葛吉夫吧 关注:364贴子:3,387
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A wealthy and well-known Englishwoman who presented herself at Gurdjieff’s table at the Café de la Paix, saying that she had been told that he knew “the secret of life.” She offers him 1000 pounds if he would reveal to her.
Gurdjieff leaves the table. He approaches a well-dressed prostitute who generally worked the sidewalk in front of the Café and requests the honor of buying her a drink. She returns with him to the table and, after buying her an expensive drink, he wagers with her that she cannot guess his identity or where he was from. The prostitute says, “Some part of Russia.” Gurdjieff tells her his Russia accent was merely part of his disguise and that he is not only not from Russia, he is not even from the planet Earth. He comes, he tells her, from a planet that is unknown to her and all other human beings. The planet, he says, is “Karatas.”
The prostitute says nothing. Gurdjieff goes into a long and verbose explanation of how the biggest problem for someone like himself was that he could not sustain himself on the food produced by the Earth and so had to have special food flown in daily from Karatas. Bored and thinking she is with a group of nuts, the prostitute gets up to leave but Gurdjieff buys her another drink. Asking if she would like to see some of his special food. Gurdjieff takes a few cherries from a paper bag. He says that while this food looks like it was grown on Earth, it is not so.
“Would you be so gracious and so kind,” Gurdjieff says, “as to do me the great honor of testing this superb fruit and telling me how it seems to you? What it resembles?”
The prostitute, saying nothing, takes the two cherries from Gurdjieff’s hand. She slowly eats them, putting the pits in a saucer.
“It seems to me that they are cherries,” she says sarcastically, holding out her hand.
Gurdjieff gives her some money and escorts her back to the sidewalk, thanking her for doing him such a great service.
Returning to the table, Gurdjieff smiles at the Englishwoman and says simply: “What you have seen is the secret of life.”
Giving him a look of disgust and calling him a charlatan, the Englshwoman leaves the table.
Gurdjief roars and returns to his writing.
The next day the Englishwoman returns to the Café and gives him a check for the agreed amount, thanking him for what he had done for her. She later becomes an ardent follower of his teaching.

IP属地:河北1楼2023-07-03 14:57回复