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IP属地:吉林来自Android客户端1楼2023-05-19 20:49回复
    A country consisting of an archipelago off the eastern coast of Asia. The islands' indigenous culture was largely supplanted after c. 600 bc by settlers from the mainland, who adopted an imperial system of government modeled on China's. After a long period (12th-19th century) of domination by a series of shoguns, feudalism was abolished on the restoration of the emperor Mutsuhito (1868) and the country was opened to trade with the West. Japan's industrialization and expansionism led to a series of wars, culminating in its defeat (1945) in World War II. After the war Japan's economy was rebuilt with American assistance, developing an industrial sector centered around automobiles and electronics. Tokyo is the capital and the largest city.
    Word History: In ad 670, during the early part of the Chinese Tang dynasty, Japanese scholars who had studied Chinese created a new name for their country using the Chinese phrase for "origin of the sun, sunrise," because Japan is located east of China. In the Chinese of the time (called Early Middle Chinese), the phrase was ŋit-pən'. To this the scholars added the Chinese word -kwək, "country," yielding a compound ŋit-pən'-kwək, "sun-origin-country, land of the rising sun." The consonant clusters in this word could not be pronounced in Old Japanese, and it became Nip-pon-koku or *Ni-pon-koku. The Modern Japanese names for Japan, Nippon and Nihon, come from the Old Japanese forms, minus the element meaning "country." Interestingly, the Chinese took to calling Japan by the name that the Japanese had invented, and the English name Japan ultimately derives from the Chinese version. In Mandarin Chinese, one of the descendants of Middle Chinese, the phrase evolved to Rìběnguó. Marco Polo records an early form of this as Chipangu, which he would have pronounced (chĭ-pän-go͞o) or (shĭ-pän-go͞o). The Chinese name was also borrowed into Malay as Japang, and in the 16th century, Portuguese traders borrowed the Malay name as Japão.

    IP属地:吉林来自Android客户端2楼2023-05-19 20:50
      The other languages of Europe probably adopted the name from the Portuguese. The first known use ofJapanin English dates from 1577, when it is spelledGiapan.

      IP属地:吉林来自Android客户端3楼2023-05-19 20:51
        文字史:公元670年,在中国唐朝早期,研究汉语的日本学者用“太阳的起源,日出之国”的中文短语为他们的国家创造了一个新的名字,因为日本位于中国东部。在当时的汉语(称为早期中古汉语)中,这个短语是ŋit-pŞn'。除此之外,学者们还添加了中文单词-kwŞk,即“国家”,产生了一个复合词ŋit-pŞn'-kwşk,“日出之国,旭日之地”。这个单词中的辅音群在古日语中无法发音,它变成了Nip-pon-koku或*Ni-pon-koku。日本的现代日语名称Nippon和Nihon来自古日语形式,减去了“国家”的意思。有趣的是,中国人开始用日本人发明的名字来称呼日本,而英文名称Japan最终来源于中文版本。在中古汉语后裔之一的普通话中,这个短语演变成了RìbŞnguó。马可·波罗将其早期形式记录为Chipangu,他会发音为(chĭ-pän-go \ o)或(shĭ-pän-go\ o。中文名称也被借用到马来语中作为Japang,在16世纪,葡萄牙商人借用马来语名称作为Japão。

        IP属地:吉林来自Android客户端4楼2023-05-19 20:55
          东亚的一个群岛的帝制国家,在日本海和太平洋之间延伸3200公里(2000英里),由北海道、本州岛、四国岛和九州岛以及3000多个较小的岛屿组成:1871年废除封建主义,随后工业化和领土扩张,特别是在第一次和第二次世界大战期间,当时东南亚大部分地区处于日本控制之下;1946年,根据新的民主宪法,皇帝的神性教条被废除;到20世纪80年代,快速的经济增长使日本成为远东地区工业化程度最高的国家。官方语言:日语。宗教:佛教和道教占多数。货币:日元。首都:东京。人口:127 253 075(2013年)。面积:369 660平方公里(142 726平方英里)。日语名称:Nippon或Nihon

          IP属地:吉林来自Android客户端6楼2023-05-19 20:58

            IP属地:天津来自Android客户端8楼2023-05-20 21:54

              IP属地:天津来自Android客户端9楼2023-05-20 21:54