。。。
            (5)固定 - 用绑带轻轻绑住受伤部位
            (6)抬高 - 把受伤部位抬高至心脏以上可以消除肿胀
            3. 继续训练没有受伤的部位 - 保持训练没受伤部位有助于加速康复,维持训练状态
            4. 把疼痛训练掉 - 由于受伤,你的关节可能会陈旧不堪,因为缺少血液流通。只要训练的时候不感觉疼痛了,用低难度的动作训练受伤部位。
            5. 热敷 - 在受伤部为肿胀,血液不流通(没有血色),可以用热包敷(自制)
            6. 慢慢恢复训练 - 伤势渐渐好了就要恢复原来的训练计划
            7. 有信念!
            8. 康复是个学习过程 - 通过受伤了解更过关于你身体的奥秘

            9楼2014-06-19 19:13
              3. Twist Hold

              11楼2014-06-19 19:14
                上面三组动作为拉伸动作 由易到难

                12楼2014-06-19 19:15