勇者大冒险动漫吧 关注:51,099贴子:1,115,944

【翻译】Notes from the Underworld


经过半年的时间,第二季的翻译总!算!搞!完!了! (仰天长笑)

1楼2017-07-21 10:34回复
    神荼:Lyncoris Radiatha, 来自黄泉花学名 Lycoris radiata
    安岩:Andri An, 音译。
    丰绅:Kytherius, 纠结了好久的名字,为了跟风筝(kite)对上,起名废的我就翻成这样了。
    阿赛尔:Axel Qin, 官方的名字。
    卡卡雅:Kakanya, 音译。
    和珅:Shen, 因为我懒。

    2楼2017-07-21 10:42

      3楼2017-07-21 10:42
        Ep. 1 S. 2
        The Eye Of Pthahnil
        2016.1.1, Paris, France, underground:
        Four red dots glowed on the screen of a watch, clustered in the center of a spacious chamber.
        The first dot represented the head of the squad. Tall, with sharp, severe features and a hard glint in his eyes, his leadership seemed unquestionable. His navy blue jacket had the American eagle and flag sewn on the shoulder. He checked the white - lined map on the watch, frowned, and turned his attention to the door in front of him.
        The second was a middle - aged Japanese man, stern lines cut into his face and greyness seeping into his hair. Looking around, he hefted his bulky bag and signaled the third member to stay back.
        The third was a heavily built, dark skinned fellow, a katana in gripped tight in his right hand, a walky - talky in his left. Nodding to his Japanese colleague, they turned around together and scanned the area, keeping an eye out for any movement.
        The fourth, strangely, was a boy. With a height of about 160 cm and a small, rounded face, he looked no more than fifteen years old but seemed quite confident surrounded by mean - looking adults. Dark hair, fair skin, large, slanted, coal black eyes, his Chinese heritage was obvious. He was dressed strangely formal for the situation, a wide brown hat, an identically colored vest over a white, collared shirt, black pants and boots, and even a red bowtie. His watchful gaze and alert poise gave him the look of a young cat or fox. He watched the actions of the team leader intently but did nothing.
        “It’s here.” The leader announced in a guttural voice. He produced a key from his pocket and approached the door.
        The light behind them flickered. A rat scurried across the floor, stopped, chittered, and hurried off. The Japanese man turned abruptly, and, upon finding nothing, resumed his watch.
        “Shit!” Came a frustrated growl from the team leader, who was studying the door a moment ago, “so many ****ing keyholes! Which one’s right?”
        The boy, leaning close to the door, flipped a gold - colored lens off one eye. He ran his hand over one of the keyholes, clearing off the dust which had gathered over the long years, and nodded to the team leader.
        The older man smiled. “Attaboy.” Patting his pockets, he cursed under his breath. “Where’s my ****ing key?”
        The Japanese man went up to him, bowing timidly, and produced a large, bronze key with both hands. “ごめんなさい。” Sorry.
        “Step back.” Snarled the team leader. The Japanese man backed off.
        The leader returned his attention to the door. “Finally.” He raised the key to his face, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. “God bless me.” He inserted the key into the lock and began to turn it.

        5楼2017-07-21 10:43
          As the key made its reluctant rotations, steadily clicking, the boy watched and waited anxiously.
          The Midrash states that the invincible Behemoth could only be killed with the sword of Jehovah. He remembered. Adventuring was a perilous business, and this mission much more so than others. Everything will be okay. I can go back alive this time, too.
          Without warning, the key jammed. A scarlet smoke seeped from the keyhole and dissipated into the air around the team leader, who coughed and swore.
          The key began to turn back on its own.
          The team leader looked up as if something has caught his attention, but when the rest of the squad followed his gaze they saw nothing except the looming, stone ceiling. The team leader, lowering his voice, asked the child, “do you hear … the music?”
          The child shook his head with a hand over his mouth. The team leader cast an inquiring look towards the other two, who shook their heads as well.
          But the tinkling sounds were real - weren’t they? The team leader tried to clear his mind. His vision had gone foggy - probably because of the light …
          A blue light poured from the ceiling. The squad raised their heads spontaneously. Before they could move, though, a squeal from behind the dark skinned man stopped them.
          The man looked down and saw the rat, staring back at him with its whiskers twitching and a red glow reflected in its eyes. “Les yeux rat!” He cried, jumping away.
          “Eye … rat?” The boy quickly translated, alarmed. The eye of the rat were dangerous, they say. It could kill you, if you’re not careful.
          The Japanese man unslung a katana from his back and crept up to the rat, who blinked, chittered, and bolted into a crack in the rocks. He glanced at the dark skinned man, who shrugged, unsure of what to do.
          Something flashed behind the Japanese man and he dropped to the ground, holding his neck. The team leader stood behind him, his own eyes the same hue as the rat’s, a stiff grin on his face. Before the dark skinned man could even back up, his neck was snapped into a grotesque angle and he, too, dropped dead.
          The red glow faded. The team leader flinched, looked around incredulously at the corpses, then at the child, who backed into the slowly opening door. “What the hell?”
          A bloodstain spread out on his blue jacket. The Japanese man watched his leader fall dumbly, muttering, “ごめんなさい ...”
          On the face of the watch, one of the four dots moved through the hall at an inhuman speed.
          The dark skinned man and the team leader, or rather copies of them, stood up unsteadily. The clones faced the open door, the scarlet glow prominent in their eyes, and took a few zombie - like steps forward.
          “Where is the key?”
          The child peeked out from behind a rock. He looked down at the key, then around him, scanning the wide chamber. Someone was in the clearing with him, he knew, and that person was watching his every move. It might be best to keep up the pretense for a little longer …

