rafa吧 关注:104,098贴子:5,362,816

【采访】2016印第安维尔斯大师赛采访楼★和风暖阳 共此春光★


IP属地:上海1楼2016-03-11 23:56回复

    来自Android客户端3楼2016-03-12 07:21

      IP属地:广东来自iPad7楼2016-03-12 20:33

        IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端8楼2016-03-12 20:41

          IP属地:北京来自Android客户端10楼2016-03-13 20:25
            说好的赛前,一直没找到原文_(:зゝ∠)_因此转载@raybe 的微博文章,感谢美姨辛苦翻译和授权
            有记者开始问豆子之前受伤的事情的时候,豆子立刻回应 "我从来没有做错事的诱惑. 兴奋剂,离我很远."
            "我是一个完全干净的选手.我职业生涯一直都非常努力('m a completely clean guy.I worked so hard during my career)而当我受伤时,我从来没有使用过任何禁药来求尽快恢复." (我看视频的时候听到'worked so hard"这句的时候鼻子瞬间酸了) (其实对媒体渲染的"豆子愤怒回应",我看下来他是委屈更多一些)
            "我自己又听到几次兴奋剂的传闻, 我也觉得有些厌倦了. 我觉得自己代表着网球的形象,不愿意让这种传言毁了自己在年轻选手中作为榜样的形象."
            "我相信运动以及运动的价值." "运动是社会的榜样.是孩子们的榜样.如果我做了违背那价值的事情,我不是在欺骗对手,而是在欺骗自己."
            而对他之前针对膝伤所采用的血清疗法(PRP):" 在我整个职业生涯里面所有都是公之于众的,我从来没有隐瞒过任何行为. 第一次PRP疗法很成功,但第二次情况很糟,我必须停赛7个月. 而后来的干细胞疗法我使用了两次,效果很好.
            而对那个突然跳出来在造谣说豆子之前伤退是秘密禁赛的法国前体育部长Bachelot, Toni在昨天西班牙电台的采访里面说;"我不知道她这样有什么目的. Rafa的律师已经在着手采取一切可能的法律手段来处理. 我们需要证明豆子的清白.这人就是个白痴.Rafa每年要经过无数次的药检(我在另个采访瞄到是一共700多次啥的),他相信这运动是干净的. 而现在情况是,莎娃的事情都公诸于众了, 如果有其他人使用禁药,怎么可能瞒得了? 我也觉得很好奇."

            IP属地:北京11楼2016-03-13 20:48

              IP属地:北京来自Android客户端13楼2016-03-16 12:54
                感谢莲莲大神@张曼联1210 的授权和第一时间辛苦翻译以下新发翻译均来自他的辛苦工作

                IP属地:北京14楼2016-03-16 12:58

                  IP属地:北京来自Android客户端17楼2016-03-16 13:21
                    BNP PARIBAS OPEN

                    March 15, 2016
                    R. NADAL/F. Verdasco
                    6-0, 7-6(9)

                    IP属地:北京本楼含有高级字体18楼2016-03-16 13:21

                      IP属地:北京20楼2016-03-16 13:23

                        来自iPhone客户端21楼2016-03-16 14:40

                          IP属地:广东来自手机贴吧22楼2016-03-16 19:53
                            THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
                            Q. How important are wins like that whenyou have a great first set but you really have to battle at the end of thesecond?
                            RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, well, so important, no?I lost matches similar to this one in Australia, in Bueno Aires, in Rio deJaneiro, so it's important winning sets like this for me like the other day inthe third, today in the second. You know, I have to go through these things,no? I played a great first set, very good quality of tennis, I think. Nomistakes. That's important for me. Serving very well; returning very well. Thenhaving some mistakes in the beginning of the second, especially with the serve,then distract my concentration, distract my confidence, and I was suffering atthe end of the second set, too, no? I know arriving to a tiebreak against aplayer like Verdasco normally he serve better than me. You know, normally inthese kind of match I have more to lose than him, so he's able to play veryaggressive. He has an amazing shots, no? He arrives to the tiebreak and youknow you're in trouble. Feel lucky to win the tiebreak, and at the same time Ithink at the end of the tiebreak I played well with not many mistakes and goingfor the points. So is an important victory for me. Two matches wins here, toughones. That's something that stays in my mind and helps.
                            Q. You said something the other day which Iagree with, where you said that you have been honest with the media about yourplay and your injuries. After this comment by that French political figure,inside, you know, what are your feelings? I mean, do you feel upset? Anger? Doyou ever ask why these are directed at me? Could you share a little bit ofthat, please.
                            RAFAEL NADAL: No. Seriously, I said theother day, I am a little bit tired about this, these thing. I want to playtennis. That's why I'm here. That's why I worked all my life, to play tennis.That's something that I like, something that I enjoy and something that I amhere, because I have been working a lot during all my career since I was asmall kid. So I say what I had to say the other day. I don't need to repeatthat. That's it. I don't want to talk anymore about that because it's over forme, and now the they just is gonna talk and my lawyers gonna talk.
                            Q. What do you know about Alexander Zverevwho you will play next round? Seems to be one of the younger players coming nowstrong on the tour.
                            RAFAEL NADAL: He's a clear possible futureNo. 1. He's an amazing player. He has all the shots. Very good physicalperformance. Tall, good serve, first and second, great shots from the baseline,forehand and backhand. He has everything to become big star and he's playingwell. He won already matches against Dimitrov, against Simon today. So I don'tknow the other matches he won. Against who? Dodig? So three very good matches,no? Going to be a very tough match tomorrow for me, and I have to be ready tofight, to suffer, and to try to play aggressive. That's what I gonna try, no?Try to put a high rhythm and let's see. I know going to be a very tough match.I happy the way I played today the first set, so if I can keep going the sameway tomorrow, I hope to have my chances.

