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GPS4 2023年版本 发布了哈


GPS4 2023年版本 发布了哈
我本人也好久没有玩GPS4了 这款游戏陪伴着我的童年
主要喜欢用来发展经济 不喜欢打仗哈
2023 Edition Official DetailsHey guys, here's a list of changes coming in the 2023 Edition. This list will expand next week.
Military Changes:
-Dragon's Teeth; Forts/Barriers
-Troop morale which has an effect on combat and can risk desertions
-Moving troops with stealth
-Partial Mobilization
-Private Military Companies
-Hypersonic Missiles
-International Military Bases
-Training/Equipment Budget and Management
-Ukraine Counteroffensive Scenario
Immigration Changes:
-Immigration is broken into detailed analysis of why they're immigrants (Family, Work, Illegal, Student, etc).
-Migration Policy can be affected by the following: Jus Solis (Birthright Citizenship/14th Amendment), Family Unification, Naturalization, Regularization, Detention Centers and Border walls, Detention of Migrant Caravans, Deportation, Schengen Area
-Migration Engine has been completely reworked
-Instead of a total ban on all Immigration/Emigration, you can choose certain nations to ban immigration/emigration to/from, and decide who to issue Visas to.
-Naturalization and Regularization Policy have been split into two separate laws.
the sale, purchase and annexation of territory in order to acquire or cede territory
peacefully with a popular referendum. Scenarios on the acquisition and annexation of
Greenland (as either a major world power or a Nordic country) allow you to carry out thesechanges in sovereignty.
• the judicial system and determining the severity of sentences -, various regulations on
control measures (facial recognition, social credit), legislation on the youth of the country
(age of criminal responsibility, sexual consent, corporal punishment) along with the
scenario on reducing crime.
• children's rights, defended primarily by the representative from UNICEF, in order to
improve their living conditions and to participate in the eradication of child labor and
• various societal laws such as surrogacy, the status of transgender persons, the level of
smoking restrictions in public spaces, regulation of religious garb, the fight against
unreported employment and modern slavery...
Various Other Additions
• the interest rates of the European Central Bank
• fixing severance pay, the option of realistic construction times
• the option of realistic construction times
• the Australian Senate
• mega wind and solar farms
• a scenario to establish over 100 democracies in the world
• various improvements to the God’n’Spy mod (joining an organization, accelerated
production of military equipment, details on the combativeness of soldiers)...
• new achievements
Data Updated to 01/01/2023
• Budgetary, economic and social data...
• Political and geopolitical data: new governments, creation of new parliaments, diplomatic
relations between countries ...
• Environmental data, including countries' objectives in terms of CO2 emissions reduction
and carbon neutrality
• Detailed military data for all the countries of the world, including their artillery, the presence
of paramilitary groups, maps of current conflicts with current city battles and the status of
opposing forces.
• Terrorist organizations: members, prospects, resources.
• New characters with new faces: heads of state or government (Italy, United Kingdom,
Australia, Sweden, Ireland, Israel) and new ministers and party leaders (France, Germany,
Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, Spain, Russia)
官网的话 见2L

IP属地:美国1楼2023-07-06 06:45回复
    更新内容:更新 新了一个更新,以及付款渠道

    IP属地:湖南2楼2023-07-06 16:25

      IP属地:河北来自Android客户端4楼2023-07-08 20:39

        IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端5楼2023-07-09 19:23
          简单看了下翻译,还是原来引擎,跟2022改变一样,新加点东西而已,我想要j20 055咱出个mod能自己加模型也行啊。

          IP属地:辽宁来自iPhone客户端6楼2023-07-11 18:08

            IP属地:河南来自Android客户端7楼2023-07-12 17:13

              IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端8楼2023-07-15 19:54

                IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端9楼2023-07-24 11:17