英语口语之点石成金吧 关注:2,405贴子:12,840
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It was really a big day three days ago. I never thought people inBritain voted to leave EU. Everybody in the office were talking about it. I mean, financially, it's a lot of money. Somebody may make usd300000 by investing only a couple of thousands in his margin account.
Looking at the huge dropping candle on the Bloomberg terminal. So scary

来自iPhone客户端1楼2016-06-26 22:39回复
    Colleagues told me that all Traders are requested to be in front of the monitor at the office from 2 am on June 23rd.

    来自iPhone客户端2楼2016-06-26 22:41
      There may no need to do this as the more results coming from 8 am Singapore time onwards. Markets started to be volatile on my way to office. Gbp/usd moving over 300 bps in just 30 minutes. The daily atr is normally 150bps.

      来自iPhone客户端3楼2016-06-26 22:44
        Markets in Japan started to react to the votes after opening bell at 8 am. Nikki dropped by 5% in just minutes. Can you imagine how much money you would make if you opened your short position? It's tens of thousand of dollars. Somebody made over 30k when coming back from toilet. Gee! As the clock is ticking, more seller joined in. They spent whatever they have to buy jpy to hedge the riskes. Gold rocked in the sky.... Man, it was brutal for those who longed the stocks

        来自iPhone客户端4楼2016-06-26 22:50