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Historical Team – THREE KINGDOMS
Plenty of playtesting, bugfixing, and polishing going on at the moment as we enter the final stretch with THREE KINGDOMS, and it’s really starting to shine.
You may’ve noticed in our recent diplomacy video a few frames of the faction rank screen. Ranking plays an important role in your rise to ultimate power in ancient China, and directly informs how the end game begins to play out in Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.
As a warlord captures and expands settlements, or constructs special buildings in those settlements, they’ll gain prestige, which is what advances their faction rank. Each rank unlocks a new suite of bonuses affecting many aspects of the campaign game, such as improving the satisfaction levels of characters in your faction, increasing the amount of administrators, spies and armies you can employ, new diplomatic options, and more besides.
The top rank is, of course, emperor. Once you reach this level, you can proclaim yourself such, and your capital city becomes your seat of power. Up to three warlords can proclaim themselves emperor, however, so other warlords may beat you to it. However, emperorship can also be earned by capturing the capital of another emperor. As soon as you become emperor, any other self-proclaimed emperors you’re in an alliance with will cease to be your ally.
Moreover, as soon as three new emperors proclaim themselves, the existing child-emperor, Xian of the Han Empire, will abdicate his position. Xian is controlled by Dong Zhuo at the beginning of the game, and control of him – along with his loyal Han Empire as a vassal state – will pass to whoever captures Dong Zhuo’s capital city. Over the course of the campaign, and before three new emperors are proclaimed, control of Xian and vassalage of the Han Empire may well pass between multiple warlords, as they conquer the controlling Warlord’s capital.

IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端1楼2018-12-07 02:28回复
    For ultimate victory, however, only a single emperor can rule over China. If you’re in the end game and vying for supremacy with two others, you’ll need to capture their capitals, or perhaps subdue them into abdicating their emperorship by other means – a mighty show of military force may do it, for example. Or, if you’re lucky enough to command a loyal vassal who captures an emperor’s seat, he’ll pass the emperorship to you.
    There can be only one!
    If you’d like to know more about ranks and how to cement your position as emperor, take a look at our recent Rally Point stream here.
    THREE KINGDOMS – New Content Team
    There’s still work to be done on the early adopter bonus content, but while they finish up with Yellow Turban Rebellion, the 3K New Content Team has been beginning pre-production and planning on the next post-launch content packs. As with our previous titles, we’ll be aiming to support 3K with a variety of free-LC and DLC. With the Three Kingdoms period to play with, the team have got some really cool options on the table. Again, more on what they’re working on next year.

    IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端2楼2018-12-07 02:29
      下一段讲的我们最近放了很多外交视频 然后讲了讲这些
      派系等级很重要(公,爵,皇帝之类的) 升级之后就会有很多加成 将领满意度;行政官、间谍和军队数量增多以及更多的外交选项
      最高的等级 自然就是皇帝 你的首都也就是你的皇位。只有三位可以成为皇帝,然而其他军阀可能会来攻打你。(这个意思是游戏里最多只能三国鼎立 而不是说只有固定的哪个军阀可以称帝) 也可以通过占领其他皇帝的首都成为皇帝,如果一个同盟中有两个皇帝那他们就会撕毁条约

      IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端3楼2018-12-07 02:37
        当有三个军阀称帝的时候,献帝便会退位,才刚开始是被董卓控制的(我之前的帖子里说了)汉帝国则是董卓的附庸,只要谁占领了董卓首都长安 便可收汉帝国为附庸。 到最后只能有一个皇帝统领整个中国,你必须要占领他们的首都(其他两位皇帝)或者用其他方法让他们退位—比如说,展现你的军事实力或者 你忠诚的附庸会帮你占领他们的首都而且将帝权传授与你(如果你很幸运的话) (这些都在我之前翻译的rally point里讲了)

        IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端4楼2018-12-07 02:44
          那么呢 到了新内容团队 ( ̄∇ ̄)(DLC的老哥们)
          他们已经完成黄巾dlc然后还有些早鸟奖励的活没干完,他们已经开始筹划下一个发售后的内容包。 跟前面系列一样 会有免费额外内容和dlc。 这里说 当大家都可以玩三国的时候,团队已经有了一些很炫酷的选项的想法(关于三国还是其他的系列就不得而知) 这也是明年的事了

          IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端5楼2018-12-07 02:47

            IP属地:广西来自iPhone客户端6楼2018-12-07 02:51

              IP属地:黑龙江来自Android客户端7楼2018-12-07 05:11

                IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端8楼2018-12-07 06:09

                  来自iPhone客户端9楼2018-12-07 06:13

                    IP属地:福建10楼2018-12-07 08:14

                      IP属地:广东来自手机贴吧11楼2018-12-07 08:43

                        IP属地:河北来自Android客户端12楼2018-12-07 08:57

                          IP属地:广东来自Android客户端13楼2018-12-07 13:41

                            IP属地:四川来自Android客户端14楼2018-12-07 15:29

                              IP属地:广东15楼2018-12-07 15:30