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【转帖】关于Z. drummondii的杂交


偶然看到了几个关于Zephyranthes drummondii的杂交,转过来大家一起欣赏。
首先是纯种Zephyranthes drummondii镇楼。

IP属地:柬埔寨来自Android客户端1楼2021-05-09 20:49回复
    Z. 'Omelette'=Z. drummondii x Z. 'Persimmon Velvet'.
    作者是泰国人Pomme Home,
    黄色的是Zephyranthes 'Omelette'煎蛋卷,
    亲本之一是白色的Zephyranthes drummondii,
    橙色的是另一亲本Zephyranthes 'Persimmon Velvet'柿子丝绒?

    IP属地:柬埔寨来自Android客户端2楼2021-05-09 20:56
      Z. 'Papaya'=Z. drummondii x Z.'Pride of Singapore'.
      作者是泰国人Channarong Joejoe Thitayarak。
      Zephyranthes 'Papaya'番木瓜,这个颜色确实很像番木瓜的果肉颜色。
      亲本之一是白色的Zephyranthes drummondii,
      另一亲本是深红色的Zephyranthes 'Pride of Singapore'新加坡的骄傲。

      IP属地:柬埔寨来自Android客户端3楼2021-05-09 21:00
        Zephyranthes x lancastrae (Percy-Lancaster) J.C. David, Hanburyana 5: 39 (2011) is the accepthed name. Its a garden hybrid between Zephyranthes chlorosolen (Cooperia drummondii) and Zephyranthes grandiflora from the National Botanical Gardns at Lucknow, India.

        IP属地:柬埔寨来自Android客户端4楼2021-05-09 21:34
          Zephyranthes morrisclintii=Zephyranthes lindleyana×Zephyranthes drummondii,
          持有者为新西兰的Ina Crossley,
          Wade of Yuccado years ago sent me seed of Z. drummondii and Z. lindleyana. The Z. lindleyana had quite a few of these, in fact there were more of these than straight Z. lindleyana. I asked Wade who told me that it is what Z. drummondii and Z. lindleyana do, they get up to shenanigans when planted close to each other and produce Z. morrisclintii. Z. drummondii of course comes across pure.
          大概意思就是Wade给了她Zephyranthes lindleyana 和Zephyranthes drummondii的种子,Z. drummondii种子种出来都是纯种的,但是Z. lindleyana种出来多半都是杂交种,Wade说是两者种太接近,自然杂交了。

          IP属地:柬埔寨来自Android客户端5楼2021-05-09 21:46
            图一图二Z. morrisclintii.
            图三母本Z. lindleyana,
            图四父本Z. drummondii.

            IP属地:柬埔寨来自Android客户端6楼2021-05-09 21:48
              Z. drummondii和labufarosa的杂交品种,
              日本人Motomu Nagaoka和美国人John Ignacio都做过这个组合,后代半数开白花,半数开花带有浅粉色。

              IP属地:柬埔寨来自Android客户端7楼2021-05-09 21:55
                Zephyranthes drummondii×Z. citrina,
                作者还是日本横滨的Motomu Nagaoka,

                IP属地:柬埔寨来自Android客户端8楼2021-05-09 22:00
                  还是Zephyranthes morrisclintii=Zephyranthes lindleyana×Zephyranthes drummondii,
                  持有者为新西兰的Ina Crossley。

                  IP属地:柬埔寨来自Android客户端9楼2021-05-09 22:01
                    美国人John Ignacio播种的实生苗,窄瓣的,八瓣的,卷瓣的,垂瓣的,圆瓣的,大小不同的,据推测有纯的也有杂交的。
                    Judith Wark asks if it's useful to grow seed. I grew my first seed of zephyranthes (drummondii) after a visit from Scott Ogden. He saw one of mine in bloom and said it was the largest rainlily he'd ever seen. So I figured why not grow some more to put around the garden. I took no care in how they were pollinated and the moths and bees probably mixed it with our smaller native strain. Regardless, this is what came from that first seed pod.
                    Thin segments
                    Eight segments
                    Curly segments
                    Floppy spidery segments
                    Full round flowers
                    Various sizes.
                    The last shows the flower Scott commented on next to one of our native drummondii that I'm holding.
                    I have a lot more variants displaying even more range in the offspring.
                    This is just one cross, of just one species. Imagine what you can do if you try. Careful though, this seed pod led to an obsession.

                    IP属地:柬埔寨来自Android客户端10楼2021-05-09 22:08
                      亲本Z. drummondii,另一亲本未知。
                      作者ShutterPro Lee,似乎是住在台湾的泰国人?

                      IP属地:柬埔寨来自Android客户端11楼2021-05-09 22:17

                        IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端12楼2021-05-09 22:20
                          作者泰国人Pomme Home,
                          母本Z. 'Fadjar's Pink',
                          父本Z. drummondii。

                          IP属地:柬埔寨来自Android客户端13楼2021-05-09 22:23

                            IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端14楼2021-05-10 00:59