北京金隅吧 关注:191,523贴子:2,624,689
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The aim looks beautiful. The next chapter is exciting. All the hard work is worthy. The ups, the dawns, the world we live in like the roller coaster. Learning, growing, becoming you was the hardest part. But here we are, at the end, prepare for a new start.
We only have one life, so we must try everything. Failure was amazing from where I stand now. Experience of pain and losing drag me crazy, and show my desire higher. It force me to train harder. My focus became blazer sharp, but here I am, at the end with you who have see me raise to create magical moments but pain and losing were deep in my heart. I dropped everything and left best basketball league in the world to do all the what we know now. Three championships in a country people said I will pollute, but I see nothing but love and straight hands forward salute. But there this is. I didn’t know I will meet so many people and so much love. Yes China, you’re love, you are head of my heart of my basketball career. And one time, I had no place for the bloods to go. You open up a port of your hearts and let me to flow. Let me live when I was dying, I can’t explain my feeling as I’m crying. I’m so happy to end here so you can give me your last chair. Ending my basketball career here in China, complete,this is it, no NBA, no anywhere. This is the way I suppose to end, here with you, and only you. I don’t wanna talk too much because I can be here for a life time and express my deepest love for you. I heard the saying that you create your fan, but I beg to different, the people crate this land. This is how you become legend, this is how you become legend by the people. If you wanna live in compete in this city, if you want to get respect and love, if you want to become a legend, you have to have some greatest spirit. My mom says stay with your love Stephon, because love is stronger than a meanings hug, stay in China. I forgive and I’d like to forgiven by anyone who have ever cause harm and hurt. Today’s the day rewrite on clean shirt. I wanna thanks to China, the CBA, Beikong, my teammates, Beijing Shougang, my former teammates, the city of Beijing for allow me to achieve my dreams. My trainer Chris. You’ve been my events of my career. My body even wouldn’t able to go if you were no show. My family, for supporting me the last nine years, without support of you guys none of these would be possible, I love you all. And of course, I want to thank you god most of all, for give me more than my heart desired.
Thank you all, love is love.
我们只有一次生命,所以我们要尽可能尝试,从我的经历看失败会很美好。痛苦和失败的经历会将我拖入疯狂,也会让我更加渴望胜利,它会让我训练更加努力。我会更加专注, 最后你们会看到我创造神奇而痛苦和失利只需埋藏心底。我在这个人们说我会污染的国家只看到了爱和尊重,我拿了三个冠军。我没想到我会遇到这么多人和这么多爱,是的中国,你是爱,是篮球生涯最光辉的一篇。曾经我如同血液一无所有,你打开了心房让我流动,让我们血脉交融。你让我在即将死去的时候重生,我不知道怎么形容这个让我泪流满面的心情。我太高兴能在这里结束因为我能听到你们最后一次为我欢呼。我的篮球生涯就该在这里终结,不是NBA,不是任何地方,就是这里,中国。这是我的命中注定,和你们在一起,只有和你们在一起。我不想说太多因为我可以用一生来表达对你们的爱。我听到一种说法叫我创造了我的球迷,对此我不敢苟同,这一切是所有人共同创造的,这就是传奇的诞生,有你们才会有传奇。如果你想完整的在这座城市生活,如果你想在这里得到爱与尊重,如果你想在这里成为传奇,你必须要有优秀的品质。我的妈妈对我说追随爱前进,史蒂芬,因为爱永远比动机不纯的拥抱更有力,留在中国吧。我原谅伤害过我的人,也祈求我伤害过的人原谅,今天一切重来。我想感谢中国,感谢CBA,感谢北控俱乐部和我的队友,感谢首钢俱乐部和我的前队友,和北京这座让我梦想成真的城市。感谢我的训练师克里斯,你让我的身体坚持到现在,没有你的出现我做不到这些。感谢我的家庭在过去的九年一直支持我,没有你们的支持这一切都不会发生,我爱你们。当然,感谢上天给予我的比我期待的更多。

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