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IP属地:河南1楼2024-03-08 15:15回复
    Towards the end of the 41st Millennium, thegalaxy was all but split in half by the Great Rift. To the Aeldari it was knownas the Dathedian, and as a highly psychically attuned race, the aethericphenomena that accompanied it affected them most of all.
    在第41个千年即将结束时,银河系几乎被大裂缝一分为二。对于艾达灵族来说,它被称为the Dathedian,作为一个高度灵能化(发达)的种族,伴随它的以太(灵能)现象对他们的影响最大。

    IP属地:河南2楼2024-03-08 15:22
      The Cicatrix Maledictum, that great tear acrossthe fabric of time and space, has further divided the fractious Aeldari race.After the coming of that celestial cataclysm, the Aeldari craftworlds sent outpsychic communiques, reaching out to one another across the void. Two of theworld-ships did not respond, their spiritual traces dwindling with everypassing hour. Some amongst the Spiritseers of the Asuryani believe their soulshave empowered Ynnead, and that the craftworlders will never be seen again.
      To an empire as large as the Imperium, thiswould have been considered acceptable losses, for Mankind’s realm contains amillion worlds and more. For the Asuryani it was a cost so high it wrenched atthe heart. Perhaps one day the lost craftworlds would return, just as Altansarwas drawn from the gullet of the warp by the odyssey of the Phoenix Lord MauganRa. But for now, they were gone.
      Far from uniting the survivors against thetide of Chaos spilling into the galaxy, that great loss fomented discord, andthe rift between the factions of the Aeldari grew all the wider. Simplegeography was itself a contributing factor, for the craftworlds were too farscattered across the galaxy to easily unite, and even the Aeldari paths throughthe webway – that maze of metaphysical pathways that spanned the intersticebetween realspace and the warp – were now battered and torn at by the ragingfury of the empyrean. Though the Harlequins continued to walk that strange un- realmat will and do what they could to unite the Asuryani and Commorrite Drukhari inpurpose, the resentment and isolationism that had long characterised thefractured Aeldari race worsened.

      IP属地:河南3楼2024-03-08 15:43
        Always the Asuryani had possessed suchpowers and employed them in battle, yet now they manifested in a heightened anddoubly lethal form. Everywhere potential turned to talent, talent to mastery,mastery to supernatural prowess. The stage was set for the sacred phoenix ofthe Aeldari race to rise once more.
        阿苏焉之子一直拥有这样的力量,并在战斗中运用它们,但现在它们以一种高度增强的、城北致命的形式显现出来。 到处都是潜力转化为天赋,天赋转化为精通,精通又转化为灵能之力。 艾达灵族的神圣凤凰再次崛起的舞台已经搭建好了。
        后面复读色孽屠杀灵族万神殿,这本战役书里取得是只有笑神算活了下来,凯恩被色孽撕成碎片,其他神被吞噬,然后复读7E的死亡舞会Death Masque战役书内容,这里不复读,可以去网上搜这个已经有翻译了。

        IP属地:河南5楼2024-03-08 16:06
          The ripples of causality, confusion anddesperate hope that spread throughout Aeldari societycaused waves of rawemotion to be reflected in the Realm of Chaos. Slaanesh, attuned like no otherto the echoesof the Aeldari soul, peeredthrough hoodedeyes at the shiftingdestiny of that ancient race, and began to plan anew…
          因果关系、混乱和绝望希望的涟漪在艾达灵族社会中蔓延,引发了原始情感的浪潮,反映在混沌领域。 色孽对艾达灵族灵魂的回声有着独一无二的共鸣,透过遮盖的眼睛凝视着这个古老种族不断变化的命运,并开始重新计划……

          IP属地:河南6楼2024-03-08 16:09
            Though all the Aeldari loathed and fearedSlaanesh, the god they knew as She Who Thirsts had a deep spiritual connectionwith the Aeldari, and it longed for their souls upon their death. So it wasthat the rise of the Ynnari did not escape Slaanesh’s notice. The God of the Deadthey worshipped, and the lack of vitality it represented, was anathema toSlaanesh. Here was a newly rising, morbid god that could steal the delicioussoul-fodder of the Aeldari from Slaanesh once and for all.
            This potential had already been provenbeyond a doubt upon Biel- Tan, where the daemonic invasion and subsequentshattering of the Infinity Circuit had not yielded the feast of sweetmeats Slaanesh had hoped for, but a dry, dusty feeling of absence. Instead of empoweringthe Dark Prince, all that bountiful soul energy had been given form as theYncarne, Avatar of the Whispering God. Upon the crone world of Belial IV, that same morbid entity had banished a coven of Keepers of Secrets with an ancient Cronesword. Even the high priestess of this slumbering god had committedsoul-theft, a crime that no true god could endure. Yvraine had become a walking mausoleum, harbouring hundreds of those spirits Slaanesh craved so deeply. The Dark Prince desired to devour her and the Yncarne more than any other prey.
            这种潜力已经在比尔坦得到了毫无疑问的证明,在那里,恶魔的入侵和随后无限回路的粉碎并没有带来色孽所希望的饕餮盛宴,而是一种干燥、尘土飞扬的空虚感。所有充足的灵魂能量并没有赋予黑暗王子力量,而是被赋予了因卡恩,低语之神的化身。在 Belial IV 的老妪世界上,同样的死神化身用一把古老的老妪之剑驱逐了一个守密者。就连这位沉睡之神的高阶女祭司也犯下了盗魂罪,这是任何真神都无法忍受的罪行。 伊弗蕾妮已经成为一座行走的陵墓,栖息着数百个色孽深深渴望的灵魂。黑暗王子比任何其他猎物都更想吞噬她和因卡恩。