          6楼2017-07-21 10:44
            “If I get out of here alive,” he said, loud enough for the person to hear but soft enough to be taken for talking to himself, “I’m staying away from these places.”
            There was a buzzing sound from in front of him. He shifted, knowing that the person would move soon, now that the copies were so close. As he had anticipated, a hand reached out over his shoulder, clamping itself over his mouth and pulling him back behind the rock. He let out a muffled cry, just for show.
            “Shhh!” The person put a finger to his lips and drew two pistols from his belt.
            Rapid flashes from the muzzles illuminate the copies as they fall, but as soon as they did more rose up to replace them, leaving the originals lying on the ground lifelessly. The mystery person rushed forward, ducked, and tripped the team leader over. A gun flew from the team leader’s hand and clattered to a stop beside the child.
            The boy picked up the gun, aimed it carefully at the grappling figures, and pulled the trigger. The bullet grazed the mystery person’s hat and left a scorch mark on it. The person turned to look at him incredulously and the child mouthed an apologetic “oops” before darting back behind the rock.
            One of the clones heard the noise and approached the rock. A bullet hit the clone and it fell, another copy rising before it even hit the ground. The child hastily turned the muzzle on it and fired.
            Meanwhile, the mystery person had succeeded in blasting the three of the remaining clones with freezing bullets and turning them into ice statues, then shattering them with a wave of a pistol. The child thought it was done quite smoothly, though not flawless yet. He hid behind the rock and peeked out as though uncertain about what to do. The mystery person approached him.
            The child regarded the him warily. It was a man - he was sure of that now, though the person’s face was obscured by a cowboy hat. The man strolled towards him unhurriedly, unbuttoning his jacket with each step. Nervously, the child prepared himself for the worst.
            “Bonsoir!” The man said cheerily, flinging his jacket open. “Have you seen this guy here? Look, look at this. Have you seen him?”
            Watching the man hop around in front of him through his raised hands, the child noted that the man was merely pointing at his own shirt. Well, he thought, it could have been worse. On the plain white shirt was the words “Wanted” under the face of a young man who looked vaguely familiar. Where has he seen him before …?
            Before he’s had enough time to think about it, though, a ball of white shot out from the side of the man’s backpack. Ducking and raising his hands in front of his face, the child felt something the size of a tennis ball hit his hands and gripped it instinctively. He looked at it, still holding it far away from himself.
            The thing he clutched was an egg shaped … creature, with unproportionally large eyes that gave it a look that was somehow spontaneously weird and cute. Two tiny legs extended from the bottom of the egg, enhancing the strangeness. The two stared at each other blankly.

