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----摄自老虎谷--John Varty

IP属地:北京1楼2017-09-06 14:36回复
    I recently saw a documentary which suggested that the tigers can use sonar or low frequency sound to mesmerize its prey and so prevent it from fleeing thereby catching it.
    I disagree, I think the tiger is an intelligent master stalker, surprising its prey by stealth or lying in ambush. Silence and surprise is the key to the tigers success as a hunter, not the use of sound.
    Where I think the tiger uses low frequency, is in the defense of territory or defense of its kill.
    Can the low frequency growl affect human beings I believe it can.
    Consider the following, I am a member of the tiger pride so to speak.
    Ron is the dominant male patrolling the area. Mostly he is on his own marking territory, occasionally he visits Julie, the cubs and myself.
    Julie is the matriarch and main hunter providing for herself and three cubs and Ron when he pirates the kills.
    I sit somewhere low in the hierarchy, mainly because of my relationship with Julie.
    So far the cubs have tolerated me as an outside observer, but this is beginning to change.
    So far Julie has been very successful catching wildebeest and blesbuck. Recently she has moved away from these two species and is catching mountain reedbuck.
    The mountain reedbuck weigh around 28kg. Immediately Julie makes the kill the dominant of the two tiger cubs, Tiger Boy, takes the kill.
    我不同意,我认为老虎是一个聪明的主追踪者,用潜行或伏击来捕获猎物。突袭是老虎捕猎的主要手段,而不是使用声音。我认为老虎使用低低频音是用来守卫领地或猎物时用的。老虎的低频咆哮能影到响人类吗?我相信它确实可以。作为虎迷,我很荣幸去说老虎有这个能力。罗恩是这个地区的地主公虎,偶尔来看看朱莉、幼崽和我。朱莉是这个地区的女主人为幼崽和罗恩提供食物---有时罗恩会抢食。因为我和朱莉的关系,我可以坐在一定距离的地方观察它们。直到幼崽们已经接受我作为一个观察者出现在他们身边了,但是现在情况开始改变了。到目前为止,朱莉已经能非常成功地捕捉牛羚、大羚羊了。最近它开始舍弃这两个常规猎物而去捕捉山苇羚。山苇羚体重大约28kg,朱莉很轻松就杀死了一只,然后两只公虎幼崽中的老大Tiger boy抢走了猎物。

    IP属地:北京2楼2017-09-06 21:16

      In short, he and not me is now dominant. It has taken him one year to assume the dominate role.现在情况变得不一样了,他用了一年时间占据主导地位。

      IP属地:北京3楼2017-09-06 21:20
        It look me several minutes to recover myself and I was loathe to go back and recover my movie camera.
        As the shock wore off, I became anxious. The anxiety stayed with me for several hours. Try as I may, I could not shake the anxiety off.
        Later when the growls are slowed down on the computer, it emits a eerie sound, much like the sound they use in the movies when the actor is in a haunted house or a graveyard or a serial killer is on the loose.
        In a controlled experiment, the documentary shows various people being played low frequency growls. Although they have no idea of what the sound is, all register fear and anxiety.
        The three months of freedom for the tigers, have been intensely interesting. Ron spends the majority of his time patrolling and marking territory.
        Many of his hours, are spent on his eastern boundary, growling at Seatao through the wire.
        He begins with a low rumbling, leading to a deafening growl as he charges the fence. Seatao offers no resistance, he replies by "chuffing " greeting in Tiger language then he moves off.
        It is here that I believe Ron is using sonar sound to intimidate Seatao.
        I believe Tiger Boy is using sonar sound to intimidate Julie, Shy Boy, Savannah and myself when we get too close to his kill.
        In my case, he believes I am puny, I have no teeth, no claws and can't growl, so I am an easy target.
        Did the growling have an anxious effect on me, you bet it did!
        Light & Peace
        我看了好几分钟才恢复过来,我不想回去找回我的电影摄影机。随着震惊的消退,我变得焦虑起来。我焦虑了好几个小时。尽管我尽力了,但还是摆脱不了焦虑的情绪。后来我把它的咆哮放到电脑上慢播,会发出一种奇怪的声音,就像人们在看恐怖或连环杀人案电影里的配乐一样。纪录片的对照试验中显示,不同的人听到这种低频音,即使不知道他们听到的到底是什么,但所有的人都会感到害怕和焦虑。对老虎来说,三个月的自由是非常有趣的。罗恩大部分时间都在巡逻和标记领土。他许多时候都在他的东部边界隔着铁网对西涛咆哮。他靠近铁网以低沉的隆隆声向西涛示威时,西涛则以愉快的问候作为回应然后转身离开。正因与此,我认为罗恩是用这种低频的声音来威吓西涛的。我认为,当我们离太近时,Tiger boy就会用这种声音来威慑朱莉、Shy boy和我。就我而言,他认为我弱小,没有牙齿,没有爪子,也不会咆哮,所以我肯定是一个容易被攻击的目标,那么这种威吓的声音会让我感到不适吗?你说呢!

        IP属地:北京4楼2017-09-06 21:35
          注释下,有些新人可能还不太了解,John Varty是现今南非老虎谷的主人也是创立者,50年生人,今年已经67岁了,他拍摄过的纪录片超过30余部,是老虎方面的专家。之前有一部纪录片说到,老虎的这种低频音(我一直想把它翻译成次声,但是次声有频率量化的限定,JV把它称作是一种低频音,但并未直接定性为次声infrasound)对于捕猎很有用,瞬间的咆哮可以马鼻猎物,从而更容易捕获猎物。但JV不这么认为,他认为这种声音主要只是用来威慑的并不是捕猎,虽然这种声音让人听到确实会感到很不安。

          IP属地:北京5楼2017-09-06 21:50
            1、老虎威慑时会发出次声(我就不叫低频音了,因为科学家已经明确测量了虎的这种声音在20Hz以下,就是次声),但捕猎时突然杀出的那一声咆哮也会发出次声,威慑时有次声与捕猎时的咆哮并不矛盾。---虎迷们别再糊涂了,说什么老虎的咆哮高频所以穿透力强但传播的距离短,这实际很扯淡,为什么呢,因为首先老虎发出的是低频的次声,再者根据即波长λ等于波速u除以频率的公式,速度u差不多时,频率越低,即周期越大,波长 越大,这样损失的能量就会越小,所以传播距离会更长,而不是更短。记住了:老虎的咆哮声频率低而且传播距离远。

            IP属地:北京本楼含有高级字体6楼2017-09-06 22:10

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