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2、 表明出场主角:云宝、苹果杰克、蓝光闪闪、蓝克丝Byx
4、 大纲:小马——云宝,阿杰,通过一面神秘的镜子穿越到另一个国度(PF2),在一片大荒漠上艰难地奔波,终于从千里之远的地方赶来到一个名叫奥斯陲Austra的部落镇子,并在那个镇子里遇到熟悉的小马,发生了一次幽默刺激的历险记。(有模拟疯狂麦克斯的情节)

1楼2016-01-21 09:43回复

    2楼2016-01-21 09:44
      The town of Ponyville…is threatened by a terrible storm. The unexpected weather pattern crept upon the sleepy little town and was battering the buildings and citizens with torrents of rain and excessive powerful winds. Unicorns and earth ponies began to barricade doors and reinforce windows. Foals hid under stair cases and in closets. While the pegasi began to assemble in order to mobilize against the growing threat. As the group entered the town Twilight let her natural instincts take over as she delegated tasks to her friends.
      “Pinkie go to Sugar Cube corner and make sure the Cakes and their foals are okay then go check on Rarity and ask her to meet at the library!”
      “Okie Doki Loki” She said with a salute as she bounced into town.
      “Spike and I are going to send a letter to the Princess so that she can send some more pegasi.”
      “Roger Roger. Me and Fluttershy will get the other pegasi together and try to hold the storm off a long as we can. Come on Shy.” Rainbow said as she began to drag Fluttershy into the darkening skies. The two gradually approached a group of Pegasi being assembled by head of the Weather Patrol, a purple mare with an electric blue mane named Firefly!
      “Thunderlane, Starburst, I want you to make a final sweep over the north of the town and make sure everyone is inside. Blossom Forth and Horsepower do what you can to break up any incoming clouds before they bolster the storm!”
      “YEAAAAHHH!!!!” Horsepower shouted as he flew off with Blossom Forth.
      “Flitter, Cloudchaser go to Sweet Apple Acres and deflect as many lightning strikes as possible. Wild Fire, make sure Ditsy Doo doesn’t do anything…derpy! The rest of you get in the air and try to break up the storm!” she shouted as the other Pegasi of Ponyville as put on their safety goggles and flew off into the sky. Firefly lets out a long sigh before she is joined by two pegasi.
      “Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy reporting for duty Firefly sir!”
      “Bout time you two got here…and don’t call me sir.”
      “Yes sir!” Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash replied in unison.
      “Ugh. The others are trying to break holes in the storm. My weather charts say that this is a very unstable weather system and could be broken if find the eye and generate enough wing power to push the storm apart from the inside. I need you and Fluttershy to get through a hole in the clouds and determine where the eye is. Can you do that?”
      “You can count on us sir!” Rainbow Dash said with a salute as she dragged Fluttershy higher into the sky, her terrified squeal barely able to be heard over the sound of thunder, leaving Firefly alone in the growing winds.
      “And stop calling me sir
      Meanwhile in the Ponyville library, Twilight frantically finishes letter and throws it to Spike who burns sending it on its way to Princess Celestia.
      “Alright Spike, hold down the fort while the girls and I try to keep this storm from getting any worse.”
      “Aye Aye!” He said as he back to stack books creating a make shift bunker around himself and their pet owl, Owlowiscious. Twilight went down stairs to meet with her friends.
      “For Land sakes, Twilight. How did this here storm just sneak up on us like this?” Applejack asked as she wrung the water out her trademark hat.
      “For once I agree with you, Applejack.” Rarity said as she closed her umbrella. “Firefly is usually very good at giving the town heads up when turns for the worse.”
      “Your right Rairty. Firefly is very super special awesome telling us when things get dark and stormy.” Pinkie Pie said as she shook the water out of her mane like a dog. “It also beat my Pinkie Sense and that’s usually never wrong. Well almost never wrong. But sometimes it’s wrong in the right ways like when Twilight couldn’t prove if my Pinkie Sense was really and _” The pink pony’s rant was cut off by Twilight’s sound canceling force field spell, not that she realized it.

