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From the fire pit I raise my thumb-up and then I came back
while you just sat back I seat in my pineal gland
Dissolve my skin disfigured and that*s what I remain
Smoke dissipated, I just couldn*t be terminated
That*s no adios, call it reborn like sacred beetle
Fresh Adidas, used to exodus, now I stand on steel toe
Used to doubt myself, Used to seek the truth
Used to need the proof
Used to get nothing to win but everything to lose
If I don*t take the wheel, fuck am I supposed to do?
Lover, friend or foe, red or blue, I have pills to choose
You a liar can*t kill lion cuz you ain*t Samson
You just stupid enough to think u are smarter than Simpson
Learn to conceive and to act you just heard it from Simon
Don*t brag about spear me coating manticore venom
I*ve been taught how to fish and I don*t need compassion
Now I don*t care u live *either in Howard Johnson or in a mansion
To the old me, it*s the countless seconds of old me made the now me
Live till the moment my chakras open , I see me
I see me being lied to, being cheated, losing courage
But I just burnt all that bullshit into ashes
You take I give that makes us a perfect team
This is how it works even if I discard my dream
I hope it lived up to all the hype, the Red can hypnotise
The Stars can unify, the Flag can euthanize
Please don*t deceive us, feed us lies mislead us
Never toss my wish even when tanks surround us
I done sing the same song, I done parrot the same slogans
Thinking the same is no more my mental symptom
My words spread the simian flu, people act ape shit
Like Oedipus got no clue, I solved the riddle with music
Onyx slams the diamond, Which stone could be harder?
Ask Jam Master Jay, and that*s the touch of Midas
How many decades you can exist on planet earth
Some moved on to another place 2.7 after their birth
Maybe heaven’s in a stellar murderer 2.7 billion light years
Away from where you could see, and could hear
Who could’ve thought if it’s in the cosmic maw
Could it be in the glass ball, or in a toy marble
Think of the eyes as spheres, the universe is in the pupils
You see with human iris thru Hubble (that human released)
I race far beyond reach, I gaze life as eternity,
Soul travels beyond light speed, from roots of life tree,
Through different dimension, Death is the entrance,
Like the star in the black hole, welcome you to the oblivion,
The arc of helium spewing, it’s the new beginning.
In the place of embalming, it’s a realm Genesis reigning,
On the mountain Anubis waiting, heart weighing,
Everything’s heavier than the feather embraces devouring,
Power ain’t nothing, only truth be remaining
What seems to be losing will in turn to be gaining
Richness ain*t nothing, you can*t last the coin
All things enter the void and start from beginning

IP属地:四川1楼2014-09-06 14:10回复

    IP属地:四川来自Android客户端2楼2014-09-06 14:18

      IP属地:四川来自Android客户端3楼2014-09-06 17:22

        IP属地:四川来自Android客户端4楼2014-09-06 17:22
          真帅 帅到爆 高大上 狂酷吊 年轻优秀啦啦啦

          来自Android客户端5楼2014-09-06 19:02

            IP属地:四川来自Android客户端6楼2014-09-18 10:21

              IP属地:四川7楼2014-10-01 18:19

                IP属地:广东8楼2014-10-07 10:41