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转贴:共有几条病狗? 感觉这题目没有那么简单..【逻辑推理吧】_百...


共有几条病狗? 感觉这题目没有那么简单..【逻辑推理吧】_百度贴吧


IP属地:江西1楼2020-09-20 23:01回复
    我知道半夜的星星会唱歌想家的夜晚它就这样和我一唱一和我知道午后的清风会唱歌童年的蝉声它总是跟风一唱一和当手中握住繁华心情却变得荒芜才发现世上一切都会变卦当青春剩下日记乌丝就要变成白发不变的只有那首歌在心中来回的唱啊~啊~夜夜想起妈妈的话闪闪的泪光 鲁冰花天上的星星不说话地上的娃娃想妈妈天上的眼睛眨呀眨妈妈的心啊鲁冰花家乡的茶园开满花妈妈的心肝在天涯夜夜想起妈妈的话闪闪的泪花 鲁冰花啊~啊~夜夜想起妈妈的话闪闪的泪光 鲁冰花

    IP属地:江西2楼2021-05-09 20:16

      IP属地:江西3楼2021-05-09 20:24
        网页链接 areas are almost completely covered in weeds__(cause) serious damage.
        网页链接 prices have risen by 32 percent,_(reach) a record $57.65 a barrel on April 4.
        3. The storm left,_(cause) a lot of damage to this area.
        4.(invite) him to speak, we’d better go to his lecture.
        5. The storybook__(belong) to me is very interesting.
        6. I found him(work) in the field yesterday.
        7.(live) in Beijing for years, he knows every place quite well.
        8.I like staying up late,__(watch) TV,surfing the Internet or doing something I'm fond of.
        9. Finally I refused to attend classes,__(shut) myself in my room for hours.
        10.__(realize) it was our last high school sports meeting, we decided to make it
        an unforgettable experience for all ofus.

        IP属地:江西来自Android客户端4楼2023-04-15 17:23
          网页链接 usually eat mooncakes which stand for a happy reunion on Mid-Autur Festival.

          IP属地:江西来自Android客户端5楼2023-04-15 17:24
            =People usually eat mooncakes__a happy reunion on Mid-Autumn Festival.
            网页链接 set out to look around for the people who were involved in this matter.
            =He set out to look around for the people_this matter.
            3. He found his son was surrounded by letters and papers.
            =He found his son_letters and papers.
            4. He felt a hand was touching his shoulder.
            =He felt a handhis shoulder.
            5. She could sense that a danger was approaching=She could sense a danger_
            6. The company sent me a brochure which contained all the information needed.=The company sent me a brochure_all the information needed.
            7. This is one of the experiments which are being carried out in the country.=This is one of the experiments_oin the country.
            8. The building which is being renovated is an ancient temple.= The building__is an ancient temple.

            IP属地:江西来自Android客户端6楼2023-04-15 17:25
              即学即练四:将下列并列句或复合句变成简单句。 I. As he smoked a cigarette, he entered the meetingg hall.
              , he entered the meeting hall.
              2. I work in a center for drug addicts and help others to stop taking drugs.= I work in a center for drug addicts.___to stop taking drugs.
              3. They went home happily as they talked and laughed.= They went home happily,_
              Earth Day approached, a lot of posters were put up in our school to call on us t take action for a greener earth.
              -,a lot of posters were put up in our school to call on us to
              take action for a greener earth.(with复合结构)
              I didn’t know the language here,I found it hard to communicate with the local people.
              =the language here, I found it hard to communicate with the local people.
              soon as I arrived in Beijing, I went on a long-distance bus to the Summer Palace -Onin Beijing, I went on a long-distance bus to the Summer Palc
              seed it.
              7. The government postponed the new proposal oeheonerne oppned it.(with
              vivid scenes were shown in his paintings, he achieved great success
              in his paintings, he achieved great success.(用““with+宾语+
              was influenced by his teacher and began to play the piano at the age of seven
              , he began to play the piano at the age of seven.

              IP属地:江西来自Android客户端7楼2023-04-15 17:27
                contain many apps that are designed for peopleincluding WeChat.
                =Cellphones contain many apps____,he had been trapped in the traffic he was late for school.
                ,he was late for school.
                devoted himself to community activities and was praised by the people around
                ,he was praised by the people around.

                IP属地:江西来自Android客户端8楼2023-04-15 17:27
                  I. As he smoked a cigarette, he entered the meetingg hall.
                  , he entered the meeting hall.
                  2. I work in a center for drug addicts and help others to stop taking drugs.= I work in a center for drug addicts.___to stop taking drugs.
                  3. They went home happily as they talked and laughed.= They went home happily,_
                  4As Earth Day approached, a lot of posters were put up in our school to call on us t take action for a greener earth.
                  -,a lot of posters were put up in our school to call on us to
                  take action for a greener earth.(with复合结构)
                  5As I didn’t know the language here,I found it hard to communicate with the local people.
                  =the language here, I found it hard to communicate with the local people.
                  5As soon as I arrived in Beijing, I went on a long-distance bus to the Summer Palace -Onin Beijing, I went on a long-distance bus to the Summer Palc
                  seed it.
                  7. The government postponed the new proposal oeheonerne oppned it.(with
                  8As scenes were shown in his paintings, he achieved great success
                  in his paintings, he achieved great success.(用““with+宾语+
                  9He was influenced by his teacher and began to play the piano at the age of seven
                  , he began to play the piano at the age of seven.

                  IP属地:江西来自Android客户端9楼2023-04-15 17:40
                    2. The Whites are going to have_
                    ()river is very long and it is about(一个两周的假期)next month.(30 米宽).代反

                    3.-Which lesson are you looking at?

                    (第 9 课).
                    (两百学生)in our school will go to the beach.
                    (我们儿子的9岁生日)last Sunday.1.
                    4. Our summer holiday is coming
                    5. We had a special party for
                    6. This is a big class, and(三分之二)of the students are girls.
                    7. In our city,(数)middle school students want to work as a teacher in the future.
                    ()of us has to writeud da(一个两百字的报告)everytwo weeks.
                    ()morning, class! Today we’ll learna new lesson. Please open your books at_(第5页).()doctor worked for_(再两个小时)after twelve o’clock.
                    11. Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in Literature_N19(在他五十几岁时).
                    12.About_大(五分之三的学生)in our class can describe that story in English.13. The accident happened(在二十世纪四十年代)and he was(在他三十多岁时)then .
                    ()he was five,he made(四条腿的桌子)by himself.15. There are a few_sco(百)different species of cats.
                    ()are_(数打;几十)such books here.17.(前三)paragraphs are very important.
                    ()is not rare_二十世纪九十年代)that people(在他们五十多岁时) are going to university for further education.
                    ()Yangtze River is almost(是……的两倍长)the Pearl River.
                    (了)are now living in America. And they come back to visit their parents_(每三个

                    IP属地:江西来自Android客户端17楼2023-08-27 10:40

                      IP属地:江西来自Android客户端18楼2023-12-05 16:53