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IP属地:上海来自Android客户端1楼2017-11-11 00:33回复
    Hello everyone!
    Three announcements this time. First, 0.5.3 is nearly done and we hope to get it out within a week, thought that is no guarantee of things, so please be patient. Second, we are testing a new bug reporting system, you should it appear in all the normal spots where we get bug reports soon, feedback on it is welcome. Finally, we have been getting a lot of questions about how we will deal with the work needed to update Kaiserreich with the upcoming patch/DLC, we have been talking about this a lot as a team, and you can expect an announcement from us soonTM on that topic. With that all out of the way, I’ll hand back over to Herkles, enjoy!
    Hello, This is Herkles/Vyshan back for another progress report. This time with the Republic of Italy. As always, do keep in mind that this is hot code, and that means spelling issues will be fixed by time of release.
    History of the Republic of Italy
    The Republic of Italy rose out of the ashes of the Kingdom of Italy’s cataclysmic defeat in the Weltkrieg. Hours after news of the crushing peace treaty reached Milian, furious crowds of nationalists stormed the city’s government buildings and declared the Republic of Italy. A week later, the Socialist Republic of Italy was declared in Torino, and with these competing claims to sole legitimacy began the Italian Civil War. The socialists were seemingly on every corner, and barricades and urban fighting began as army regiments were forced to choose which government was more worthy of their new oaths. Most of the general staff of the Weltkrieg, trapped as they were by circumstance in the north, gravitated overwhelmingly towards the Republic, even if some still held private monarchist sentiments. Of special renown during these stages of the war were the paramilitary wings of the Associazione Nazionalista Italiana, which swelled with the influx of radicalised soldiers returning from the front.

    IP属地:上海来自Android客户端3楼2017-11-11 00:36
      The regions of Lombardy and Veneto, which the Republic currently holds, followed different paths during this conflict. While Lombardy was, after the crushing of the Milan Commune in the weeks after the war’s start, under Republican control, Veneto was under direct occupation from Austria: a troublesome state of affairs to say the least! Venetian nationalists, enraged at their promises of autonomy by Austria proving to be hot air after months of military occupation, rebelled against the Central Powers. While their uprising was crushed and Milanese offensives repelled, it proved that keeping Italy under occupation could be undesirable for the overstretched monarchy.
      The urban brawls and street fighting of the Civil War’s first few months were rapidly replaced with open warfare, concentrated in the regions of Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany and Piedmont. The Republic’s outnumbered forces lost many important industrial centres, and its loyal forces were faced with the hard choice of retreating to Lombardy or facing encirclement. While the Republic held a significant advantage at the start of the war, defections and poorly-planned manoeuvrers almost spelled doom for the fledgling state. Even soldiers without Red sympathies begged to return home, and the fighting with Austria was proving too costly, a fact which promoted Field Marshal Emilio De Bono to propose negotiations for a ceasefire. Austria’s response was seemingly a miracle for its convenience: Veneto would be handed back to the Republic, along with all remaining Regia Marina ships mothballed in Trieste, and steps would be taken to resupply Italian forces. These seemingly generous terms from Austria had more than a few caveats, however...

      IP属地:上海来自Android客户端4楼2017-11-11 00:37
        While this ad hoc alliance managed to keep out the final Syndicalist offensive of the war, mythologized with the so-called “’Miracle at the Po’,” the ceasefire with that followed was only the beginning of the Republic’s issues. Austria had deep ties to many institutions of the nation; Republican soldiers returned from the front to find their government a puppet all but in name. Furthermore, some whisper that Austria may soon find that it no longer needs a liberal republic to rule in its stead. The Republic completely lacked any useable, large-scale naval dockyard, half its land (Veneto) enjoys fairly high autonomy and is thus uncooperative to most centralizing reforms, and its first elections after the wartime ‘Bono Dictatorship’ were decidedly uncivil. The PLD-PSRI coalition was formed in these troubled years, and established an enduring minority government; however, other parties, especially the PPI, have been steadily growing.
        Politics of the Republic of Italy
        The Republic of Italy is a parliamentary republic with an elected president and prime minister, with the latter holding all the real power. As of 1936, the current prime minister is Ivanoe Bonomi of the ruling social liberal Partito Liberale Democratico, albeit in a coalition with the social democratic Partito Socialista Riformista Italiano.
        However, Black Monday is just around the corner, and that will mean the various other parties will have their chance to grab the prime minister’s post. The other two major parties in the running for ruling the Republic are the business and middle class friendly Partito Repubblicano Italiano, and the conservative and rural Partito Popolare Italiano. Catholic democracy and Catholic Social Teaching are both noticeable trends throughout the mainstream parties.

        IP属地:上海来自Android客户端5楼2017-11-11 00:39
          Nevertheless, the party that everyone is concerned with is the Associazione Nazionalista Italiana. The ANI is strongly anti-Austrian and furiously nationalistic in the manner only bitter revanchists can be. Led by Gabriele D'Annunzio and Italo Balbo, the party has grand ambitions for the Republic. However, it is rather likely that their plans will create many enemies both within Italy and without, and their path to restoring the pride and greatness of Italy will undoubtedly be an arduous one.
          Austrian Shenanigans
          Of course, the Italians have to play nice with their Austrian ‘benefactors,’ but this doesn’t mean they can’t be on guard for the numerous ways that the Habsburg Crown might stab them in the back. Everyone is aware that their alliance was formed on the weakest of foundations, and that it survives principally because the SRI is a common threat.
          However, should that threat be removed. Austria might just decide that it would be better-off with restoring the various Italian states under their influence. Or they might ask nicely for the prime minister to ‘consent’ to the coronation of a new king, an Austrian king, to transform the republic into a kingdom.
          Naturally, the ANI need to be aware of the Austrians preparing to strike back against them. Their anti-autonomy policies are bound to create great issues in Veneto, and there’s little doubt on whose side Austria would take in such an eventuality. Not to mention that sooner or later, the ANI will have a war with the Austrian Empire for the rightful Italian lands that could not be reclaimed in the Weltkreig. These are just the first steps of the ANI’s grand plans, however...

          IP属地:上海来自Android客户端6楼2017-11-11 00:39

            IP属地:广东来自Android客户端9楼2017-11-11 00:41

              IP属地:上海来自Android客户端10楼2017-11-11 00:42

                IP属地:江苏11楼2017-11-11 09:42

                  IP属地:上海来自Android客户端12楼2017-11-11 11:15

                    IP属地:福建13楼2017-11-11 13:10

                      IP属地:河南来自手机贴吧14楼2017-11-11 13:51
                        上个版本还没汉化完 这就出新了

                        IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端16楼2017-11-12 09:36

                          IP属地:重庆来自Android客户端17楼2017-11-12 18:50

                            IP属地:天津18楼2017-11-12 19:02