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IP属地:上海来自Android客户端1楼2017-11-04 00:33回复
    Hello everyone!
    We are back to Italy, and this time have some content to show off along with lore. As I’m sure you are aware, we have reverted the Halloween update and are looking at setting it up as a submod, but no promised as to if/when that will happen. Finally, we are also working on patch 0.5.3 which will have a few tweaks and fixes, a slight buff to Germany and the Ottoman CTD fix among other things. With that all said, I’ll pass you over to Herkles, enjoy!
    Hello, I’m Herkles, also known as Vyshan, and today I am going to talk about the Socialist Republic of Italy.
    The Socialist Republic of Italy was born from the chaos of the Kingdom of Italy’s demise in the last months of the continental Weltkrieg. Following in the footsteps of France, the workers in the industrial heartland of the country refused to follow the bourgeois taskmasters of the republican provisional government, and the imposed peace forced upon them by the Austrians. This would be the spark that started the conflagration of the Italian Civil War.
    During the Civil War the Associazione Nazionalista Italiana (Italian Nationalist Association) was split asunder. While many of them sided with the new republic based in Milan, the more left-wing forces followed Benito Mussolini and Michele Bianchi in fighting against the ‘old order’ and the new republic. Mussolini would denounce the Republic of Italy saying: “We go to battle against plutocratic slavery and reactionary democracy. This war is nothing less than an inevitable phase in the logical development of our revolution; it is the righteous struggle of all Italians who seek to redress the bondage of serfdom, feudal and bourgeois, that has kept our great nation in chains since time immemorial. Let none doubt our conviction; between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, no accord is possible. Viva l’Italia Rossa!”

    IP属地:上海来自Android客户端2楼2017-11-04 00:38
      Second, there is the Syndicalist faction known as Unione Sindacalista, the current ruling party. The Unione Sindacalista support the urban proletariat and favor industrialization, as well as pushing for more democracy within the workplace, something the anarchists within the faction are pushing for the most.
      Finally, there is the Totalist faction called the Unione Nazionalista. The Nationalists are Totalists through and through. Many of the soldiers that sided with the SRI during the Civil War support them. In addition, they are strong patrons of the Futurists,, among other avant-garde movements, and they eagerly look to the future: a future where all of Italy is united under their rule.
      When the Congress is held, a crucial decision will have to be made. The Syndicalists and Radical Socialists believe in strengthening the National Congress’s authority. Meanwhile, the Unione Nazionalista believes that they are just reverting back to the sort of parliamentarianism championed by bourgeois democracies, who wish to put the Italian worker back in chains. Instead, the Unione Nazionalista believes that a strong chairman with a firm, free hand is what Italy needs. Either way, the fate of the SRI will be decided by this Congress.
      However, it is not the last Congress, for as a new Socialist Risorgimento is underway, plans are put in place for a Fifth Congress to help solve the issues that are going to arise when Italy is unified, such as what exactly should be done with the Pope...
      With the Congress coming up, the focus of the economy has to be decided. There are two policies to be decided on how the economy should be improved. The first is to focus on decentralization and improving the local communes, This will help empower the communes and thus, through a decentralized effort, the economy of Italy will be lifted up by the masses.

      IP属地:上海来自Android客户端4楼2017-11-04 00:40
        The alternative plan is to create the Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale, or the “Institute for Industrial Reconstruction.” The IRI would be a government program that would work with the unions across Italy to improve the economy, as well as prepare for the inevitable war of unification.
        Finally there is the matter of the military which needs to be rebuilt for the unification war. This includes the Army, Navy and Air Force.
        The army is divided between those that favour keeping the Red Guards around, and those that favor transforming them into a disciplined and professional army, a ‘Red Army’ if you will. If one sides with the Guards, then they would need to implement the reforms to properly make them into a fighting force needed to bring about the reunification. If the Red Army is chosen, then the Guards will have to be dissolved and integrated into the Army.
        The navy of the Republic is rather divided between a number of different positions. Some think that the future of naval warfare will be a grand navy in the model of the new British Navy, with an emphasis on carriers. Others think that it will be better to focus on the tried-and-tested queens of the sea, the mighty dreadnoughts.. Meanwhile, others think that it will be better to focus on destroyers and heavy cruisers, and yet another faction argues that submarines and light cruisers should be the lynchpin.
        Finally, there is the matter of the air force, which is divided between those who see the air service as a tool to support the ground troops, and others who see the air force best served by independence and a focus on air superiority.
        Thank you for your time, I hope you enjoyed this Progress Report and join us next week for the Republic of Italy!

        IP属地:上海来自Android客户端5楼2017-11-04 00:40