            7楼2017-07-21 10:45
              Because there was really nothing else to be done at the time, the boy started screaming. And since the egg shaped creature was quite startled by the sudden commotion it began to scream as well. And so it happened that a human and an egg found themselves locked in the most bizarre shrieking contest ever held in history, human or egg.
              The mystery person lifted his hat. “Furegg,” he scolded, “I told you not to go out and scare people like that.”
              Andri watched the kid in the ridiculously formal clothing out of the corner of his eye as he fanned the unconscious Furregg. The kid seemed to have gotten over the initial shock, and was examining the creature with concern and curiosity.
              “Did I kill it?” The kid asked worriedly.
              Andri traced a capital M over Furregg. It flashed and turned into a keychain, which automatically hung itself behind his backpack. “He’ll be fine. He's not that fragile.” Standing up, he gestured to the kid, “follow up.”
              The kid scrambled to his feet. Stopping in front of Andri, he gave a timid bow and extended his hand. “My name is Axel Qin. Thanks for saving me back there,”
              Andri shook the hand with a wide grin. “Don’t worry about it. Call me Andri.” Walking on, he said to Axel, “I actually followed you guys in here. Are you looking for something?”
              “They were looking for Behemoths’ treasure.” Axel replied.
              “So you’re wealth - seekers?”
              Axel stopped. “I’m different from them!” He proclaimed indignantly, “I’m looking for the Eye of Pthahnil.”
              Andri stopped too. “Go on.”
              Axel’s eyes gleamed eagerly. “And then … and then I want to find the truth of human existence!”
              Andri rolled his eyes. Kids these days, always going on about the philosophies of life and death and such … “Dream on, my boy.” He teased.
              The two walked on in silence. After some time, Andri noticed that Axel kept staring at the person on his shirt. The missing person was Lyncoris Radiatha, by the way, who disappeared in a flying pyramid in Egypt half a year ago. What the guy was thinking at the time, Andri will never guess, but it didn’t matter. He only had to find him.
              “What is it?” Andri finally asked after a long while of awkward staring.
              Axel seemed a little caught off guard, but regained his composure immediately. “This man,” he asked tentatively, “is he important to you?”

              8楼2017-07-21 10:45
                “He … uh … he’s missing.” Andri chose the vaguest response. “This business of adventuring is dangerous alone, so I have to find him. Yeah?”
                Axel nodded understandingly. “Yep. If a member of a team goes missing, the leader has to be responsible.”
                Ah … that is way oversimplified. “Right.”
                They kept walking.
                “Only, my leader just died.” Axel mumbled with downcast eyes.
                Andri looked down sympathetically, not knowing what to say. Someone as young as this shouldn’t be in such a hazardous situation anyways. He wondered once again why a child would be in an underground mansion which could contain almost anything, from vampires to ghosts to dancing zombies (which he had seen before and never wishes to see again). He didn’t seem to be troubled financially, hence the suit and bowtie, and he appears to be here voluntarily, but Andri couldn’t see any other reasons. It probably isn’t any of his business anyways.
                To avoid further awkwardness, Andri changed the subject. “I’ve been in Paris for three months,” he began, “and I haven’t got a clue as to where he had gone. Until two weeks ago, that is.” He stopped in front of Axel. I heard that there’s something here that grants answers.”
                “The Eye of Pthahnil.” Axel said knowingly.
                “Precisely.” Andri nodded. “I heard the Eye of Pthahnil glows like a sea of stars, and, according to my many years of experience, it isn’t here.”
                But Axel wasn’t listening to him. “Look here,” he said, running off.
                Baffled, Andri followed. Axel had stopped in front of a stone pillar with slabs of rock with carvings on them slotted into it. The pillar stood in the center of a ring marked by other pillars. Squinting at one of the carvings, Andri made out the word “Pthahnil”.
                “Pthahnil is one of the fallen angels.” Axel explained. Pointing at a carving above the Pthahnil one, he told Andri, “and that’s Metatron, a very high - leveled angel.”
                Andri shook his head. Kids these days are know - it - alls too. “What do these shapes have to do with angels, then?” He asked, referring to a slab with a polyhedron carved on it. “From what I see, this is a religious sacrifice site, and these shapes have special meanings to them. Let me look it up.” He took out his phone and began walking around, trying to get a signal.
                Axel frowned and looked closer at the patterns. “No … that’s not right.” He murmured, taking one of the slabs out.

