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1。I really like that the pizza scene in l.A. has grown to the place where it is."What does this sentence mean???
2。"I also like that you got to kind of create the experience ,as opposed to,here is a plate,and then you kind of move on."What do the two "kind of"mean here?"😂😂😂
3。And then,I go,"You shoulda called me."
Why it doesn't use the past form of "go", what about saying:then I went.Is it not native?
4。"It kinda got that kick in the end."Some people say "It's got a kick to it"What is the difference between got that kick and got a kick?And does "it's got" mean" it has got"?If so ,I Can just say" it got a kick",deleting "s",right?
5。像第三点说的,关于一些时态不对应的现象还有很多。比如对于got 的某些用法似乎永远只用过去式,如now I got to see it.
甚至有Do you got it?(你懂了吗)我推测是否这些词因为常用过去式,比如I got it(我懂了)以至于人们说习惯了就不管时态了。
6。还有一些我觉得画蛇添足的表达法,但却经常听到。比如The food here has been so great.口语中求简短 那么只说,the food is so great 不就可以了吗,为何要用have done的形式,它也没有强调对现在的影响啊,只是品尝之后单纯表达食物好吃而已。
再比如,我看到美国达人秀上或者b站up主在说今天我要做什么的时候都用的是将来进行时态I will be singing for you today. Today we are gonna be talking about it.等等。我觉得听到过很多次类似的情况,如you could be doing homework instead of playing games等等的,是否native speakers 更喜欢用be doing.

IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端1楼2020-02-14 17:38回复