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好家伙 三人互撕了两天 使用DeepL翻译

IP属地:中国台湾来自Android客户端1楼2023-11-22 13:01回复
    让我们开始在游戏内的 "所有 "玩家语音频道上交流,当已知的作弊玩家出现在我们当前所在的游戏中时,在右上角的 "玩家被杀 "通知区域中发现他们的那一刻,或者出现在任何人的队伍中时,让大家互相知道,并同时退出游戏,让作弊者/黑客与机器人单独待在那里......每次他们加入游戏时都要重复这一点。反正有他们在的游戏也玩不了。那为什么不一开始就退出游戏呢?为什么要让他们有机会享受他们选择做的事情,却毁了我们其他人的好游戏?他们毁了我们的游戏。让我们以牙还牙,毁了他们的游戏。
    如果您在自己的队伍或游戏中看到下面链接的列表和视频中的玩家,只需在 "ALL "频道通知其他人,然后立即退出游戏,让作弊者和机器人单独待在那里。最终,当没有人愿意和他们一起玩时,他们就会停止作弊。
    这些视频也已通过电子邮件发送至,因为自 2019 年我发现 ROE 以来,我就一直在这么做,并且多年来封禁了许许多多的作弊者。
    我们会定期录制新作弊者的视频并通过电子邮件发送给 ROE 支持人员。

    IP属地:中国台湾来自Android客户端3楼2023-11-22 13:03
      blacksheep:First of all, please stop doing that. The servers will be closed in a few days anyway, so don't give a shit who cheats and who doesn't. Cheaters don't have balls, that's all.
      And apart from that, your list is not to be taken seriously. Because if you know the game and the mechanics and how to handle/use weapons, you'll be called a cheater more often than not. And that's exactly what you're doing to several players here. Just because you don't have a clue doesn't mean they're all cheaters. And yes, I've watched your pointless videos on this and I can't see any cheats on many, just fucking good gameplay. 😉

      IP属地:中国台湾来自Android客户端4楼2023-11-22 13:06

        IP属地:中国台湾来自Android客户端5楼2023-11-22 13:07
          Amphii无限法则官方频道管理员:Why do you post most of these clips man? do you want yourself to look bad? holy shit0

          IP属地:中国台湾来自Android客户端7楼2023-11-22 13:08
            Amphii:DUT_DoNo sus AF
            --susu-- bad clips doesnt show anything
            WINB1314520 - bad clips
            -CyBear- - skill diff
            - doesnt show anything but you dead. second clip you see him in the fucking window.
            SundreasS - no aimbot, you have lvl 1 gear and whiff all ur shots. he has AK which penetrates and does 2x the damage 55.6 does in this game (which you dont know obviosuly) and you got fuckt. He had plenty of time to seat swap and line you up. skill diff
            Travis1337 - skill diff your armour is damaged, you give away your position by shooting + they play on Low settings you dont, he see more then you do.
            second clip you grapple, jump and die - skill diff.
            xujunhao2020 - definitely WH
            FiLoReaL_XL - skil diff, you grapple in one direction.
            yindushenyou00 - could be audio, could be TPP, could be sus bad clip.
            -.AmFuShlnA.- / AmFuShLnA-01 confirmed cheater no doubt.
            DUT_DoNo sus AF
            WINB1314520 - 坏片段
            -CyBear- - 技能差异
            网页链接 - 没有显示任何东西,但你死了。第二个片段,你看到他在***窗口。
            SundreasS - 没有瞄准器,你只有 1 级装备,而且你的所有射击都失误了。他有 AK,可以穿透并造成 2 倍于本游戏中 55.6 的伤害(显然你不知道这一点),而你却什么都没打到。他有足够的时间交换位置并将你排成一排。
            Travis1337 - 技能差异 你的装甲受损,你的射击暴露了你的位置 + 他们使用低设置游戏,而你没有,他看到的比你多。
            第二个片段,你抓取、跳跃并死亡 - 技能差异。
            xujunhao2020 - 绝对是 WH
            FiLoReaL_XL - 技能不同,你向一个方向抓取。
            yindushenyou00 - 可能是音频问题,可能是 TPP 问题,也可能是剪辑有问题。
            -AmFuShlnA.- / AmFuShlnA-01 毫无疑问是骗子。