                9楼2017-07-21 10:46
                  Andri was still fiddling with his phone. It had managed to get a signal a hundred meters underground and was now working smoothly. “THA phones are awesome - There’s even service down here. I don’t even know what kind of alien technology this is …”
                  The clinking of stones behind him made him turn. Axel stood in front of the pillar, quite satisfied with the way he had rearranged the stone slabs. “This is the correct arrangement.” Metatron at the top, followed by a four sided polyhedron, then an eight sided one, then twenty, then six, with Pthahnil at the very bottom.
                  “And an OCD too.” Andri looked at the boy oddly. “This is …?”
                  “These polyhedrons.” Axel gestured to the shapes, “four sides stands for fire, six stands for earth, eight for air, and twenty for water.”
                  A green glow began to spread from the base and middle of the pillar and Andri automatically stepped back.
                  “Earth is the heaviest, making up the core of the world.” Axel continued. “Water is lighter, and covers the earth.”
                  The green light grew into a carpet of grass. Nameless, brightly colored flowers sprang from the ground, their petals swaying to a light draft where there was none before. The air was immediately filled with their cool fragrance. A bright blue began to radiate from the pillar.
                  “Air and fire are even lighter, and spiral up around the earth. The angels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel represent fire, water, air and earth respectively. Arranged in the order of the angels, Metatron would be at the top, and Pthahnil would naturally be at the bottom.” Axel looked towards Andri, who stood in awe, gaping.
                  Great. A kid knows more than I do. Why would anyone even have this information? Gathering the last shreds of his dignity, Andri gave Axel a stiff smile. “Very good,” he said, hoping Axel wouldn’t notice, “a logical thought process. Well done.”
                  A blue glow poured from the ceiling and both looked up. Above them, glittering with the light of a starlit sky, was an azure well. The water swirled and drifted dreamily, on the ceiling, completely ignoring the laws of gravity.
                  Good old Newton must be spinning in his grave.
                  “A sea of stars …” Andri wondered out loud, “this must be the Eye of Pthahnil.” Looking around, he didn’t see any way up, unless he suddenly became spiderman or something. “After going through so much trouble of finding it, I have to get up there if I have to crawl!”
                  “Wait.” Axel fished out a scrap of paper from his bag. “This is a clue given to me by my boss, the Empire Remnant.”

                  10楼2017-07-21 10:46
                    The paper was well aged. It was yellow, the edges dark and ripped in some places, but the words were still legible.
                    That which is below corresponds with that which is above, and that which is above corresponds with that which is below, to accomplish the miracle of one thing.
                    “Above, below, that means…” Axel murmured, and looked towards the stone pillar. He then took out the slab with Pthahnil and Metatron and switched them.
                    The glow from the ceiling faded immediately. The draft picked up. Petals and leaves drifted up towards the ceiling, followed soon by Andri’s hat, which he tried and failed to hold on to. He wondered what force made Axel’s hat stay in place.
                    Its wasn’t long before the two began to float as well. “Do you know what’s going on?” Andri demanded. Axel either didn’t hear him or didn’t know, because he didn’t reply.
                    “Then what in the name of God are you doing?”
                    The pillar was well out of reach now. Flipping themselves in midair, they recognized that the ceiling was closing in very quickly, and braced themselves for impact.
                    Gravity kicked in.
                    Amid panicked yells and swearing, they crash landed on what used to be the ceiling and was now the floor. The view of the ring of stone and the pillar, now seemingly no bigger than the size of a push pin, swam in front of Andri’s eyes. That’s it, he thought, I will die of a concussion here. There’s also something heavy on me. I might also die of suffocation.
                    Axel was the one who recovered first. “I knew it!” He exclaimed with excessive ardor, “Switching up and down can bring about miracles!”
                    Andri, who could only tolerate someone sitting on him for so long, finally exploded.
                    “Get the hell off me!”
                    Andri and Axel peered into the Eye of Pthahnil.
                    “They say the Eye of Pthahnil answers your questions.” Andri took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “Well then …”
                    Well then, tell me. Tell me where Lyncoris is.
                    Two figures, covered in the white sheets used for the deceased, lay in the mortuary. All was quite silent and still, until one of the figures moved. He sat up, the sheet sliding off, revealing a young man of about twenty - five. His sharp grey - blue eyes were clear and intent, even though his shirt and leather jacket were stained with blood.
                    The young man slid off the table he was lying on quietly, like a cat, and approached the other figure. He lifted the sheet.
                    The person under it was Andri.

                    11楼2017-07-21 10:46
                      Andri flinched out of the vision. That must have been after the car crash, he thought. Lyncoris said we died after that, but he seemed alive … what happened back then?
                      Axel looked at him concernedly. “Are you okay?”
                      Andri ignored him. You didn’t answer my question, he said to the Eye of Pthahnil. I want to know where he is.
                      The well seemed to laugh. It rippled, and the reflection changed. Someone was coming at them from behind
                      Andri snapped around. It would seem that the Eye of Pthahnil heard him after all.
                      Because the person launching towards them was Lyncoris Radiatha, and he had a sword pointed at their faces.

                      12楼2017-07-21 10:47

                        IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端13楼2017-07-21 10:52
                          @蒙筝 英语老师快来!

                          IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端15楼2017-07-21 10:58

                            IP属地:广东来自Android客户端16楼2017-07-21 11:03

                              来自iPhone客户端17楼2017-07-21 11:13