黑暗血时代吧 关注:79,195贴子:2,739,952

黑暗血 英语 自己渣翻版 第一章


网络上叫 dark blood age 但是我觉得 World of Darkness - The century of blood 这个比较实用与黑暗降临时候的书名。
World of Darkness - The century of blood
a mysterious natural phenomena causes earth fallen into darkness. the world turned into endless bloody chaos. the mankind is on the edge of extinction........

1楼2017-02-02 14:16回复
    Said to be a family heirloom book, Actually it is has been part of the bed base, Because this book looks severely damaged and very old , Except its thickness , it does not have other advantages , Chu yu sheng's father keeps saying that this book was passed down from generation to generation , he must keep that book until he die , But in fact , When Chu Yunsheng was admitted to a University ,his father was in need for the money that he secretly took the family ancient book to a pawn shop and antique market , The results of the identification is that the book is worthless, they said the book is not old enough to have the collection value, it is maximum around 3 - 5 years old.
    After passed it to Chu Yunsheng the book continued to serve as bed base support until Chu Yunsheng decided to buy a house, same as his father, full of anticipation does not change the value of the book. in antique market, no one was interested in buying this book, frustration leeds Chu Yunsheng give up the idea of selling this book.
    The books remains use as bed support for years, chu almost forget about its existence, but it the changed until one night.
    the night , he broke up with the girl he is with for years, he was drunk, but he firmly believed what he saw is not an illusion, even his friends are making fun of him after he told them about the book he almost a forget its existence emitted strange bright light around 20 seconds.
    in order to prove himself what he saw is not an illusion, also it is part of monetary driven motivation, he took the books to the pawn shop once again, the Result is still disappointing , Still nobody think it is a treasure ,even he made a radiocarbon dating test . The test result shows the book is no more than ten years therefore it is clearly not an ancient book.
    chu was upset by the result of test, but soon he found that something is very strange, he knew about This book when he was a child, he does not know how long his father had this book, but it is at least more than 20 years , he had seen it with his own eyes. Now the test results shows that this book has no more than ten years, indicating that this book is not as simple as it looks.
    Chu Yunsheng spend long time studied the material of the book because he try to find out the real age of the book, but he got nothing from it. Then he took another approach try to understand the context of the book. He went through all books regarding traditional chinese, oracles, ancient texts, even any literatures have slightly connection to the book's’ texts. Eventually after a long time research he understood about three hundred relatively simple text, that year happens to be in 2010.
    A mere 300 words does not help Chu Yunsheng understand the entire book, even him could not understand anything after first ten pages of the book. but just this little ten pages of papers, Chu Yunsheng figured out the author of this book repeatedly tells reader that “Tiangui(the law of cosmo) is coming, thousands of laws will be coming one, the universe will reveal its true face, and world will be doomed .”
    Chu Yunsheng was feeling down during the time of break up, it just happened to be at the time a new USA blockbuster movie about apocalypse released,he felt he had nothing but times to kill, also becaused of boredom and curious about mayan’s prediction and he used the rule of algorium he learned from the ancient book and calcated date base on the modern calender. Chu was shocked after repeatedly getting the same results. The results showed that the time for “the thousands of laws will be coming one” is 7 days after the date mayan predicted which is on 21th of december 2012. it means that on 28th the world will have a disastrous change.
    Chu Yunsheng forget many times he calculated, he did not trust the result at first simply because he was not sure if he completely understood the words he learned from the ancient book. But after more words he learned and every time it pointed at 28th , Chu Yunsheng started to get very nervous, he didn’t know why the book appears to be a special kind of magic power, constantly drove him to believe on that day will come.
    Chu had struggled for a sometime when he finally decided to believe the culation result. He tried to tell people online about this information, but no one believed him, many rumors are going around on the internet, government censored all the information, soon his post disappeared from people’s eye.
    Until three months ago, the ancient book emitted colorful lights again when he just about to go to sleep, previously chu was drunk, but his time he was sober, After the shock, he didn't doubt what he saw again. He has been preparing for this day for three month. The crazy decision he made in the past three month caused his friends think he had gone crazy and almost dragged him to hospital.
    He sold The house he used loan to bought without any single of hesitation, anything that is valuable, that he think he does not need in the future, he sold it in exchange of cash. The then used those cash to rent two flats on the same floor of the building in the center of city shen cheng where the army’s key protection area is when anything is happen. The flats he chose are not in the bottom of building because that is vulnerable to anyone who want to coming, and they are on the top as well, because the book has warned the return of tiangui will bring the earth collide with other dimensions, it will bring down the vicious beasts that no one on earth can compete..
    Chu Yunsheng used the most robust steel to sealed the doors and windows,and stores large quantities of food, clean water, and other supplies such as salt, sugar, paper, batteries, and even toothpaste, detergent and lighters, all he can thinks he needed during apocalypse he bought it all, he calculated that, if he had 2 pounds of rice a day, the rice he stored could help him survive for several decades,
    He even bought a pistol and 100 rounds of ammunitions on the black market, he spend all he could to buy everything, his entire saving went down from few hundreds thousands to just less than 2000. It was not he did not want to spend it all. It was there is no more space for him to store anything. Even the toilet was stuffed with things.
    Chu Yunsheng’s landlords are all out of city, hardly ever come back to shen cheng city once. At the day of 21th chu knocked down the wall between two flats he rented and blocked door and all the entrance on the other flat. After prepared everything he wait quietly for the apocalypse.
    It is not that Chu Yunsheng didn’t want to help his friends, it is because almost everyone thought he was crazy, even his relatives thought he was crazy, no one would believe him.
    However, from this morning he has been receiving increasing number of phone calls, the disappearance of sun cause way more panic than he though was, although many people still think it is ridiculous to believe it is the end of the world, but panic just keep spreading. That why people who knew that chu’s was preparing for this all come to ask for advices. but chu does not really know in details. He barely understand the first few pages of book. All he can do right now is tell people to store more food and anything their need during apocalypse.
    Evening’s news repeatedly telling people that there is scientific explanation to this phenomenon , it is not the end of the world. But who is to belived right now? Rumors have been spread faster than news, Riots is getting worse. Even almost all the new websites has put up apocalypse section on their front page.
    The sun disappeared, the Mayan prophecy will really happen?
    The end of the world, are you ready?
    2012 is here, did you bought the tickets?

    4楼2017-02-02 14:19

      IP属地:美国来自Android客户端6楼2017-02-02 14:29
        字母都认识,组合在一起了我只有一句妈卖批不知当讲不当讲                              ——舌一吐而二虫尽为所吞

        IP属地:广东来自Android客户端7楼2017-02-02 14:58

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                IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端14楼2017-02-02 16:30

                  来自Android客户端15楼2017-02-02 16:33

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