僵尸男孩回家吧 关注:5贴子:153
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IP属地:陕西1楼2014-07-08 08:35回复
    What the hell is going on?The news has been on for ages and heaps of army guys have gone past.I wanna do some shopping but hte store's worse than last christmas Eve.
    OMG what's happening?!Everything's going crazy!People are attacking each other outside.I've closed the curtains and locked the door.No way I'm going out there.
    Been watching the street all day,it's messed up.I thought I saw an old woman kill a guy but he got up and walked off.I'm terrified,what if the lady comes here?!It's not safe.
    Grabbed some stuff and now I'm in the attic.Got heaps of food and water so should be set for ages.
    Man is boring.I wonder if it's OK to come down.
    So sick of beans.
    NO!Oh man,cracked a hole in the roof to see what's happening outside.There's people eating other people and acting real messed up!what if they heard me make the hole?Am I safe?!I don't want to die!
    There's less movement outside.There's still a few people out there,but they're just standing there.About time I have some good news.Food's running low and I'm starting to really worry.
    So hungry.
    I look outside and see no one.Is it safe?
    K,out of food,This is not good.should I go downstairs?
    What was that?!I've been hearing noise from downstairs but can't tell what's going on.
    Noise is gone but it's not safe.No food.So hungry.I wanna see what's left in the kitchen,but what if someone eats me?
    Can't stand it any more.I have to eat.I either die of starvation or get eaten alive.so sick of this attic.
    Oh no.All the food is gone.Someone must have come in and stolen it all.I need food.I need to find some food.I need to find some food.
    Last night I checked the closest houses. Nothing ! No food.No people. Nothing .Now what?
    Where the hell is everyone? I'm heading toward the city by night, hiding during the day. almost at the supermarket but feeling faint.
    Made it to the city.Supermarket has dozens on them. can't go there.Find somewhere else before it's too late.
    FOOD!Found a dinner and it's fridge had stuff!Most of it was off but I didn't care.Didn't care about the smell either,just wanted to eat again!
    Still haven't seen anyone,but haven't run into any of those things.I wonder if anyone else is out there?Surely?
    I've taken what I can from the dinner and am on the road again,I've encountered a few of those things but they're dumb and slow so no real problem .Just keep low,move at night.
    Still no one.Travelling closer into the city and I just find more of those things.
    No one.Am I only one left?What's the point?
    It's too dangerous.They're everywhere.Now what??Keep looking I suppose.Not that I'll find anyone.
    Next city. Maybe I'll find someone. Gonna drive there,shouldn't draw too much attention.
    Epic,news! I found someone! Well,they found me. Still,I'm not the last person alive. The girl's nice enough,but her Dad's pretty intimidating. He says he's meeting more survivors,so there's probably thousands of people out there! Words can't express how happy I am right now!
    We've met some more people. Nowhere near as many as I thought. Better than nothing I guess.The plan is to some vehicles and head North.
    I found sweet old R.V.Has a bed and everything!Only problem was it had a dead dude in it . He almost got me too,he bit me pretty hard.Got away in the end.
    The convoy is off!Plenty of gas and food.Time to find some more people!
    We've been driving for the while.Getting used to driving,but feeling awful.Can't wait to go to sleep.
    Running super low on gas,has is everyone else.Found an old diner and they're all arguing about whether we should stay here.I just want to lie down.
    So sick.Stupid flu.Looks like we're making camp here.good thing,I don't think I can drive any more.

    IP属地:陕西2楼2014-07-08 08:36

      IP属地:陕西3楼2014-07-08 08:37

        IP属地:陕西4楼2014-07-25 17:56