            IP属地:中国台湾来自Android客户端9楼2023-11-22 13:10
              本次主题创始者despomicres回复Amphii:cba going through the rest. get good, learn the game. <@1162823828527910963> your going to run into a few cheaters but half of these clips are not valid proof. and Only show that you are a singleplayer kind of guy
              你会遇到一些骗子,但这些片段有一半都不是有效的证据。<@1162823828527910963> 你会遇到一些骗子,但这些片段中有一半都不是有效证据。

              IP属地:中国台湾来自Android客户端10楼2023-11-22 13:13
                Blacksheep:You really don't get tired of explaining everything over and over again. Respect 👍
                你真是不厌其烦地反复解释。 👍(Amphii)

                IP属地:中国台湾来自Android客户端11楼2023-11-22 13:15
                  Amphii: I've never experienced more delusional and handicapped minded players then in RoE.

                  IP属地:中国台湾来自Android客户端12楼2023-11-22 13:16
                    D:despomicres 本次讨论分区的创建者 B:Blacksheep 吃瓜加入到战斗中的冒险者 A:Amphii 无限法则官方diacord频道权限
                    B:You are absolutely right. Not even in the good old CS:Source time there was that.

                    IP属地:中国台湾来自Android客户端13楼2023-11-22 13:19
                      N(路人):--susu-- is cheating, aimbot and evereything.
                      also WINB....fuck his nickname anyway, cheating also
                      A:most likly, but not in those clips.

                      IP属地:中国台湾来自Android客户端14楼2023-11-22 13:21
                        N:视频链发出会被删除 懒得放出 where is no recoil ? personaly, the only thing i can see is, you are a NA player who play in EU, and hiding behind a stairs with TPP views during this video. EU FPP players are probably the most powerfull players of RoE. playing FPP = better aim, better strafe & recoil control, better reflex and better move.
                        哪里没有后坐力? 个人认为,我唯一能看到的是,你是一个在欧盟玩的 NA 玩家,并且在这段视频中躲在有 TPP 视角的楼梯后面。玩 FPP = 更好的瞄准、更好的扫射和后坐力控制、更好的反应和更好的移动。

                        IP属地:中国台湾来自Android客户端15楼2023-11-22 15:06
                          N:hiding in the same place is one of the most mistake from a beginner in Batlle Royale games
                          "cba going through the rest. get good, learn the game." "learn the game", you should learn also

                          IP属地:中国台湾来自Android客户端16楼2023-11-22 15:08
                            WCD_Thor(这人大佬 北美服我记得之前应该是几十万的分数还是几万分 全是人机 开挂想熬上去都很费劲 我当时没截图我印象中前几名分数巨高 要用时间熬的 一堆人机加分也不是很多 起码应该是有10万以上的分数 现在不知道为什么无限法则给那分数改成了2000多分):If you've been playing since 2019 how do you not know that all chat is limited by distance? Announcing why you are leaving on all chat will do nothing if people aren't within less than 50 meters of you.
                            The game is dead and cheaters don't care about the kind of fun non-cheaters care about. People leaving likely won't have any effect on them. As anyone who is still cheating in this game has a mindset so different from us they may as well be aliens.
                            如果你从 2019 年就开始玩,怎么会不知道所有聊天都有距离限制?如果人们距离你不超过 50 米,那么在所有聊天工具上宣布你离开的原因将毫无用处。

                            IP属地:中国台湾来自Android客户端17楼2023-11-22 15:12
                              D:what sence would the 50m limit on the ALL channel make? its called the ALL players channel, meaning of the word ALL is ALL, not 50M radius ALL. where did you get the 50M limit from btw? any material /reference to support your claim? i'LL ask again, what sense or purpose would the 50m limit make on the ALL channel?
                              我再问一遍,50 米的限制对 ALL 频道有什么意义或作用?

                              IP属地:中国台湾来自Android客户端18楼2023-11-22 15:13