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【21-08-23】Study —著名左派学者齐泽克对塔利班胜利的解读


来自Android客户端1楼2021-08-23 11:06回复
    Can we imagine a return of the repressed in its proper form of collective emancipatory engagement? Indeed. Not only can we imagine it, it is already knocking on our doors with great force.
    Let’s just mention the global warming catastrophe – it calls for large-scale collective actions which will demand their own forms of martyrdom, sacrificing many pleasures we have got used to. If we really want to change our entire way of life, the individualist “care of the self” which focuses on our use of pleasures will have to be superseded. Expert science alone will not do the job – it will have to be a science rooted in the deepest collective engagement. THIS should be our answer to the Taliban.

    5楼2021-08-23 11:17

      6楼2021-08-23 14:19

        IP属地:上海来自Android客户端7楼2021-08-24 07:27