            IP属地:河南7楼2024-03-08 16:31

              IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端8楼2024-03-08 16:39
                There was opportunity for Slaanesh in the twisting tides of fate. Many Asuryani – and even self-serving Drukhari – had converted to the cause of Ynnead. In embracing Ynnead, they were casting aside the shields of self-denial that had served them so well for so long.
                在命运的曲折浪潮中,色孽找到了机会。 许多阿苏焉之子——甚至是自私自利的黑暗灵族——已经皈依了伊尼德的事业。 在拥抱伊尼德的过程中,他们抛弃了长期以来一直为他们服务的自我保护的盾牌。
                It was true that should every one of theAeldari give themselves to Ynnead, the Whispering God would awaken, and Slaanesh’s power be broken. But should Yvraine and the Yncarne be hunted downand slain, Ynnead’s tenuous existence would fade into allegory. The Aeldari thathad stepped away from their precious paths would not reach the afterlife ofYnnead at all upon their deaths –but instead topple from their tightropes of self-discipline to plummet into the waiting maw of Slaanesh.
                确实,如果每一位艾达灵族都将自己奉献给伊尼德,低语之神就会苏醒,色孽的力量就会被粉碎。 但如果伊弗蕾妮和因卡恩被追捕并杀死,伊尼德脆弱的存在就会变成寓言。 偏离了宝贵道路的灵族在死后根本无法到达伊尼德的来世,而是从自律的钢丝上跌落,坠入等待着的色孽之喉。

                IP属地:河南9楼2024-03-08 16:47
                  There was one creature in Slaanesh’s employ that specialisedin the killing of demigods and avatars. That being was Shalaxi Helbane, the Monarch of the Hunt. Banished from living memorysome six hundred years ago by the Daemon hunters of the Grey Knights, Shalaxi had languished for centuries in the vast and sprawling Palace of Punishments. Now, with the atonement for that past failure at an end, it was time for the Greater Daemon to rise once more, enter realspace and slay the prophets of Ynnead. In doing so, Helbane would earn the favour of the Dark Prince once more.
                  色孽使用了一种造物,专门杀死半神和化身。 那个造物就是夏拉西·魔灾,狩猎君主。 大约六百年前,夏拉西被灰骑士的恶魔猎手从人们的记忆中驱逐,在庞大的惩罚宫殿中煎熬了几个世纪。 现在,随着对过去失败的赎罪结束,夏拉西将再次崛起,进入现实空间并杀死伊尼德的先知们的时候到了。如此,魔灾将再次赢得黑暗王子的青睐。
                  After gathering many old allies – amongst them the vengeful symbiote Syll’Esske and a coterie of Slaaneshi Heralds – Helbane entered the webway,three dozen Fiends trilling in delirious joy behind the war party. The hunt wason. With Shalaxi’s synaesthetic ability to blend a supernatural array ofsenses, Yvraine’s soul-trail was soon picked out. Shalaxi’s loping strideaccelerated into a headlong sprint – one that did not slow over time, nor haltfor rest, for when the will of their patron is behind them, Daemons do nottire. Dark dreams began to haunt Yvraine’s nights.
                  在召集了许多老盟友之后——其中包括复仇的共生体希尔·伊斯科和一小群色孽先驱——魔灾进入了网道,三打恶魔在部队后面疯狂地欢呼着。 狩猎开始了。 凭借夏拉西融合超自然感官的感知能力,夏拉西的灵魂轨迹很快就被识别出来。 夏拉西从大步向前,变成了全速冲刺——这种冲刺并没有随着时间的推移而减慢,也没有停下来休息,因为当他们的守护者的意志操控他们时,恶魔就不会疲倦。 黑暗的梦境开始困扰伊弗蕾妮的夜晚。
                  It was upon the dead world of Threccia thatHelbane launched its first vicious attempt upon the Aeldari prophet’s life.Yvraine was travelling in the company of a warhost of Biel-Tan, braving a dashalong a chain of webway gates that leapfrogged in quick succession across theexecuted planets of the Cursoai Reach.
                  Helbane’s ambush struck with blisteringspeed, just as the Aeldari host was exiting one such wraithbone portal into a rockyvalley of lifeless dust and wind-scoured statues.
                  Two spearheads of Slaaneshi Daemons sweptdown from the high passes above the valley, one encircling the rear of the Biel-Tanwhile the other swept around to their fore. Seeker Chariots rattled headlong intothe Asuryani, their assault so swift that even the whip-quick craftworlders couldnot respond in time. Blood and spinning limbs flew as the sleek war enginesdrove deep into the Biel-Tan formation.
                  The narrow webway routes the Asuryani followed had prevented them from fielding grav-transports. They were thusforced to cut their way out of the ambush on foot. To these faithful Ynnari,Yvraine’s life was paramount; as Helbane cut an unstoppable red path towards theprophet, the host’s Farseer divided his forces. Screaming their dirgesong, aspearhead of Howling Banshees joined Yvraine in performing a dance of lashing bladesthat slit a neat hole in the daemonic ranks and allowed them to dash up thevalley towards the next webway portal. At the same time, the main strength ofthe Biel-Tan host hurled themselves at the Slaaneshi Daemons. It was a suicidalattack, and Helbane ripped its way through the Aeldari at a ferocious rate. Yettheir very deaths empowered Yvraine even as they proved the devotion of theYnnari to their cause. Lent impossible speed by the dead souls flowing into hermortal vessel, Yvraine outstripped even the Slaaneshi Daemons, escaping intothe webway and leaving Helbane raging in her wake. It had been a desperatelynear thing, but the prophet of Ynnead had escaped her hunter, at least for now.Helbane would not be denied forever, however.
                  阿苏焉之子来时的狭窄网道路线阻碍了他们进行重型运输。他们因此被迫徒步逃离埋伏。 对于这些忠实的死神军来说,伊弗蕾妮的生命至关重要。当魔灾开辟出一条势不可挡的猩红道路朝先知前进时,死神军的先知将他的部队分开了。嚎叫女妖的先锋高喊着挽歌,与伊弗蕾妮一起表演了一场鞭笞之舞,在恶魔队伍中撕开一道口子,让他们能够冲上山谷,冲向下一个网道入口。与此同时,比尔坦大军的主力也向色孽恶魔发起攻击。这是一次自杀式的攻击,魔灾以凶猛的速度在艾达灵族中杀出一条血路。然而,他们的死亡赋予了伊弗蕾妮力量,他们以此证明了死神军对他们事业的奉献。死去的灵魂涌入她的凡人容器,伊弗蕾妮以难以置信的速度,甚至超越了色孽恶魔,逃进了网道,留下魔灾在她身后狂怒。这是一件非常接近的猎杀,但伊尼德的先知已经逃脱了她的追捕,至少现在是这样。然而,魔灾不会永远被躲藏。

