英语培训机构吧 关注:5,889贴子:98,150
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I was just about to take a bite of my mozzarella sticks我正准备咬一口芝士条
when my brother called me这时,我哥哥打来电话
to let me know he was out of his appointment early.他告诉我,他提早开完了会
Starving little me我饥肠辘辘
I decided it was a good idea to drive我想还是继续开车吧
and dip my sticks into the sauce就把奶酪棒蘸进了酱里
all the while watching my GPS,同时还一直看着GPS
so of course something dumb was bound to happen,可以预料,一定会有糟糕的事情发生
as it did.而它果然就发生了
I hit a curb on my way out我开车出去的时候撞到了一条围栏
and I guess it was bad我猜到情况有些严重
because I immediately felt the car weigh down我立刻赶到车子不堪重负
and give up,垮了下来
I was almost sure I had popped my tire我几乎可以确定,一定是轮胎扎破了
so I headed to the nearest entrance to take a look at it.于是走向最近的入口查看了一下
Low and behold,果然
yes my tire was very popped.我的轮胎爆了,情况很糟糕
I don't really know how to change a tire我实在不知道应该怎么换轮胎
and I was in a dress而且我还穿着连衣裙
since I hadn't been home after work,因为下班后我还没有回过家
but nonetheless无论如何
I started taking the things out from my trunk我把随身的东西从后备箱里拿了出来
and decided I'd call my brother决定给我哥哥打个电话
to walk me through it.帮我解决这件事
I had been there for at least 10 min我在原地呆了至少十分钟
trying to figure out what pieces were for what,努力分辨,那些碎片原本是在什么地方的
with people looking人们都过来张望
but no one offering to help.却没有人帮忙
Right before I got on the phone however,可是,就在我再次打通电话之前
this nice looking gentleman approached me,有一个仪表堂堂的绅士朝我走过来
in his mid 20's他看上去约莫二十四,五岁
and asked if I needed help.问我是否需要帮助
I was so relieved我如获大赦
and he could tell,他可以帮我
he immediately got down on his knees他很快躬下身来
and placed the jack underneath the car把自己的夹克衫铺到车子底下
when he realized I didn't have a wrench这时他发现我没有带扳手
(or whatever it's called)我不确定那种工具叫这个名字
to get the car up.没法让车抬起来
He got up fast,他很快爬起来
checked in his truck检查自己的后备箱
and realized he'd left it at home.意识到他把自己的工具忘在家里了
"I live literally 5 min down the street,“我住的地方就在这条街,走过去五分钟,真的”
I'll go get it and come back,“我回去拿工具,然后再回来”
I promise ."“我保证”
I thanked him我谢过他
and he was off.他走开了
I stood by my car patiently waiting,我站在车旁耐心等待着
another 10 min大约十分钟后
(still nobody else offered to help)在此期间还是没有人过来帮忙
and then I see his truck pulling in,我看到他的卡车在我身边停下
my heart was so happy!我的心多么雀跃啊
He got down他蹲下身
and immediately got to work on my tire,很快开始对付我的轮胎
he was fast他动作很快
and at the end最后
he helped me carry the tire to my trunk还帮我把换下来的轮胎放进了后备箱
not letting me dirty my hands.免得把我的手弄脏
He was so kind他实在太善良了
and the fact that he went so out of his way to help me was amazing,义无反顾费心费力的来帮助我,实在令人赞叹
I really appreciate it我无比感激

1楼2019-11-21 18:27回复

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          5楼2019-12-04 19:01