刺客信条2吧 关注:36,042贴子:335,553




IP属地:四川1楼2010-07-10 17:03回复
    Sequence 1. Ignorace is bliss     无知是福(指EZIO无忧无虑的少爷生活)
    Boys will be boys                爷们就该有爷们的霸气!
    You sholid see other guy          瞧病
    Sibling rivalry                  手足之争
    Nightcap                         夜半偷香
    Paperboy                         我是送信小二郎
    Beat a cheat                     叫你丫外遇
    Petruccio's Secret                Petruccio的鸟毛
    Friend of The Family             老朋友
    Specila delivery                 鸡毛信
    Jailbird                        探监
    Family Heirloom                  传家宝
    Last Man Standing                终极悍将

    IP属地:四川2楼2010-07-10 17:04
      Sequence 2 Escape plans            战略性逃跑(撤退)
      Fitting In                         融洽相处
      Ace Up My Sleeve                  E叔里有把剑,一走一过就杀人
      Judge Jury Executioner             一手遮天
      Laying low                        低调做人,高调做事
      Arrivederci                       再见了您啦

      IP属地:四川3楼2010-07-10 17:05
        Sequence3 Requiescat in pace      安息
        Roadside Assistance               路见不平,拔刀相助
        Casa Dolce Casa                  Ezio进大观园
        Practice Makes Perfect            熟能生巧
        What goes around                 仇恨环绕
        A change of plans                 计划改变

        IP属地:四川4楼2010-07-10 17:05
          Sequence4.The Pazzi Conspiracy       PAZZI的算盘
          Practice what you preach             学以致用
          Fox hunt                            猎狐
          See you there                       不见不散
          Novella's secret                    Novella内的密谋
          Wolves in sheep’s clothes           披着羊皮的狼
          Farewell Francesco                  永别啦Francesco

          IP属地:四川5楼2010-07-10 17:06
            Sequence6 Rocky road                路途多舛
            Road trip                           哈啦上路
            Romagna holiday                    罗马。。。。。。格纳假日
            Tutti a bordo                       全员上船

            IP属地:四川7楼2010-07-10 17:07
              Sequence7 The merchant of venice       威尼斯商人
              Benvenuto                            欢迎欢迎,热烈欢迎
              That’s gonna leave a mark            好大一巴掌
              Building blocks                       街区
              Break out                             越狱
              Clothes makes the man                 人靠衣装
              Cleaning house                        打扫干净“屋子”再请客
              Monkey see, monkey do                有样学样
              By leaps and bounds                   快马加鞭
              Everything must go                    大清理

              IP属地:四川8楼2010-07-10 17:08
                Sequence8 Necessity, mother of invention         需求是发明之母
                Bird of a feather                    一丘之貉
                If at first you don’t succeed           不成功,便成仁
                Nothing ventured, nothing gained      不入虎穴,焉得虎子
                Well begun is half done              好的开始是成功的一半
                Infriquent flier                     非典型性飞人

                IP属地:四川9楼2010-07-10 17:08
                  Sequence9 Carnevale                           狂欢节
                  Knowledge is power                 知识就是力量
                  Damsels in distress                  苦难中的人
                  Nun the wiser                      女智者
                  And they are off                     开跑!
                  CTF                              夺旗赛
                  Ribbon round up                    巧取丝巾
                  Cheaters never prosper               不义之财不易得
                  Having a blast                      看表演吧

                  IP属地:四川10楼2010-07-10 17:08
                    Sequence10 Force majeure                    不可抗力
                    An unpleasent tturn of event         转折点
                    Caged fighter                    笼中猛虎
                    Leave no man behind              一个都不能少
                    Assume the position               各就各位
                    Two birds, one blade               一箭双雕

                    IP属地:四川11楼2010-07-10 17:09
                      Sequence11 Alter egos                      知心朋友
                      All things come ti he wo waits      正如所料
                      Play along                      见机行事

                      IP属地:四川13楼2010-07-10 17:09
                        Sequence12 Forli under attack                Forli危机
                        A warm welcome                热情迎接
                        Bodyguard                     贴身保镖
                        Holding the fort                  坚守城堡
                        Godfather                      教父
                        Checcomate                     解决Checco朋友
                        Far from the tree                 苹果落地,离树不远

                        IP属地:四川14楼2010-07-10 17:10
                          Sequence13 Bonfire of the vantities            自负之火
                          Florentine fiasco                 佛罗伦萨的惨败
                          Still life                        静物
                          Climbing the ranks               越级刺杀
                          Upward mobility                 上进心
                          Last rites                       临终祷告
                          Port authority                    港务处
                          Surgical stike                    精准打击
                          Hitting the way                   痛扁
                          Arch nemesis                    天谴
                          Doomsday                       末日

                          IP属地:四川15楼2010-07-10 17:10
                            Power to the people               人权
                            Mob justice                      枪杆子里出政权

                            IP属地:四川16楼2010-07-10 17:10
                              Sequence13 Veni vedi vici                     我至,我见,我胜
                              X marks the spot                   地图全亮
                              In bocca al lupo                    祝君好运

                              IP属地:四川17楼2010-07-10 17:11