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【原创】Ours----Coral Jackson(中长 纯英文)



IP属地:北京1楼2015-09-13 21:26回复

    IP属地:北京2楼2015-09-13 21:27
      The only sound i heard was the thumping of my heart, the hum of Tristan’s staff, and Nat’s heavy breathing. “Close the computer!” I hissed to Nia. I closed my eyes and gripped my sword tightly. Footsteps echoed down the hallway, and i heard Drake’s yelling. It stopped in front of the closet we were in. “Are you sure?” “Oh yes I am sir” said female voice. “I could smell their auras from a mile” ‘No’ i thought, and tried to warn the others. “Do it.” Nia said. I closed my eyes and willed the sword to create the current, but it wouldn't budge. As the closet door opened, we saw the army of monsters that stood before us. It was incomparable from the army I fought. “Well well. The children of the prophecy so powerless. What a wonderful sight” Drake smirked “Now you don't have a chance”. The creature with the female voice was gone. As i stared into the Drakon’s yellow eyes, my mind replaced my fear with something else. Grief. The grief turned into anger, and at last, the anger turned into energy. “I am the daughter of Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase, the saviors of the decade. I have the blessing of both Athena and Poseidon. I destroyed a whole army and your brother. Yesterday, i got my bow from Artemis herself, and Aphrodite gifted me with charm speak. Challenge me? I, Coral Jackson, and all my friends, will disintegrate you.” Nia spun her javelin around and around in a preforming manner, and she tossed it. It was magical, so after it disintegrated the hellhound, it flew back into her hands. Tristan tossed his staff into the air, and set it aflame, and spun it around like a pro. Nat threw one of his daggers and it landed right between the minotaur’s hooves, and as the minotaur yelped, he pulled out télos, flipped it, and caught it as it turned into the spatha. The monsters looked at us warily and started to back away. “STOP!” Drake yelled “They are messing with your minds! Attack!” The monsters charged.

      IP属地:北京3楼2015-09-13 21:27
        I Coral
        ‘No.’ I thought. I was having a nightmare again. From the shadows, a 5 foot tall man, half bull, came towards me. as always, i held a bronze Sword, had a bow strapped to my back, two bronze knives strapped to my belt, and a dark purple cape. ‘Something is wrong’ i thought. ‘I’m supposed to have only the sword and bow. not the cape and knives as well, and i’m supposed to cry and fall down while he kills me.’ Instead of falling, I gripped my sword tight, looked at it closely, and threw it into the air, as if i did it more than a thousand times. When it landed on my hand, i had a spear that was perfectly balanced in my hands, the point was a mixture of steel, bronze, and gold, swirling in magnificent swirls. I felt my dream self willing for water, and with a yell, the spear unleashed a swirling current from it’s spearhead. it hit the man-bull straight in the chest, and the man-bull roared and Disintegrated. I woke up with a start, Breathing heavily.
        I changed into my clothes and gently unstrapped my leather necklace to look at it. I didn't understand. Mom had 16 beads on her leather necklace and Dad had 12, but i had none. I put it back on, and went to the bathroom to brushed my teeth. “Morning Corey Worey” I turned around and grinned as i saw dad standing and blocking the doorway. “Dad” i sighed “am i ever gonna be too old for nicknames?” “Aw come on” dad grinned “your mom still calls me” He was cut off by mom. “SEAWEED BRAIN?” I heard mom call. “she still calls me seaweed brain” he grumbled. “COMING WISE GIRL” he called back. “I have to go sweetie.” “Okay dad” he flashed me a smile and headed down the stairs. I looked into the bathroom mirror and peered into my own eyes. I hated them. One was grey, one was sea-green. People would always tease me about it. I wished i wasn't odd-eyed. I frowned and played with my hair for a second, finished washing, and headed to the kitchen.

        IP属地:北京4楼2015-09-13 21:27
          “Hey honey” mom smiled. “Blue chocolate chip pancakes with blue pudding today!” she said cheerfully “Thanks mom” i smiled back. “Mom, Dad?” i said “Yes?” they said in unison “I dreamed that dream again” The smiles on their faces were wiped clean, forgotten. “But today, it was a bit different.” They exchanged indecipherable expressions. “What happened?” “Like, all instead of falling down and getting killed, i had this sword and i threw it into the air, it changed into a spear, and from the spearhead, water shot out, hit the man-bull, and he kind of… disintegrated.” Mom and dad’s faces were pale. They started whispering and looked at her a few times. “Dad. What is Happening?” “Nothing honey” mom smiled awkwardly. “oh yeah, my dream changed, your faces are pale, you whisper like crazy, and your smile is really awkward. Nothing could be wrong” I said sarcastically. “Honey” dad said “i want you to follow us.”

          IP属地:北京5楼2015-09-13 21:28
            He started walking towards the wall. I expected him to crash into it, but he went through it. through a solid wall. I looked at mom with a hesitant look. She sent me a reassuring look. I breathed in, and out. I closed my eyes and took a step, straight towards the wall. I slid through it. Dad was waiting for me on the other side. He beckoned me to come. i shrugged and followed him. At the end of the hall, there was a painting. The painting was so big that it covered most of the wall, and it was a painting of Poseidon, Hades, and Zeus. Dad went to get something. When he came back, he held a cheap ballpoint pen in front of me and uncapped it. “what do you see?” he asked “i see an uncapped pen” i said matter of factly. “No.” he said “look closely. Carefully.” I stared at the pen, and suddenly it began to shimmer. Suddenly, a bronze sword was in the pen’s place. “Oh The-e- mo!” i yelped. “Wait. What? Did i just speak greek?” “See if you can understand me.” dad said “Hair-o-mai po-lee” “Its great to meet yo… How do i know all this?” I made the most demanding face i could make. “Follow me” “you just said that.” Dad held up the sword and slashed the painting. there was a staircase. i Followed him up, and at the top of the stairs, he pushed open the door. As the sunlight shined on me, i looked down and saw the camp.

            IP属地:北京6楼2015-09-13 21:30
              带着萌萌哒Percabeth来封,还有一个梗。。。只有真正percy jackson的fans才能看懂。。。

              IP属地:北京7楼2015-09-13 21:31

                IP属地:北京8楼2015-09-13 22:00

                  IP属地:广东来自Android客户端9楼2015-09-13 22:03
                    回复 半梨花love :不错啊,比起我的文笔好太多

                    IP属地:广东来自Android客户端10楼2015-09-13 22:05

                      IP属地:北京11楼2015-09-13 22:12
                        有谁注意到了Coral的麻麻是annabeth, 粑粑是percy?

                        IP属地:北京12楼2015-09-13 22:31

                          IP属地:北京13楼2015-09-14 07:35

                            With a loud pop! a man in leopard skin clothes caring a diet pepsi appeared.
                            “Young man” he said “I would rather like it if you stop throwing those names around like that. and who are you? a newbie? Whats your name? wait. don't tell me. Let me guess… Mathan Gracie”
                            “Close Mr.D” Dad said. “its Nathan Grace, our son.” “Well what do you young people still say these days still… What is it? was it whatsoever?” “do you mean whatever?” mom suggested “Yes exactly. Whatever. Mathan Gracie, Nathan Grace. Same thing.” I gaped at him. “Mister Gracie,” “Grace” dad said “Jackson, stop interrupting.” “Im Jason. Percy is Jackson.” “Shut up. The point is, Mathan, Stop staring at me.” “yes sir.”

                            IP属地:北京15楼2015-09-14 07:36

                              IP属地:陕西来自Android客户端16楼2015-09-14 09:16