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Soon you'll be able to openly carry a sword in Texas
很快的,你将能够在德州公开携带一把剑(CNN)Starting this fall, adults in Texas can openly carry knives with blades
longer than 5.5 inches.
In fact, swords, spears, daggers, sabers, bowie knives and machetes are all
perfectly fine to tote around. Pretty much anything you can whip out in a
Dungeons and Dragons battle is fair game.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed the bill into law last month, but it doesn't go
into effect until September 1.
Under the existing law knives with blades longer than 5.5 inches could be
purchased but not carried -- with only limited exceptions.
There are some places where the new law won't apply -- including schools,
prisons, hospitals, amusement parks or places of worship. Long blades are
still banned at sports events. And you can't bring your sword into a bar,
either. The tiny colorful plastic ones that you stick on top of a cocktail,
however, are under 5.5 inches, so those are still OK.
"House Bill 1935 provides a common sense solution by prohibiting any knife
with a blade over five-and-a-half inches in certain location restricted
areas," Rep. John Frullo, the Republican representative from Lubbock who
authored the bill, told CNN in a statement.
Texas now joins Montana and Oklahoma. Both have both passed laws lifting
their bans on certain bladed weapons, including swords.
UT stabbing suspect may have had mental health issues, police say
UT stabbing suspect may have had mental health issues, police say
The legislation stalled in May after a man was accused of using a hunting
knife to kill one student and wound three others at the University of Texas
at Austin. Frullo postponed debate on the legislation until a week later --
but stood by his bill.
"It's not making criminals out of people who have no intention of creating
some type of criminal act," Frullo told CNN affilliate Spectrum News in
Austin at the time. Knife Rights, a national advocacy organization, supported
the legislation but said there is still a ways to go to strike "those last
remaining minor knife restrictions in Texas."
"We won't stop until Texas is as free as everyone thinks Texas is," the group
wrote in a statement on its website.
州长Greg Abbott上个月已经在新的法案上面签字,九月一号开始德州人可以随身带刀。

IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端1楼2017-07-16 20:17回复
    Nishan Joshna
    America is so savage in their thinking! Unbelievable! I guess the rest of us around the world will just sit back and watch as the citizens and police slaughter each other!
    难以置信! 美国的思维是如此野蛮! 我想世界各地的人都会坐在后面看着美国公民和警察互相厮杀!
    Myrna Cheng Meola
    Other than USA, Switzerland has one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the world. Switzerland has no army but a well trained militia via their citizens instead. Swiss Army = Switzerland Citizen Militia
    除了美国外, 瑞士是世界上拥有枪支率最高的国家。瑞士没有军队,而是通过训练自己的公民成为民兵。 瑞士军队=瑞士公民民兵
    Robert Eleazer
    So all the idiots who couldn't get a gun because of the background check will instead be carrying knives。
    Cris Mendoza
    I live in Texas and this scares me a bit. Not joking. In my city a border patrol agent was stabbed in the eye and killed. He was out with his family during the day and got into an altercation with a stranger in the parking lot of a bar and grill. He is was killed with a pocket knife. Now imagine what is going to happen when people are allowed to wear Bowie knives on their hips. We are about to see a lot more stabbing injuries and deaths.
    我就住在德州州,这真让我感到害怕,不是玩笑的。在我住的城市一个边境巡逻员被人捅死了。 因为他和家人白天在烧烤酒吧停车场和一个陌生人发生争执,他被一把小刀捅死了。现在想象一下, 当大家都被允许携带刀具时会发生什么,我们将看到更多被刺伤和死亡.
    Itzel Abi Cortez
    Oh Texas..Everybody is going to try to become a ninja hahahaha.
    哦 德州.. 每个人都可以尝试成为一个忍者 哈哈哈哈.
    Randy Reb-El Ball
    well moving to Texas to finally become the samurai warrior I was destined to be.
    Kellie Hale
    That's embarrassing.
    Hyasmine Tassy
    Great...so instead of accidentally shooting of their own children they can now accidentally stab them too.
    太好了... 所以那些一不小心开枪打死自己的孩子的人他们现在也可以一不小心刺死他们孩子了。
    Tong Xu Jaret
    what's the point of open carrying swords when almost everyone has a gun?
    Brian Magee
    Can't wait to see sword fight footage!
    Kevin Bryant
    Police are already giving white privileges with carrying guns and now more weapons of mass destruction. However they will Kill an unarmed Black Man, Woman and Child!
    This is CRAZY!
    警方现在已经给了白人带枪和更多大规模杀伤性武器的特权,但他们会用来杀了一个手无寸铁的黑人, 妇女和孩子!

    IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端2楼2017-07-16 20:17

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