不过是蜘蛛什么的吧 关注:84,773贴子:450,024




来自Android客户端1楼2017-08-10 18:09回复

    IP属地:广东来自Android客户端2楼2017-08-10 18:32
      来自Android客户端3楼2017-08-10 19:35
        _(•̀ω•́ 」∠)_

        来自Android客户端4楼2017-08-11 00:54

          来自Android客户端5楼2017-08-11 01:00

            IP属地:广东来自Android客户端6楼2017-08-11 09:07
              Shirayuki 1
              Posted byarashichan12
              Hello guys~
              The title is super long so I will be shortening it to Shirayuki when (if) I post more chapter updates. Not proof checked/edited or anything so tell me if you see mistakes.
              I do not guarantee 100% accuracy on my crappy translations.
              This isn’t Outaishihi so I understand some of you may be disappointed (I’m sorry)
              But someone asked me to translate a teaser for this and I liked what I read so far (but tbh I’m not that into non-consensual relations which this seems to be turning out to be) so idk if I will continue it for long. Please thank Tyieeb for bringing it to my attention, and I hope someone will find it interesting enough to pick up as a full-time project.
              This jumps right into the naughty naughty (but a lot of explanation mostly) so
              This is R18. You’ve been warned.

              来自Android客户端7楼2017-08-11 12:16
                Some TL Notes before reading:
                This is a gender bender reincarnation novel! Whenever he/she refers to themselves, they are using “Ore” a masculine pronoun. They will often refer to their girl self as Snow White.
                If you’re uncomfortable with gender bent reincarnation smut/comedy with nonconsensual sex (although this is more of a comedy so it’s not dark or heavy (yet?)) then I advise you to kindly find something else to read. Thank you.
                I will oppose the compelling force of the otome game!
                1・S-seems like my partner for my first time will be a man.
                After being driven away from the castle by my obstinate stepmother and being set free by an excessively handsome hunter, I thought「……Hm?」at that moment.
                In the dark woods, I was assaulted by a slime like monster with tentacles and a strangely logical mucus that only melted my clothes, furthermore conveniently having an aphrodisiac effect, it was at the timethat it felt up my breasts and lower crevices with a nyuru nyuru and I started feeling good making me say Ahn Ahn and a blonde haired blue eyed prince came to my rescue I was convinced.
                ―――This was「Snow White and the Seven Lovers」…
                I’ve remembered, I’ve remembered it…!!
                It was a game I saw my big sis playing after all…!!
                I wonder how many times I’ve watched over sis with cold eyes as she played this gamein the living room shrilly voice screaming kya― kya― .
                「You, are you alright?」
                「This is horrible, you’ve been completely violated by the poison. I’ll save you immediately, ok?」
                Wait a moment.
                Why are you sucking my breasts chuu chuu, you prince?
                「Yaaah, wh, what are you doingg?…」
                「My name is Amir Karlos Arold Artibalud von Rigerbrook. I’m not a suspicious person, I am a prince of the neighboring country. ――…I’m sorry, I feel guilty but……this poison, if the female genitalia isn’t penetrated by a penis and semen isn’t released into it, the aching will steadily get worse and in the worst case, you will die from a high fever.」
                「No way…!!」

                来自Android客户端8楼2017-08-11 12:18
                  What a convenient otome game!?
                  ―――Tte, wait a moment.
                  (No way, this isn’t the 18+ version is it…?)
                  A chill ran down my back.
                  Come to think of it, big sis had said something. ――…That she wanted to quickly leave the house and play the 18 restricted version of「Snow White and the Seven Lovers」.
                  I recalled the countless fearsome words of my(rotten headed)big sis.
                  In the 18 rated version of this game, the moment the two meet she would have outdoor sex with the main hero prince in the OP. Next would be a silver rimmed bespectacled savageprime minister where she would be tied with a hemp rope and go through punishment play, then the wounded heroine would be comforted by a doggy-type knight, and just when she thought her spirits were back she would discover that he had ravished her even after she passed out ――…Wait.
                  (This means I’ve already plunged head first into the outdoor sex part with the 18 restricted version of this prince!?)
                  I haven’t even done it with a girl yet, there’s no way I want to do it outdoors with a man as my first! You gotta be kidding me!
                  「I-it’s impossible, this is my first time…!!」
                  「Don’t worry, it’s my first time too.」
                  ―――That’s not the problem!! You stupid eggplant!!
                  When I desperately pushed back on the prince’s chest, his sweet expressionwas dyed with affliction.
                  「I don’t want to see such a beautiful girl like you die from a low-class monster’s poison without fighting back, please give me the honor of rescuing you.」
                  Somehow while saying some praiseworthy stuff this bro has been groping my(the 18 year old, shoulder lengthed black-haired smallbreasted beauty Snow White)breasts but I, what should I do?
                  Plus even though he said it was his first time, this guy seems to be strangely familiar with this?
                  Ah, I see, otome games are these sorts of things… Come to think of it, big sis said「Let me dream in the game world at least. I don’t want to see inefficient virgin sex or getting the holes mixed up even inside games」.

                  来自Android客户端9楼2017-08-11 12:18
                    「I-I’m saying you can’t!」
                    「Poor girl, with your hardened nipples so pointed. It must be difficult, I’ll save you now.」
                    ―――It seems like my partner for my first time will be a man.
                    Hey hey, isn’t this strange?
                    Isn’t being reincarnated supposed to be more fun?
                    If a jobless virgin reincarnated then he would get a cheat and get pretty girls amassing a harem, wasn’t it supposed to be something more dream filled?
                    Why did I reincarnate to beabout to be violated by a man?
                    「Here is already syrupy…」
                    「aAh!?――Hha, ah, ahn!」
                    When the prince lowered his hand towards my legs, an unbelievably saccharine voice came out of my own mouth.
                    Watching me with a peculiarlyfeverish gaze, the prince spoke.
                    「You’re adorable…What’s your name?」
                    「It’s snow…white!」
                    Well yeah, honestly I think she’s cute too, this heroine-chan.
                    The problem’s that the one inside is me though. ――…I mean, isn’t this prince unfair? I wanted to die after having done ecchi with this kind of cute girl. If that was impossible then at least I wanted to reincarnate and build a cheat-harem and do it with this kind of bishoujo, but why? Just why did things turn out this way…?
                    「Your name is also adorable, Snow White. Hey, will you call me Amir? My Sugar White.」
                    (Foul! This guy is foul…!!)
                    Disregarding the scream of my heart, the prince continued.

                    来自Android客户端10楼2017-08-11 12:18

                      来自Android客户端12楼2017-08-11 12:26

                        IP属地:北京来自Android客户端13楼2017-08-11 18:33

                          IP属地:北京来自Android客户端14楼2017-08-11 18:50

                            IP属地:北京15楼2017-08-11 18:58

                              IP属地:北京16楼2017-08-11 19:01