                  IP属地:河南10楼2024-03-08 17:22
                    Deep in theHalo Stars, Craftworld Yme-Loc matchesits super-heavy Engines of Vaul againstthe Daemon Engine factories of WarpsmithUr-Shellax.
                    在光环群星的深处,方舟世界Yme-Loc 使用超重型的瓦尔引擎与扭曲铁匠乌尔-谢拉克斯的恶魔引擎工厂进行了对抗。
                    Iybraesil’s matriarchy sends a strike force of tenHowling Banshee shrines into the Eye of Terror, their mission to track downJain Zar and remind her that her true duty lies with her Asuryani disciples,rather than the emergent Ynnari cult. None return unchanged by the experience.
                    Craftworld Il-Kaithe, its Bonesingersdispatched enmasse to the war against Waaagh! Zagblasta, falls to a strangeailment. Thelight of a Chaos-tainted star slowly denatures the world-ship’swraithbone,causing strange coral-like growths to erupt along its length. Withso few Bonesingersto tend it, the craftworld sickens. Its people are beset by amadness that seesthem plunge into a series of near-suicidal engagements.
                    方舟世界 Il-Kaithe,其吟骨者们被大量派遣去对抗 Waaagh!Zagblasta患上了一种奇怪的疾病。一颗被混沌污染的恒星发出的光芒慢慢地使方舟世界的幽灵骨架畸变,导致奇怪的珊瑚状生长物沿着骨架繁殖增加。由于管理它的吟骨者如此之少,方舟世界变得令人厌恶。它的人民被一种疯狂所困扰,他们陷入了一系列近乎自杀的活动中。
                    The Autarchs of Lugganath, appalled by theopportunisticDrukhariraids erupting inthewakeof the Chaos-ledPiscinaMassacres,launch aretributive strikeon behalfof theirformer Imperial allies.Anescalatingwar ragesbetweencraftworlder and Commorrite evenas theChaosfleetreturns to deliver thekillingblow.
                    An assassination by the Wild Riders ofSaim-Hannaimed at preventing a Chaos cult takingover the world of Vigilus seesthem comeunder fire from Imperial forces unaware of their truemotives. TheAsuryani’srevenge is bloodyand swift.Only by sacrificingthe rulingcouncil toblame for thestrike do the Imperial war leaders avoid outright war.
                    Craftworld Altansar fights alongsideImperialforces in defence of Sangua Terra, taking its fleet to battle againstthe PlanetKiller’s armada even as it emerges from the Great Rift.

                    IP属地:河南12楼2024-03-08 17:57

                      IP属地:河南13楼2024-03-08 17:58

                        IP属地:河南14楼2024-03-09 10:12

                          IP属地:河南15楼2024-03-09 11:09

                            IP属地:河南16楼2024-03-09 12:11

                              IP属地:河南来自Android客户端17楼2024-03-09 12:51