      3楼2016-01-26 22:00

        IP属地:陕西来自iPhone客户端5楼2016-02-01 08:40

          6楼2016-02-10 20:33
            The Lost Alicorn City
            by HeatherIsBestPlayer
            Twilight and her friends set out on a quest to find the mythical lost city of ancient Alicorns. While searching, they come across an old acquaintance of there's, who coincidentally is also looking for the lost city, but for her own reasons. Little do any of them know, dark forces are at work, and what began as a seemingly innocent search for ancient ruins and buried treasure, will become a fight between good and evil with the fate of Equestria hanging in the balance.

            7楼2016-06-20 09:26
              The Space Between Spaces
              Twilight and her friends gasped at what they saw. Just ahead of them were dozens of ponies, all standing facing away from them.
              “Hello?” Twilight shouted to them.
              The ponies didn’t respond. They didn’t even turn their heads or move.
              “HELLO?” shouted Pinkie Pie, a bit louder, trying to get their attention, but again, the ponies gave no reaction.
              Cautiously, the group slowly walked up to the large bunch of ponies. As they got closer, they started noticing something very odd about the ponies. They were all slightly transparent, like ghosts. The only things that kept the mares from running away in fear was their curiosity, and that the see-through ponies still hadn’t moved a muscle.
              “W-what’s wrong with them?” squeaked Fluttershy as they stopped right behind a couple of the ponies at the back of the bunch.
              “I… I don’t know,” answered Twilight. She noticed Rainbow Dash about to go up and touch one of the ponies.
              “DON’T TOUCH THEM!” Twilight shouted, causing the cyan Pegusus to quickly withdraw her extending hoof. “We don’t know what could happen.”
              Rainbow Dash sighed and landed on the ground next to Twilight.
              “Twilight?” said Applejack.
              “I’ve never seen anything like this before,” Twilight responded as she was looking closely at the ponies while trying not to get too close. “If I had to guess, I’d say these ponies are stuck.”
              “Stuck?” asked Rarity.
              “Yes. Stuck somewhere between our world, and… somewhere else.”
              "You mean like the space between spaces?" said Rainbow Dash.
              Twilight just rolled her eye at Dashes' 'Daring Do' reference. She was beginning to regret ever introducing her friend to that series of books.
              “What could do this to them?” asked Fluttershy.
              “I’m not sure,” answered Twilight. “This is obviously ancient and powerful magic. Maybe…” Twilight strayed off and looked down at the ground. Her horn glowed and a small rock lying nearby began to glow as well and she levitated it up infront of her. Using her magic, she then tossed the rock infront of them where the unmoving ponies were. While in mid air, the rock suddenly stopped and became transparent like the ponies. It just hung suspended in mid air there.
              Twilight looked back at her friends. “Thought so. The whole area in front of us is enchanted with a powerful spell. Anything that enters that area will become trapped between worlds.”
              “So what do we do?” asked Applejack.
              “I know,” said Rainbow Dash with a grin. “I’ll just fly over it!”
              Before Rainbow Dash could take off, Twilight grabbed onto her tail with magic and held her back. “That won’t work, Rainbow Dash. Look.” Twilight was pointing up into the air.
              Dash looked where Twilight was pointing and gasped when she saw that she wasn’t the first pegusus to have that idea. Up above them, through the tree tops, several pegasi were frozen in mid flight, their bodies transparent like the ones on the ground.
              Twilight continued. “The spell must extend above the forest as well, to ensure no pony can just fly in. And I’ll bet the spell also goes around the entire forest, so there’s no way to go around it either.”
              Rainbow Dash settled back down on the ground. “Then what are we supposed to do? There has to be a way to get to the city.”
              “I’m thinking,” said Twilight as she sat back on her haunches and rubbed her head with her front hoof. “The ancient alicorns wouldn’t have wanted the city to be impossible to get to, they just wanted to keep the flawed and tainted from finding it. In other words, anypony or thing they believed wasn’t worthy to uncover its secrets. Therefore, there must logically be a way of getting to it. We just need to figure it out.”
              “Well, I don’t see that no good show mare Trixie anywhere,” said Applejack, remembering what Bartlett had said about Trixie also having come here looking for the lost city, “so she must’a found a way. And I ain't about to let the likes of her show us up.”