                            IP属地:北京本楼含有高级字体23楼2016-03-17 14:25
                              Q. When Richard Gasquet faced his ban, you spoke out publicly in his defense. You called him a friend and welcomed him back to tennis and said you believed him. The other day with Sharapova you said that she faced the consequences. So I want to know, what is the difference of these two situations in your mind?
                              RAFAEL NADAL: What happened with Gasquet? Do you remember why?
                              Q. Yeah.
                              RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know about Sharapova, what's going on. Gasquet I have known since I was a kid. We were together playing since we have 12 years old. I Rev #1 by #179 at 2016-03-16 00:52:00 GMT page 1 of 2 know the mentality of Richard. I know how good person he is. I know he love the sport. I know he will not do nothing to go against the values of the sport. And I personally talk with him when that happened and 100% I believe him.
                              Q. And in the case of Maria?
                              RAFAEL NADAL: In the case of Maria, I really don't have the whole information, but is something that I say the other day. I didn't say it nothing against her. I said probably is a mistake, but when somebody make a mistake have to pay the consequence, no? So that's it. I don't want negative things for nobody who are not trying to do the things in a bad way. I don't want negative things for the people who are trying to do the things the right way. But the people who are trying to lie, the rest of the players trying to lie the sport values, for sure they don't deserve to be competing. They obvious don't show respect for sport. 100% against these people that don't love the sport, because is -- as I said the first day here, the sport must be clean, but at the same time must look clean because we are in front of the kids. We are in front of the TV. We should be an example of values and doing the things the right way, spirit of, you know, work, work harder. So that's it. I don't know the case of Maria. Is true that I don't have the whole information about this medication, so I cannot talk anymore about that.
                              Q. When the second set like that is slipping away, how hard is it to keep your mind on that set and not slip over to what you're going to do in the third set?
                              RAFAEL NADAL: It's obvious that in the second set I have been suffering at the beginning, but at the same time, I had my chances. I have a break point for 4-2 and serve. I had another 30-All later with 5-4, I think. So at the beginning was tough, but my feeling was at the end of the set, before the tiebreak, I have been much closer than him to finish the match than to lose the set, no? But is always in the tiebreaker, I have been losing during the whole tiebreak, so he was in advantage. The normal thing with that situation is lose the tiebreak. But I fighted for every point and finally I find the success. At the same time, I feel that I deserve something like this because I lost a few tough ones.
                              Q. If I can ask you something off the match? With all your endorsements, you have your own logo, you're an identity in the sports world, do you consider yourself as a person, a brand at all that because of everything? As I said, the logo that you have of your own and all the different things you endorse and that you, as a person, decides that, just the brand.
                              RAFAEL NADAL: I think that in America, in America they think a lot this way, but I am from Spain. (Smiling.) I am from Mallorca, a small village, and for me difficult to think that way. I just can say thank you very much for all the support that I received during all my career from different companies, different sponsors. To see the support of very important companies supporting me and they want me like an ambassador of the company, something that I feel very proud of, and I feel honored about that. But I really know that all these things are for a few years, so I don't consider myself nothing that special like brand, something like this. I just consider myself a good tennis player. Is obvious that because I had good results, and I hope because I had the right values on court and off court I have a lot of companies that support me during all my career. That's something that I am very happy with.

                              IP属地:北京本楼含有高级字体24楼2016-03-17 14:26