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The nineteenth century brought with it a burst of new discoveries and inventions that revolutionized the candle industry and made lighting available to all. In the early-to-mid-nineteenth century, a process was developed to refine tallow (fat from animals) with alkali and sulfuric acid. The result was a product called stearin. Stearin is harder and burns longer than unrefined tallow. This breakthrough meant that it was possible to make tallow candles that would not produce the usual smoke and rancid odor. Stearins were also derived from palm oils, so vegetable waxes as well as animal fats could be used to make candles . . . “
Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about candles before the nineteenth century?
○They did not smoke when they were burned.
○They produced a pleasant odor as they burned.
○They were not available to all.
○They contained sulfuric acid.
题干中提到时间19世纪之前的蜡烛,而文章中第一句话说19世纪带来了新发现的大爆发,这个大爆发革新了蜡烛行业并且使所有人都能用上蜡烛。通过时间的发推,得到正确答案是第三个:They were not available to all. 19世纪之前,不是所有人都能用得上蜡烛。
1. 原文信息。这种错误选项的特点在于选项本身明显来自于文章信息,但是没有进行推断。这种错误选项见得不多,但是迷惑性很大。
2. 与原文明显矛盾信息。这个选项很好理解了,也是见得最多的错误选项,只要选项与文章矛盾,绝对不选。因为即使要进行推断,也是在原文的基础之上进行的,不可能与原文信息矛盾。
3. 与文章信息基本没关系的信息。这也是迷惑性比较大的一个选项。考生往往在推不出来的时候容易选择这种看起来和文章没啥关系的选项,好像这样才符合推断这两个字。但事实是,推断题并没有让你当神探柯南,也并不会出一个让你绕一百个弯才能推出正确答案的题目。推断题正确选项的信息一定是文章暗含的,我们只需要稍微动脑子进行总结就可以了。所以,推断题的正确答案一般是和文章息息相关的。如果碰到选项和文章八竿子打不着的,一般都是错误信息。
Paragraph 5: The Whigs, in contrast, viewed government power positively. They believed that it should be used to protect individual rights and public liberty, and that it had a special role where individual effort was ineffective. By regulating the economy and competition, the government could ensure equal opportunity. Indeed, for Whigs the concept of government promoting the general welfare went beyond the economy. In particular, Whigs in the northern sections of the United States also believed that government power should be used to foster the moral welfare of the country. They were much more likely to favor social-reform legislation and aid to education.
Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 5 about variations in political beliefs within the Whig Party? (4)
○They were focused on issues of public liberty.
○They caused some members to leave the Whig party.
○They were unimportant to most Whigs.
○They reflected regional interests.
第一个选项They were focused on issues of public liberty,意思是他们集中关注公众自由的问题。这个选项和文章第一句话They believed that it should be used to protect individual rights and public liberty矛盾,原文意思是他们相信它应该被用来保护个人权利和公众自由。故排除。
第二个选项They caused some members to leave the Whig party,意思是他们造成了一些成员离开了辉格党。这属于第三类错误,和文章没啥关系,整段也没有类似的意思出现。故排除。
第三个选项They were unimportant to most Whigs。这个选项也是和文章信息没有关系的,整段并没有提重不重要这样的信息。故排除。
所以正确答案是第四个选项,定位句是In particular, Whigs in the northern sections of the United States also believed that government power should be used to foster the moral welfare of the country.通过正常的推断总结可知,政治信仰的多样性确实影响了地区的利益,对应定位句中的Whigs in the northern sections of the United States,美国北部的辉格党这个信息。
Paragraph 2: Hills and mountains are often regarded as the epitome of permanence, successfully resisting the destructive forces of nature, but in fact they tend to be relatively short-lived in geological terms. As a general rule, the higher a mountain is, the more recently it was formed; for example, the high mountains of the Himalayas are only about 50 million years old. Lower mountains tend to be older, and are often the eroded relics of much higher mountain chains. About 400 million years ago, when the present-day continents of North America and Europe were joined, the Caledonian mountain chain was the same size as the modern Himalayas. Today, however, the relics of the Caledonian orogeny (mountain-building period) exist as the comparatively low mountains of Greenland, the northern Appalachians in the United States, the Scottish Highlands, and the Norwegian coastal plateau.
Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 2 about the mountains of the Himalayas? (2)
○Their current height is not an indication of their age.
○At present, they are much higher than the mountains of the Caledonian range.
○They were a uniform height about 400 million years ago.
○They are not as high as the Caledonian mountains were 400 million years ago.
选项一Their current height is not an indication of their age. 意思是Himalayas山目前的高度不是他们年纪的指示。这个选项明显与文章信息矛盾。As a general rule, the higher a mountain is, the more recently it was formed;和Lower mountains tend to be older,这些信息都说明山的高度和他们的额年纪是有一定的关系的。故排除。
选项三They were a uniform height about 400 million years ago.通过文章这句话for example, the high mountains of the Himalayas are only about 50 million years old可知,Himalayas山在400 million years ago还没有出现,所以这个选项属于文章矛盾信息,故排除。
选项四They are not as high as the Caledonian mountains were 400 million years ago.这个选项明显与文章中About 400 million years ago, when the present-day continents of North America and Europe were joined, the Caledonian mountain chain was the same size as the modern Himalayas这句话矛盾,故排除。

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1楼2018-02-27 14:28回复