              Rainbow Dash and Rarity nodded in agreement with Applejack.
              “Maybe there’s a way through somewhere,” said Pinkie Pie. “All’s we have to do is look for it until we find it.”
              They all looked at the pink party pony. “And how are we supposed to do that?” asked Rainbow Dash. “Keep throwing rocks until we find it? Do you have any idea how long that will take?”
              “THAT’S IT!” exclaimed Twilight as she jumped to her hooves.
              Their attention switched to the purple unicorn.
              “What’s it?” asked Rainbow Dash.
              “Remember what it said in the book? Only patience, generosity, kindness, wisdom, modesty, and faith will get us to the lost city. In order to get through this enchanted area, we need to be PATIENT, and throw rocks and other objects at the wall in order to find the way through.” She picked up another stone with her magic. “Come on, girls. Lets keep throwing stones until we find an opening.”
              The rest of them all picked up stones on the ground as well in their hooves or mouths, and Rarity and Twilight with their magic, and began walking next to the area they knew was enchanted and threw the stones at it. Each stone they threw got stuck in the spell. After several minutes, Pinkie through a stone and it didn’t get stuck in anything. It flew through the air and landed on the ground on the other side of the frozen ponies. “I FOUND IT!” Pinkie shouted cheerfully.
              The others hurried over to where she was. Pinkie Pie pointed the way through.
              “Way to go, Pinkie Pie!” Twilight said.
              “Follow me, girls.” Pinkie walked forward, entering the invisible hole she had discovered. Her friends followed her in single file behind her. Once they were sure they were on the other side of the enchanted area, they all began cheering and congratulating themselves on a job well done.
              “All right, ponies,” Dash said as she leaped into the air and hovered in front of her friends using her wings. “Lets keep going!”
              They continued walking through the forest, now a bit more cautious as to what lay ahead, knowing full well that they would encounter more traps like the one they had left behind them.
              “What about those ponies back there?” Fluttershy asked while they were walking, a few minutes later. “The ones who are trapped in the spell. Can anything be done for them?”
              Twilight could tell that all eyes were on her, her friends waiting for her to answer the question. Twilight frowned sadly and shook her head. “That magic is way beyond me. There’s nothing any of us can do for them. Maybe Princess Celestia would know a counter spell, or maybe we’ll find a way to help them at the city. But right now, I don’t know of any way that could help them.
              Fluttershy cast her head down, her expression saddened, as they continued onward.
              After walking for a few more minutes, Twilight heard something up ahead of them.
              “Shhhh!” she said and motioned for her friends to stop moving. They all stopped and Twilight listened. She heard the noise again. It sounded like somepony talking, but the words were incomprehensible this far away.
              Twilight’s friends also heard it as well. Being as quiet as possible, Twilight began tiptoeing through the forest towards the sound. Her friends did the same behind her, except for Rainbow Dash, who hovered along through the air quietly beside them.
              As they rounded a pine tree, they found the source of the sound. On the ground directly ahead of them, sitting with their back turned to them, was a blue pony wearing a purple cape and hat decorated with stars.
              Suddenly, they heard a snap as Fluttershy’s hoof landed on a twig. Infront of them, Trixie whirled her head around and saw them approaching her.
              “STOP!” shouted Trixie, raising her front hooves as a signal to stay back.
              Their initial confusion at Trixie's behavior was forgotten when there was a sudden flash of light all around them, and then they could all see that some sort of giant bubble had appeared all around them, and they were now inside it.
              In front of them, Trixie let her front legs drop to the ground as she stared at the group of ponies before her with realization in her eyes. “Oh my, gosh, it’s you!” she said with annoyance, remembering them all. Then she sighed. “Well, make yourselves comfortable. We’re all going to be here for a while.”

              10楼2016-06-20 09:51

                来自手机贴吧12楼2017-06-05 23:30

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