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2017.8.29 官方新地图~制作组博文翻译【老兵客栈】


Looking At Levels

来自Android客户端1楼2017-08-29 11:41回复
    撰者补充:此博文分为两个部分,前半部分为Nayor自撰的关卡设计图文,后半部分为其在推特与脸书上的A&Q部分摘选 –David
    原文翻译由[老兵客栈Veteran Tavern]译制完成。转载请注明出处。
    Hello and welcome to the first No More Room in Hell 2 development blog! We aim to be as open and honest with this blog to keep the community as informed as possible. Hopefully the community will work with us to release a game that all of us love and enjoy! Our duty to the audience will be to relay accurate information as it happens, and showcase our successes and how we overcame struggles.

    来自Android客户端3楼2017-08-29 11:46

      Hello, and welcome to another dev blog! My name is Nathan Goulden aka “nay0r” I am NMRiH2’s level designer.
      Hello,欢迎收看最新博文!我叫Nethan Goulden,网名”nay0r”,是N2的关卡设计师哟。
      I was one of the level designers for the original NMRiH. I first joined the team back in 2008 and it’s been a fantastic journey over the years. A lot of blood sweat and tears went into the creation of the 5 maps I made for NMRiH1: Broadway, Cabin, Toxteth, Cleopas and Arpley but I loved every second of it. I’ve always had a love for level design and mapping in general and I first started back in late 1999 when I was 16. I bought a PC Gamer magazine with worldcraft tutorials on it and it just kicked off from there.
      同时我也是初代关卡设计师之一,初次入伍于2008年,很高兴在这几年能度过如此美好的时光。对于初代游戏中制作的五张地图真叫辛酸血泪史:Broadway(百老汇),Cabin(木屋),Toxteth墓地,Cleopas(核爆)和Arpley(坠机),不过我对它们倾注的爱不分前后。我一直很喜欢关卡设计,而且我早在1999年只有16岁的时候就在做地图了——那时我买了本PC Gamer杂志(即《电脑玩家》,非常有名的游戏杂志),上头有魔兽争霸地图制作教程,我就是从此开始的。
      After years of working in the GoldSource Engine (HalfLife 1) and Source Engine (HalfLife 2) we’re now working in Unreal 4. A question I get asked often is how different mapping is in this new engine, and to be honest, its not an easy question to answer. Even though the basic mechanics of designing a map are very similar, the tools we use now are fairly different. The fundamental difference is a Source map was normally a solo effort with maybe the exception of a modeler working alongside you. Now, working in unreal 4, its 100% more a team effort to create the environment.

      来自Android客户端4楼2017-08-29 11:47

        来自Android客户端5楼2017-08-29 12:24
          Enough about my history, lets talk about what we currently have in the works. Right now there are 3 maps all at different stages of development,Night of the Living Dead(notld) the furthest through production,Brooklyn Heightswhich is currently taking great shape andPalisades Mallwhich I have just recently blocked out.
          讲完黑历史,现在谈谈进程中的工作内容。如今我们有3个独立关卡正在开发,Night of the Living Dead(notld 活死人之夜)开发进度最高,Brooklyn Heights(布鲁克林旅馆)目前已具备了不错的大体框架,而Palisades Mall(帕里赛德购物中心)才“刚被封锁”呢。

          来自Android客户端6楼2017-08-29 12:26

            来自Android客户端7楼2017-08-29 12:26
              Night of the Living Dead(notld) was the first NMRiH2 map I started on. As you may know it’s aremake of a mapcurrently in the mod. Blocking it out was quite an easy process because initially all I did was export it fromHammerand import it directly into 3ds Max then back to Unreal 4. This gave me a great base to work with. I then set a pretty large landscape up in Unreal and started to work the landscape to get the rough feel of how I wanted the map to be scaled. The map itself has the same key landmarksif you broken it down to its bare bones, but at the same time we have greatly increased itssize and of course graphical point of view. The thing with source is it does not deal with large open spaces very well and it’s pretty difficult to optimize and this is where Unreal comes into its own. Either way notld is shaping up really nicely.
              Night of the Living Dead(notld 活死人之夜)是于N2首张起手的地图。你也许知道这是初代地图的重制,我们将它用Hammer(锤子编辑器,即起源地图编辑器)提取出来并丢进3ds Max转译,处理完的文件用虚幻4编译器打开就好,所以相对简单得多,也给我提供了非常好的起手基础。接下来我用虚幻引擎整了非常大的场景并在此涂涂画画来获取模糊的做图灵感。地图本身就是一些特色地标,但介于起源地图的大小与范围极度受限,难以支持开放式地图且优化起来十分麻烦,我们无奈地将其分割了,如今虚幻引擎来了,限制已不复存在,更大、更真实的地图已摆在眼前。无论怎样,notld如今已渲染得十分奈斯。

