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回复:口语练习积累1Galsang flowers only ha


Love is very special existence in our life. You can not be sure that he is the right person not only because he makes you feel excited but also give you smooth and steady feeling.
It is very difficult to meet a person as you that all of your constellations、blood and animals are match.Wonderful!Best wishes to you Kin.
If your Internet speed is not fast as before.Don’t follow the suggestion like to buy another router from the staff in China Telecom. The simple way is to reset the router.I have tried today and it worked by costing me only 2 mins but no 200 yuan to buy a new router.
D,enjoy your trip and T,wish you have a satisfied score in the final exam!

IP属地:湖北29楼2019-06-16 22:59
    Kin,Do you think it’s like a magic?Today it seems that we didn’t send new words to each other in picture form.Can I named it as a progress?Haha
    And about Catti,do you think when I suggested you to apply it,I was so excited.While we talked about such a serious test just like that we were talking skin care product.Isn’t it?So funny.
    Sometimes we can’t get scores of 100 then,we give up working hard.But how about 90, 80 even 60?Are those scores so shamed for us?No,I don’t think so.Those scores are better then 0 which comes from that you do nothing for your goal.
    I define trying one’s best not according to the result but whether you have tried all the methods you can find when the situation is not wonderful for you.Maybe after trying the score is not perfect but it is worth to be respected.It’s a honor in your life.
    Giving up is so easy,but insisting is also not difficult.That is all your choice which will make up your whole life.
    So happy to see that E had made a great progress.And also suggest cutes that if you want to improve your English systematically,you need to find a professional teacher to help you to make a suitable study plan and teach you then.

    IP属地:湖北30楼2019-06-17 22:41
      Morning time sometimes is so hard because you may lack of energy because you didn’t sleep well last night. Conversation is a supper great way to solve this problem.And it is so easy to open your mind and give you a good beginning of one day.
      Wish our Kin will pass the open reply in December successfully,and also all the students will have a great result in the final exams.
      Yesterday night an earthquake in level 6 happened in Yibin. I have to say our friends in Sichuan are very optimistic. There post the picture in friend circle and said OK happened again.
      When talking to so many gorgeous friends,I will have a misconception that I’m the same as them. But when I woke up I can find that I still have a lot to learn,learn from my friends who are practising oral English with me.
      Open reply

      IP属地:湖北31楼2019-06-18 22:24
        Is it necessary to practice our skill of drinking? There are a lot of situations which need us to drink.If you can’t ,maybe it is a little impolite.Does it?
        This morning we also talked about the traffic route which old ones can not match the need of new time.Because old streets are small and complex and they are not so easy to figure out.Even for native people,they are not familiar with the route of other side of the city.New time needs new route.
        Today we had a very interesting topic with D.
        If you find a fountain of youth,what will you do.I will drink it and sell it,haha like a businessman.
        D would drink it and shared it with her parents.
        J would drink it and he said then he had a choice to decide the time he dies.
        How about you cutes?

        IP属地:湖北32楼2019-06-19 22:22
          When talking about gender equal,I will become so excited.
          To complain this society is so easy and also so lazy action.
          Changing ourself is difficult.So we choose blame others,such as blaming the environment,the society,parents or partners.If we can focus on how to improve ourself only,life will be easier.
          I will try this way,how about you?oh,that is your won business,I can not decide anything for you.We take responsibility for ourself.Good luck,cutes and myself!
          I need to say thank you to C. Thank you for hearing my words which maybe not so optimistic.You are really like one of my little brother who is my anti’s son. When I talk with you I just feel very familiar haha. Thank you so much.And I know everything will be get better tomorrow.And what I need to do now is to enjoy this moment.

          IP属地:湖北33楼2019-06-20 22:14

            IP属地:广西来自iPhone客户端34楼2019-06-20 22:22
              There is a good way to solve the problem of your oil nose. When you feel the nose is oil,you need to notice that your skin of nose is lack of water.So at this moment,you can’t wash your face immediately,on the contrary,you need to give some water to your skin.Then skin and oil get balance and you will feel clean enough.Frequently washing face will destroy your protection of your skin.We need to pay attention to that.
              Who cooks for you in your family?Are you a feeder or not?Maybe that cook is your mom or dad.Do they often leave some food for you before they leave home?
              Our Kin just like a feeder in family.Every time she will cook all the dishes for family’s dinner even lunch in advance before she leaves for a party or meeting which will cost her whole day outside.
              That is also a kind of love and happiness in our life I guess.

