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【电影】纪录片《逐光捉影》 出品人高圣远


1楼2016-06-17 17:02回复
    A total solar eclipse occurs during the precise alignment of the Earth, Moon and Sun. During this time, the Moon’s shadow traverses the Earth, and for those lucky enough to be standing in that shadow, will experience what is known as “totality”.
    Unlike most eclipse documentaries which merely focus on the science behind solar eclipses, “Chasing Shadows” aims to capture the entire experience of an eclipse chase.
    It includes the planning, preparation and execution of a dedicated eclipse photography expedition. In addition, it will show the environment and general emotions associated with totality: the eerie darkness; the bizarre feeling you get; and subsequent reaction of local communities…
    Awarded for Best Directing and Editing at LA Independent Film Festival, this documentry follows Geoff Sims, an astronomer from Sydney, Australia, who has been chasing total solar eclipses since 2002. The expedition was later followed by the documentary director Nelson Quan.

    3楼2016-06-17 17:05
      About the Protagonist and Director

      主角Protagonist Geoff Sims
      Geoff Sims是一位定居悉尼的澳洲天文学家。他于2013年获得博士学位,主修南极天文学。在此期间,他曾曾帮助在世界上最干最冷的地区建立太赫兹天文台。Geoff热爱摄影,是名副其实的日食猎手。同时,他也是悉尼天文台的讲解员。
      Dr. Geoff Sims is an astronomer based in Sydney, Australia. Geoff obtained his PhD in 2013, specializing in astronomy from Antarctica. During that time he helped to establish a new terahertz observatory at the coldest and driest place on Earth. Outside of academia, Geoff is an extremely passionate astro photographer, regularly travelling the globe to observe and photograph solar eclipses. And he currently also works casually as an astronomy guide at the historic Sydney Observatory.

      导演Director Nelson Quan(关景元)
      Nelson Quan 关景元是一位美籍华人电影人,目前住在北京。其为大众汽车拍摄的短片曾在2013年获嘎纳电影节金狮奖。同时,他也是好莱坞电影“我知女人心”的后期剪辑。
      Nelson Quan is a Chinese-American filmmaker based in Beijing, China. His most recent work was at Pixomondo, working as the lead editor on a documentary/web-series project with Volkswagen called “The People’s Car Project,” which won the Golden Lion award at the 2013 Cannes film festival. Later he edited a Chinese remake of Hollywood’s “What Women Want”.

      4楼2016-06-17 17:05

        IP属地:黑龙江6楼2016-06-19 12:22

          7楼2016-11-11 22:17