              来自Android客户端8楼2017-08-29 12:27
                WithBrooklyn Heightswe based it off the real world location, pretty much to meter scale as well. My main job on Brooklyn Heights is interior layout and some exterior building work. This is where source and Unreal 4 are slightly different. In source, interiors are built up by BSP brushes and edited where needed, in Unreal 4 we have setup a modular kit system based around 1 meter pieces or more. Once the kit has been made I then go in and construct the interiors which is like putting together lego. Later on these interiors are merged together, it’s quite a long and slow process.
                Brooklyn Heights(布鲁克林旅馆)取自现实地点,空间设计的尺寸近乎一致。我在此地图的主要工作是内部设计与建筑外观刻画,这也是虚幻4与起源引擎略微不同的一点:关于内部构建,起源作图时会用到BSP刷子画出所需空间,而虚幻4则使用模块化框架系统以每平米为单位进行空间设计;其他人完成空间框架,我来负责内部设计,这种团队协作感觉上更像是一起玩乐高积木,这真是个漫长的过程,完成后两个部分会合并到一块。

                来自Android客户端9楼2017-08-29 12:28
                  Palisades Mallmap is still very much WIP but I’mconfident it will end up being a good, big open mall like map. Which we feel we were missing from the original game.
                  Palisades Mall(帕里赛德购物中心)大体上仍算是半成品,不过我很自信好吗,这地图是个大超市哦。现在看来我们可算是在初代中错过了这个好想法。

                  来自Android客户端10楼2017-08-29 12:30
                    P.S. Here’s a bonus update! I have one last source map for the Mod that is almost complete. Some of you may have heard about it around the forums or on the steam community.nmo_Broadway2, a rebirth of the original broadway I have committed to release for theModon Halloween.

                    来自Android客户端11楼2017-08-29 12:31

                      IP属地:广东来自Android客户端12楼2017-08-29 15:31

                        Level Design Questions & Answers - 关卡设计相关Q&A
                        A few weeks ago we put out a call for questions on twitter and facebook. It took us a while to go through them all but here they are!
                        Q: “NMRiH1 had many maps inspired or based on famous movies. Will we be seeing recreations of locations from classic zombie and horror movies again? If so, are there any difficulties (legal, technical) in making maps based on movies?”
                        A: The short answer: Yes, to both parts. You’ll be seeing homages to some of our favorite zombie and horror movies, but the legalities vary depending. Luckily none of our maps are really a “recreation” but instead are homages, paying tribute without copying. For example our first showcase map is a tribute to Night of the Living Dead, and we recently started work on a large and intricate shopping mall map paying homage to Dawn of the Dead. We won’t really be featuring characters from films as we’re using customizable characters, but we’ll probably have a few clothing items paying tribute to some of our favorite characters from film!

                        来自Android客户端13楼2017-09-01 12:39
                          Q: “How will maps be structured in NMRiH2? Will the maps have more dynamic and randomized features like alternative paths and objectives, with more backtracking and exploring compared to the original game?”
                          A: Right now our maps for nmrih2 are built around a “non-linear black box” design philosophy. The maps themselves are self-contained environments, not necessarily “open world” but almost completely nonlinear in design. This allows us to randomize so many aspects of the nature of the map such as what areas may be blocked or locked, lights, and where items and objects will spawn. Think of the random aspect of nmrih1 on steroids. In certain maps we are even randomizing the rooms that are in a building – the idea being that these unpredictable aspects will add a whole new layer of chaos and excitement to the game.
                          Q: “How open will maps be? Will players get to explore and work to locate each other?”
                          A: Our intention with the final version of the maps when playing the standard game mode is that players will start in close proximity to at least one other player, but then have to look for each other, then look for everyone else. We don’t necessarily want everyone to spawn far apart but we do want you to have to work for your own survival, just a bit.

                          来自Android客户端14楼2017-09-01 12:42
                            Q: “What parts of the world will maps be set in? Can we expect to see maps in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland?”
                            A: Right now our focus is on the United States Northeast coast. Our area of focus is New England, New York, Pennsylvania, etc. Focusing on one region allows us to develop a unified collection of art assets, since we only have a small team. Our intention is that in the future as the game grows we’ll be able to make packs of content focused on new regions. This may include maps set in a region with a couple weapons and items unique to that area.
                            Q: “Will the levels be like in the first game, largely urban cities and countryside? Or will we see other locations such as military facilities, schools, or ancient ruins?”
                            A: The three maps we’re currently working on are set in the Pennsylvania countryside, Brooklyn Heights NYC, and a large shopping mall in upper New York. We’ve made a big draft list of potential locations we’re considering for other maps, including the National Guard Bureau and Norfolk Naval Base both in Virginia. We’re focusing on the maps that will generate the most props and textures that we can re-use in each subsequent map. As time goes on, we can make more and more maps!

                            来自Android客户端15楼2017-09-01 12:48
                              Q: “Will certain maps have advantages or disadvantages like heat, or cold?”
                              A: This is something we’re actually talked about! We don’t have plans to do this right now but it is one of our “stretch goals” that would be very cool to have. For example if we did a map that paid tribute to “The Thing”, it would be very neat to have the outdoors pose a frigid-cold environmental threat.
                              Q: “I’d love to see an extremely closed map. Something with long narrow hallways and rooms. Will we be seeing any indoor-centric maps in NMRiH2 such as a school, or a mall?”
                              A: One of our maps currently in progress is a large multi-storey indoor mall. We have plans to do a few other indoor maps, and our map set in Brooklyn Heights has tons of tight indoor spaces!
                              Q: “Can you make a level specifically for pot smokers?”
                              A: We’re pretty sure the whole game as-is will be more than sufficient!

                              来自Android客户端16楼2017-09-01 12:53