              IP属地:湖北36楼2019-06-21 22:00
                How do you choose your pillows?How’s the pillows you sue now?Are there some traditional Chinese medicine in it,such as buckwheat husks ,semen cassiaes or even pecans?
                Do you prefer soft one or hard one?
                I really love soft pillows.
                Entertainment circle is a mass.
                I always here that. But how’s a normal person’s life? I think maybe it will be more excellent than the entertainment stories.
                Today talked some actors topics with D. I think this one is very interesting. If you were an actor ,will you accept a well pay role in a terrible movie?What do you think of it?
                buckwheat husk
                semen cassiae

                IP属地:湖北37楼2019-06-22 21:09
                  No matter how old a girl is ,if only she talks about handsome boys,she will become so excited. Who can imagine that I can talk about some idol series with a girl who is 8 years younger than me.It seems like that we share the same childhood.Have you ever experienced the golden age of Taiwan idol series? Maybe we also have some common memories.
                  Have you ever think about some adventures,like Bungee Jumping,gliding or through the rain forest?
                  D gives us a very important tip when you are in the rain forest of Africa.You have to wear trousers no pants,long sleeve but no short ones.Keep them in your mind and that will protect you from the crazy attack of mosquitoes.
                  Bungee Jumping

                  IP属地:湖北38楼2019-06-23 23:16
                    You can wait for a chance and before that,you need to prepare yourself well and when the chance comes you can catch it accurately. Patient and optimistic and also working hard,until the moment comes.
                    Our kin is an angel.As you said,there are thousands of ways to achieve our goals.We can find it,plan it,and then finish it.Thank you so much Kin.
                    I think we are so normal,we are totally ordinary people,but when we insist with some situations those are not ideal,we are not normal.Ordinary people become great.We need this process to change.
                    Have ever gone to a haunted house?
                    Are you afraid of it?
                    Or have ever had a risk in a real house which has some haunted stories?
                    Do you like the feeling including fear and excite? I love it so much.

                    IP属地:湖北39楼2019-06-24 22:18
                      A lot of cutes who practise oral English with me always take exercise regularly.Please accept my admiration.I started ab exercise again yesterday.Insistence of it is so hard.I hope one day I will see the clear firm ads on my body.Do you have any plan about it?
                      Graduation season has already come!
                      K had a ceremony of their own academy and tomorrow he would have their college’s big ceremony.Our cute girl didn’t attend the party tonight for coming to practise English with me.Although she told me that because she was so tired after staying at night yesterday.Thank you for coming on time.I really admire the people who can keep their words.Appreciate that!
                      Firm abs

                      IP属地:湖北40楼2019-06-25 22:22
                        To make comments and condemn some bad behaviour are so easy than to reflect and change.So people always choose the first response to a terrible social issue.Then go back to their normal life as nothing happened .Until the next big news come,they will take the invitation of medias to join in discussions,so the circle.
                        But I still believe that backwardness will become development,weak can become strong.
                        It’s really the first time to know that to own an air condition in Germany is such a difficult thing.The price of installment is higher then one air conditioner.That is not enough,if your can accept these two steps,then you also need to get the agreements from your neighbors. Our Xi,I hope your fans will be coming soon~
                        So the circle
                        语法重要吗?重要!不过在口练里可以稍微淡化一点哈,毕竟咱们这么日常,不用那么正式啦!放松一点,再放松一点,you know I’m your good friend~

                        IP属地:湖北41楼2019-06-26 22:56
                          口语积累 28
                          Imagine that you are a doctor and you have a patient now with a very serious disease who needs change his liver.And now ,lucky or not,the suitable liver appears,it’s yours. The patient ask you to donate your piece of liver of yours to him and think you definately need to do this sacrifice.
                          What do you think about this?
                          If you was this doctor,how do you think and choose?
                          Talk about decision,especially the college preference,I guess the choice kids make is not only theirs and also be represented by their whole family.Maybe our outsider regard it as not suitable ,but for this family it is the best choice they can make in this moment with all the information and experience they have.

                          college preference

                          IP属地:湖北42楼2019-06-27 22:21
                            Do you have any allergic problem?
                            If you are allergic to sunlight,how do you protect your skin of face?
                            Glasses and mask will be a good choice!Maybe you can have try.
                            And our boys,you should also take care of sun protection not only for your beauty but also for the health of your skin.
                            When I talked with R,I thought about the sentence from Jobs,stay hungry,stay foolish.We need to keep studying in our whole life. I wish you will have big progress in grammar learning.
                            It will be easy to fall asleep in the rainy night.Outside is so dark but the heart is so warm. I definitely couldn’t imagine that I can talk with 5 cutes everyday 4 months ago.Communicating with you guys has become a necessary activity everyday.And I’m also so happy that I can help a little for your oral English.haha Good night~

                            IP属地:湖北43楼2019-06-29 22:33
                              There is a very interesting psychological phenomenon,tallers want to be taller. I don’t know others,but for me,as a short height girl,I really don’t like to wear high-heeled shoes.But a lot of my friends who is tall like to wear them.Why?They are tall enough,why they still want to be taller?I’m not tall,why I stop thinking to become taller?I guess the reason is good searching better,and better searching best.
                              Today when I discussed with our cutes in the last 3mins of our practice,we have found a lot of ways to improve our oral English according to our individual reality.
                              That is very helpful for us and let us insist it together~
                              1. 如果想要口语练习更顺畅,可以提前准备话题,并且准备相关单词。
                              2. 背一些对话下来,然后刻意地在我们的练习中说出来,效果超好哦!

                              IP属地:湖北44楼2019-06-29 22:34