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【老兵客栈】2017.7.16 NMRiH制作组博文翻译


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来自Android客户端1楼2017-07-19 09:53回复
    来自Android客户端2楼2017-07-19 09:54
      One thing that we get questions (and suggestions) quite frequently is on the topic of weapons. People ask us “what kind of weapons will there be? Will there be more weapons? What about gun customization? What do they look like?” This leads to the inevitable “show me the guns!”
      Well today I am happy to answer some of those questions and show off some weapons with some side-by-side comparisons to the original game’s arsenal. The list of weapons is always shifting, growing, and changing. Most of your favorites from the original game are making an appearance alongside some fancy new additions!

      来自Android客户端3楼2017-07-19 09:55

        1911 对比图

        1911 details
        1911 细节特写
        So to kick things off, if you’re a gun-nut like I am, oneof the first things you’ll notice is that the names and brands of the weaponshave changed – they are not “real” anymore. Now this is because we’re nowworking on a commercial product and we have to respect existing copyrightsand trademarks. So we’ve made up substitutions; “Beretta” forexample becomes “Fierra”, “Glock” substituted with “Eder” and “Ruger” isreplaced with “Gruber”. This sort of change is also present in a few of the gunnames as well, as some of those too are trademarked. So with that being said,don’t be alarmed when you pick up a firearm with an unfamiliar name!
        We’ll start with firearms. The most noticeable change andimprovement with the weapons you will see right away that the visuals are of amuch higher quality. Our weapon selection was put together as a joint effortbetween myself and friend of the team Tim Bergholz of Chamfer Zone (http://www.chamferzone.com), who made most of our firearm art. Weworked with the arsenal of the first game and made a few changes and additions,and Tim cranked out some amazing models and textures as we went down the list,and you can see here just how much of a quality improvement his skills havebrought to the guns. We’ve put together a few side-by-side comparisons of someselect guns from the original game compared to their new equivalents so you cansee for yourself, starting with the M16A4:
        接下来进入打靶时间。如你所见这些武器已拥有全新的外观,多亏了与Chamfer Zone(http://www.chamferzone.com)上的伙伴Tim Bergholz团队一同努力至今,我们才有了更多的精细的模型与贴图来完成整个武器列表,他们是最大的贡献者。接下来的这组渲染图便能让你领会到Tim大神的技术功底,这是些初代重制的武器,先从M16A4开始:

        M16A4 细节特写

        IP属地:广东4楼2017-07-19 10:20

          IP属地:广东来自手机贴吧5楼2017-07-19 11:58
            keep going

            IP属地:广东来自Android客户端6楼2017-07-19 12:20
              The basics of guns in general function more or less the same as what you’re used to. No on-screen crosshair – requiring you to use ironsights for accuracy, no permanent HUD for ammo – requiring you to do ammochecks, the ability to unload ammo from guns, the ability to perform skillshots, and using flashlights with handguns. On top of all that, though, we’re adding in a few new things too. These two little features alone should add plenty more to the gunplay of NMRiH2.

              lare Gun comparison
              The first new feature is the ability to use “alternate ammo”. For pistol calibers (sans .357 Magnum) that alt-ammo is HP or Hollowpoint; inflicting massive damage to a single soft target. For most rifle calibers (plus .357 Magnum) the alt-ammo is AP or Armor Piercing; dealing huge amounts of damage armored enemies human or zombie and passing through multiple soft targets. A couple rifle calibers have API rounds, or Armor Piercing Incendiary which is exactly what it sounds like. And finally we have 12-gauge shotguns shells which, to make the shotgun class of weapons more versatile, come in buckshot, slug, and finally dragon’s breath. This feature is still hugely work in progress and is subject to change like everything else, but that’s the intention!

              carbine with attachable sights
              加装了瞄准镜的CX8 Alaris 卡宾枪

              7楼2017-07-19 13:29
                The second new feature is gun customization. If you’re familiar with Crysis, our system works similarly. You can enable on-the-spot gun customization allowing you to attach suppressors, tactical lights, sights, and more to your firearms. Every firearm is different with what options are available to you. You can find parts in the world or you have the chance to bring them into the game with you from your Steam Inventory – but that’s a whole other game mechanic that we’ll explore in the future

                Eder 22 (with attachable light) compared with Glock 17
                Eder 22 (带战术红外线) 与Glock17的对比图

                Eder 22 细节特写
                Another change with firearms this time around is that they will no longer “rest” in a hipfire idle state. Now, when you’re just standing around or milling about, your gun will be in a “rest idle” position held up at the side if a pistol or down in front of your body if a long gun. it’s a small change, and doesn’t impact much, but visually it’s a really nice addition that enhances your immersion.

                8楼2017-07-19 13:34
                  Now don’t worry we haven’t forgotten about melee! There will be all your old favorites and some new additions as well. Once again their function will be similar: quick swings and charged attacks, shoving, throwing, and flashlight support for one-handed weapons. This time, though, certain melee weapons have “tool functions” so for example you can use a crowbar to prise a manhole cover. Charged attacks have also seen a slight change; when you begin charging a weapon your character will quickly come to a complete stop, “planting” your feet down to ground yourself for a strong swing. This means you can’t just forever run around the map with a charged baseball bat looking for heads to knock off – you’re going to need to be a bit more strategic!
                  Melee weapons have also gotten an art overhaul, and we’ve included a few more side-by-side comparisons for you all!

                  Machete comparison
                  We also have the ammoboxes – much like the guns, we needed to make up all fictional names but we wanted to try and stick as close to the color schemes you are all familiar with from the original game. We’ve also added a couple new calibers to the game including .40 S&W and 5.7mm – Check these out and you can let us know if you feel they are recognizable! (Keep in mind this is just a first pass of their art, and we’ll probably make a few boxes open with exposed bullets like in the first game.)
                  我们也重制了弹药盒——和枪支一样,我们和谐了商标与名称,并在外观上尽可能让色调与旧作中的模型大致相仿(版权问题你懂的)。与此同时我们也增添了两种不同口径的弹药,.40 S&W与5.7mm——请看看它们是否依旧眼熟,欢迎反馈意见!(请注意这只是我们的初步外观设计,接下来我们可能会和旧作一样,添加一些子弹可见的、打开的弹药盒。)

                  The primary firearm calibers
                  So thank you for joining me today to talk about weapons, hopefully you’ve enjoyed taking a look at the art we’ve done and maybe you’re super pumped to use them when we launch the game! If you’ve ever wanted to make gun models like you see here, our buddy Tim Bergholz at Chamfer Zone has a series of tutorials for 3D Studio Max and Substance Painter that’ll teach you how to be an art pro!
                  感谢你的阅读,关于武器的信息今天就讲到这里,希望你十分乐意了解这些讯息,指不定这会让你在游戏发布时当一回真·大佬呢!如果你看完也跃跃欲试,想制作个武器模型什么的,欢迎加入Chamfer Zone的Tim Bergholz团队,这里有全套的3D Studio Max与Substance Painter教程,将你分分钟打造成专业设计,来吧伙计!
                  Join us next month for another Dev Blog, and we’ll end off with a huge array of images for you to enjoy!

                  9楼2017-07-19 13:37

                    【Keto 85 对比图】


                    【M590A1 与M870枪型的对比图】

                    【M590A1 细节特写】

                    【MP5A4 对比图】

                    【MP5A4 细节特写】


                    【DT11 细节特写】

                    10楼2017-07-19 13:44
                      全文完,本文由【老兵客栈Veteran Tavern】进行人工翻译,转载请注明出处

                      11楼2017-07-19 13:47