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摘 要:
到2030年,全球人口将达到85亿,对国际家禽产业将产生压力,而中国是家禽生产关键国之一。从2017年4月起,中国农业部门将实施多粘菌素的退出政策,不再以之作为生长促进剂,每年将减少超过8000吨的使用量。为阐明粘菌素的禁用对多重耐药大肠杆菌(以blaNDM和mcr-1作为标记基因)流行病学的影响,中国科研人员采集了家禽、狗、污水、野生鸟类和苍蝇等样品进行研究。结果表明,mcr-1在孵化场普遍流行,而blaNDM通过狗、苍蝇和野生鸟类快速传播。通过对样品中抗性基因的直接筛选,了解环境和动物中抗生素耐药组(resistome)的真正广度和深度。对孵化场、商业农场、屠宰场和超市等采集样品中的blaNDM和mcr-1进行直接检测,结果阳性样品率比blaNDM和mcr-1阳性大肠杆菌高得多,表明有相当一部分耐药组未表现出来(unseen resistome),并将这种现象称之为幻影耐药组(phantom resistome)。全基因组测序表明blaNDM阳性大肠杆菌通常在农场、苍蝇、狗和农民之间共存,为碳青霉烯抗性大肠杆菌的传播和环境污染提供了直接证据。

By 2030, the global population will be 8.5 billion, placing pressure on international poultry production, of which China is a key producer1. From April 2017, China will implement the withdrawal of colistin as a growth promoter, removing over 8,000 tonnes per year from the Chinese farming sector2. To understand the impact of banning colistin and the epidemiology of multi-drug-resistant (MDR) Escherichia coli (using blaNDM and mcr-1 as marker genes), we sampled poultry, dogs, sewage, wild birds and flies. Here, we show that mcr-1, but not blaNDM, is prevalent in hatcheries, but blaNDM quickly contaminates flocks through dogs, flies and wild birds. We also screened samples directly for resistance genes to understand the true breadth and depth of the environmental and animal resistome. Direct sample testing for blaNDM and mcr-1 in hatcheries, commercial farms, a slaughterhouse and supermarkets revealed considerably higher levels of positive samples than the blaNDM- and mcr-1-positive E. coli, indicating a substantial segment of unseen resistome—a phenomenon we have termed the ‘phantom resistome’. Whole-genome sequencing identified common blaNDM-positive E. coli shared among farms, flies, dogs and farmers, providing direct evidence of carbapenem-resistant E. coli transmission and environmental contamination.
Wang Y, Zhang R, Li J. Comprehensive resistome analysis reveals the prevalence of NDM and MCR-1 in Chinese poultry production. Nat Microbiol, 2017, 6;2:16260. doi: 10.1038/nmicrobiol.2016.260.

IP属地:上海1楼2017-08-15 14:15回复