帕奎奥吧 关注:4,234贴子:11,898
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拳王帕奎奥世纪大战单曲 Lalaban Ako (I Will Fight) 亚洲巡洋舰



本期纽约Mark Liu纽约日志.2015年5月3日,世纪大战落下帷幕,结果既是意料之中,却又是期待之外,但是曼尼帕奎奥的精神和意志确实让人感动, 谁能想到但年的他只能在纸箱子里过夜,一天吃不上一顿饭,瞒着家人参加地下死亡拳赛只为了每场得到两个美元,最终凭借着超强的意志和艰苦的训练,帕奎奥拿下了八个级别的世界拳王称号,成为了菲律宾的国宝, 也成就了一段拳坛传奇.为此次两位传奇之间的世纪大战,帕奎奥出了一首歌曲,叫作 Lalaban Ako (I Will Fight),中文我私译"我会战斗", 铿铿铁汉演绎出一段抒情但是有力的菲律宾励志歌曲,附上本曲英文翻译歌词,希望也可以激励同为亚洲兄弟的中国.
I always ask in my mind why do we have to judge what you feel?
What should be the right basis so they can listen to us?
Do we have to be in a good status?
Even if i hurt myself, i still wanted to keep it within me and just be silent about it.
Even if my heart aches, its nothing to me as long as people from my country show their smiles and felt happy.
I will fight the whole world for my country bringing your name
I'm a Pinoy. We are Pinoy
I will fight the world with my life at stake.
I will fight for all Filipino
Even us, has our own dreams for our country
To help fellow countrymen, and give pride for our very own country
It doesn't matter who you are. Poor or rich if for the country we all fight together.
I will fight the whole world for my country bringing your name
I'm a Pinoy. We are Pinoy.
I will fight the world with my life at stake.
I will fight for all Filipino
I will fight, I will fight
I will fight the whole world for my country bringing your name
I'm a Pinoy. We are Pinoy.
I will fight the world with my life at stake.
I will fight for all Filipino
I will fight for my country.

1楼2015-05-04 07:17回复

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