天官赐福吧 关注:146,828贴子:1,100,145

【英文版】Heaven Official's Blessing 天官赐福


Chapter 1. Heaven official’s blessing
Within the gods filled all over the sky, there was a well-known laughingstock for the three divisions of the universe.
According to the legend, there was an ancient kingdom called “Xian Le” eight hundred years ago placed in Zhong Yuan.Ancient Xian Le, large and bounteous, people lived happily and harmonious. There were four treasures in this kingdom: beauties as many as the clouds, musics and literatures, gold and jewels, and a celebrated his royal highness, the crown prince.
The crown prince, well, was a remarkable man.
The King and the Queen considered him as the apple of their eyes, doted him very much and often said: “My son will must be a good king in the future, and his name will remain forever as fragrant as flowers."
But, the crown prince had completely no interest on the earthy things such as wealth and throne.
The only thing that he had interest on can be told with one sentence which what he often said to himself: “I will save the world!”
The crown prince spent all of his mind on practising, and during his practise there were two short stories spread widely.
The first story happened when he was seventeen.
During that year, Xian Le was holding a huge Lantern Festival Tour.
Although this traditional sacrifice had been left uncultivated for a few hundred years, we could still imagine from the ancient books and stories that what a great occasion it was.
Lantern festival, on Shen Wu Street.

IP属地:中国香港1楼2018-04-08 17:27回复

    IP属地:中国香港2楼2018-04-08 17:58

      来自Android客户端3楼2018-04-08 18:29

        来自Android客户端4楼2018-04-08 18:30

          IP属地:广西来自Android客户端5楼2018-04-08 18:57

            来自Android客户端6楼2018-04-08 20:41
              Lantern festival, on Shen Wu Street.
              On both sides of the street there were huge crowds of people, royal nobilities were talking and laughing on the towers, royal warriors were clearing the way in suits of armours, girls were waving their snow-white arms to spread petals all over the sky, hard to choose between the flowers and the girls which is more beautiful, melodious music came out from the golden coach, floated in the sky over the imperial city. At the end of the guard of honours, sixteen white horses in golden reins were pulling an exquisite stage.
              On the tall stage, was the Yue Shen (“god pleaser”) warrior which all eyes were fixed on.
              In the sacrifice tour, the Yue Shen Warrior would place a golden mask on his face, dress in fine clothes, hold a sword in his hand to play the role of the first god in the thousand years who subdues demons and monsters — the Shen Wu Emperor. It would be a supreme honour to be selected as the Yue Shen Warrior, so the criteria of selections was very strict. The one been selected at this year, was his royal highness the crown prince. All the people in Xian Yue believed that he will accomplish the most brilliant performance.
              But, on that day, an accident happened.
              When the guards of honour was doing the third round around the city, they passed by a rampart about thirty meters high.
              At that time, the ‘god’ was just about to kill the ‘demon' with one slash.
              This would be the most exciting scene, the people besides the street fevered, and the people on the rampart also stirred, they pushed each other and rushed to the fore to take a look.
              Then, a small kid fell off from the rampart. People were screaming incessantly. While the crowds thought the kid was going to spatter his blood onto Shen Wu Street, the crown prince looked up slightly, leaped up and caught him.
              The crowds could only saw a white figure went up like a flying bird, meanwhile the crown prince landed on the ground holding the kid. The golden mask fell off and the young and handsome face appeared behind the mask.
              At the next moment, everyone cheered.

              IP属地:中国香港7楼2018-04-08 21:18

                IP属地:中国香港8楼2018-04-08 21:20
                  还有一件事:仙乐我前面给打成“Xian Le”了,正确的应该是“Xian Yue”,实在抱歉。。

                  IP属地:中国香港9楼2018-04-08 21:23

                    来自Android客户端10楼2018-04-13 15:56

                      IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端11楼2018-04-13 17:12

                        IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端12楼2018-04-14 10:01

                          来自iPhone客户端13楼2018-04-14 10:02

                            来自Android客户端14楼2018-04-14 10:11

                              来自Android客户端15楼2018-04-14 10:12